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Everything posted by PPC

  1. Who is Barack Obama?

    I don't like to get caught up in political crap but this really rupped me the wrong way nobody likes the US and they never have I'm so tired of every one blaming President Bush for our problems some poeple act like he has ruined there life he is not perfect the media has ruined him and he does'nt back down just to be politicaly correct and sometimes he is too loyal Also I was hurt in Korea because of the hatred towards this country I have the scares on my face to prove it and the presidnt was Bill CLINTON!!!!!!
  2. Cell phone etiquette with clients

    I pretty much keep my phone on vibrate do not like to turn my phone off because sometimes a message is not left at vibrate you can see the # that cold you with no destraction
  3. If u are really looking in to commercial work you should spend the extra $ and get the 8gm I got one and its the best thing I ever did I know Jeff likes his and i also know a few other people thet have one and they love it I went from 4gpm to 5.5 to a 8 I still have the 5.5
  4. Happy Holidays!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from my family to yours
  5. Thank You! Happy Holidays.

    Merry CHRISTmas!!!!!!!!
  6. Almost Home?

    God bless your Dad for his service to our country I had a uncle who did time in Iraq was shot is now home with his family have a friend there now coming home in Jan.
  7. sub-contracting percentage

    sometimes being sub contracted out will help you get started also leading you to bigger jobs but 25 to 30% is crazy tell him you want 75 or 80
  8. I carry 1 million 2 million on lib , workers comp, 1 million on truck and equipment also insured
  9. Oh Happy Day

    It looks like they tried to put muratic acid on it did a job like this once where they put acid on it to try to get the oil spill up
  10. Why don't u check the venders that advertize on this board
  11. I have a window job here in myrtle beach sc 21 story hotel need the windows cleaned never done a window job this big and also don't have the right equipment to do this type of job if interested give me a call @ 843-458-2303
  12. O-Rings...

    envirospec has them
  13. One side house washes?

    Also had a customer request that we tape and plastic the windows because she did not want the glass wet....I asked her what she was going to do when it rained....she had this blank stare on her face as in ...oh I never thought of that...duh!!!! :) I told her good luck! Carlos, same thing happened to me once I said the samething what do u do when it rains they laughed and told me to get started
  14. One side house washes?

    I have had those reguest also annoying as it is its part of being in business but have never done just one wall have allways done the hole house thats why we do estimates, and some poeple dont really know how dirty there house is.
  15. 14 lateral play

    heck of a play
  16. Hispanics Protest, but Impact Questioned

    maybe they should spend more time becoming legal and less time protesting
  17. Bleach + Water on Vinyl?

    give Lance Blalock of energen in charleston a call 843-556-6506 he sells a house wash that u mix with bleech it works good I use it downstreaming or x-jetting or check out envirospec they ship in powder they have a good line of chems also u can give me a call I have some more names
  18. Bush is soaking the rich!

    right on Jeff Liberals are ruining our country
  19. Thats me this is to crazy can't believe we havn't crossed paths around here remember the janitor Larry yea lets hook up!!!!!!
  20. I've had this problem sounds like packings
  21. hey, Christian and Jon how old r u guys I lived on beech mtn. and banner elk back in the 80s and went to banner elk elm.
  22. Full time or part time?

    I'm very thankfull to do this full time and be able to support my family
  23. Democrat ? Republican ? Independent ?

    It does say ONE NATION UNDER GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Democrat ? Republican ? Independent ?

    Jeff, FRED O8