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Posts posted by PetersonDecks

  1. I am predominently going with Readyseal again next year, if a customer wants a different look, i will go with TWP. i used it a little this year and liked the results. I have been using a lot of ABR X-100 in the past but too many mold and mildew issues, will still be using cabot on solids and very screwed up decks. any suggestions on TWP and what to expect John, Peterson Deck Restoration

  2. I receive about 10% of my quotes via Craiglist, i am not the lowest but i love the free Advertising. Yes, you get some cheap people that get a "handyman" quote but that gives you a chance to state the differences between and professional and a HACK. I post an ad in Craigslist about every week to stay on top of the rest of the people in regards to listing. yes you are going to get those cheap people, but you will also get those people that want it done correctly and professionally. john Peterson, Peterson Deck Restoration
