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About dualjetter

  • Rank
    TGS Newbie
  • Birthday 04/23/1961

Profile Information

  • Company Name
    Brown's Pressure Washing Service
  • First & Last Name
    Neil Brown
  • City & State
    Gainesville, FL
  • Occupation
    Burned Out Software Engineer
  1. Wildlife Camera Image???

    Appears to be a very invisible ghost. I can't see any difference between pictures. I assume the camera is motion sensitive. Do you recall?
  2. Homemade Downstreaming/X-Jet

    OllieOhNine, I suspect you'll never read this since you were so well received on your last visit. I would like to remind everyone sitting in front of their computer loaded with MicroSoft operating system, that it was a college kid, Bill Gates, that decided to "reinvent the wheel". Is it necessary to also remind you Bill Gates is a Billionare, and started MicroSoft in a garage because he wanted to do it his way? OllieOhNine, you build every part of your business out of toothpicks, cheap hardware parts, and Radio Shack transistors if it works better, and please come back often to tell us of your successes, cause you've got a career full of 'em. Board full of professionals. Yep. Best Wishes, Mr. Brown
  3. How Can THIS Be Good For Business ??

    "What.s HS..." And that is exactly my point... Outside of the industry, its confusing... The DIYer goes to this site to clarify the conversation: HS - What does HS stand for? Acronyms and abbreviations by the Free Online Dictionary. And maybe narrows it down to... HS Half-Strength HS Health and Safety HS Hot Sauce (Heated Apple sauce?) HS Hydrogen Sulfide (Sounds like a good cleaner...) Anyway, stocks are dreadfully boring today, was hoping GSX would make another run for it. TMY is way oversold if you want a real gamble of an investment. Whoops, wrong message board. I've gotta continue that search on cleaning pool enclosures. I know it's here somewhere.... Later, Mr. Brown Central Florida.
  4. How Can THIS Be Good For Business ??

    Congrates to all for an excellent board! That article is great for business if you're a roofer.... Look, there is FAR too much worry about the home owner viewing trade secrets and stealing your business. Anybody that's spent enough time reading emails and spams and websites eventually realizes its difficult to discern fact from fiction. Sure, a "pro's secret" is posted on a forum, but just like everything else, does the home owner really know its reliable? Don't you think the failures of DIYer that ruin roofs, break legs, and annoy their neighbors SPREADS LIKE WILDFIRE. Everybody knows about ole George that tried to "do it himself", and fell 45 feet to his death in the process! And nobody is gonna repeat that effort. They'll call the professionals, and by God there's a ton of them on this board! In all honesty, quit worrying about somebody stealing your job, and just focus on what a great job you do. Use the internet to advance your experiments in success. Do other professionals fear some web page text will put them out of business? No Find any successful professional, then use the internet to figure out how to do their job. Does it work? Maybe for leaf raking. You'll spend all day trying to discern fact from fable. Only THEY have a clue about all the industry buzz words, and only they know the difference between HS and SH and what the heck is a PW anyway? As a computer programmer for 25 years, I am continuously using the internet to find tools to advance my profession, and its a great benefit. Its my profession that CREATED THE INTERNET. Would we put ourselves out of business by creating an oracle of knowledge about our own discipline? I think not. We embrace it. No matter what I find online, I've gotta work REAL HARD to make sure what I found is the TRUTH. Folks, keep up the great work. The Public needs you, and I enjoy the excellent dialog among you. Mr Brown Gainesville, FL (Give me a call sometimes Mike).