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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. I am just starting out.I have 4gpm@about 3800. with a max of 4000. I also recently purchased a 0040 tipwith a 36inch extension. I did a screened pool area.I was able to get pretty close to the cage in most areas except directly over the pool. I had major difficulties getting the green off the high spots unless I was able to get the the tip A 25 , 15, 0040 really close to the cage. It seems that the 0040 tip really didnt have cleaning ability.It worked ok for rinse .The other worked just ok. I was using sodium Hypo 10.5% by itself.( i figured This would be safe being the run off goes in pool, Am I correct in thinking this?) The home owner was happy but i felt it could have looked better .Any help on getting the high spots on a screened cage would be great.Am I doing this right? Feel free to give me your opinion on cleaning these cages even if completly different from what I am doing.To any one that helps Thank you so much.
