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Everything posted by RyanH

  1. Indoor concrete sealing

    Actually an interesting story.... They had originally paid a huge amount of money to have the floor painted. After a few months of forklift traffic, the paint started coming up in sheets. I guess it was never intended for that kind of use. Anyway, they paid a contractor to come in and completely blast the floor and strip it of all paint. The contractor also used some kind of equipment (didn't see it) to take the top surface off the floor and made it rough. Well, apparently the company didn't take the contractors advice (how many times have we seen that!) and thought that a cheap sealer would work fine. The contractor, against his better judgement and suggestions, applied this cheap sealer (supplied by the company) and it the floor absorbed it completely. I think the company thought they were going to get a smooth finish; it may be sealed now but it is also EXTREMELY rough. The problem is they pull very large fabrics over this floor and the floor does to the fabric what sandpaper will do to your pants. Instead of putting down an kicka** coat of epoxy as the contractor suggested (and would have profited handsomely from), they are going to try applying many coats of the sealer. Basically, they are hoping to make the floor smooth enough so as not to damage the fabrics. I have seen it in one area they tested and put many coats on and it actually does an ok job after it has built up, but it feels like the new friction will be much higher than the epoxy would have added (people have to pull this fabric, and it will now feel much heavier). I was also concerned how often this sealer would have to be reapplied to maintain the surface. But, they seem confident that it will do what they need, so I'll give the service they want and put it down. I'm going to allow 4 hours drying time between coats...it's a massive room with very good ventilation, so evaporation of the VOCs shouldn't be a problem and it should dry quickly. Thanks for the rag idea...i'll bring a pile along.
  2. Indoor concrete sealing

    Nothing? All the talk about concrete cleaning and nobody can help? Oh well, no biggie. I'll figure it out as I go along. Incidentally, the area comes to 6000 sq. feet (I underestimated just a little). They'll supply all materials, I'll supply the labor. I quoted them $0.055 per square foot per coat. We estimate it will take approximately 8 coats of the stuff. I told them they should just use 2-part epoxy and never worry about it again; they didn't listen. Oh well, it'll be a good pay day for me. I think I'll use my shurflo and spray it down and backbrush with a lambskin mop. Will probably take an entire weekend. I'll post the outcome in case anyone else comes across this type of job.
  3. what are tank dimensions? Should consider the stress of the tanks on the walls if your center of gravity is too high and you drive like a nut.
  4. Pssssst!! Guess what?

    You've developed new chemicals to clean blood and neutralize incriminating evidence and will rename the forum The Crime Scene.
  5. Do you get an annual physical?

    Haven't had so much as a sniffle in over 10 years, so I figure why jinx it by getting checked out. knockin' on wood now! Actually, now that I think about it, I haven't even seen a doctor other than a dentist and eye doc for glasses in over 10 years. I had to get shots for school a few years back, but that's it. Must be all of those krispy kreme donuts. I think I'm onto something!
  6. Hmmmm.....I'll be very interested to see what comes of your questions, Reed. I'm wanting to go high quality and not skimp on quality of materials....this is going to be something that I want to look good for a LONG time without peeling or fading. I'll clean and freshen, of course....
  7. Bad News :(

    Oops...I guess everyone here does some form of cleaning. By "cleaning" I meant janitorial. Sorry. If you have any questions on it toss them up here....I'll help out where I can. I've been doing it for over 5 years now and ran it through school...learned quite a few things in it (and how to work with customers to enhance perceived value). Ryan
  8. Bad News :(

    I know that look....everytime I came home with a new piece of equipment I got that look like "are you *ever* going to actually profit from a job or just keep buying equipment. I told her that every piece I bought would save me time on the next job, but somehow that didn't seem to help much. Hey, there are all type of businesses you can work on or run without having to step into the PW realm....my cleaning business has been very profitable for the past few years and, regardless of the numerous layoffs I saw at some of the places, I always managed to be safe! Cleaning is a service that nobody wants to handle in their own office situation and will be one that will survive almost any obstacle. I finally realized ten years too late that the one job that is guaranteed to be profitable is the one that is absolutely necessary but nobody wants to do. Good luck in your next endeavors.
  9. Pssssst!! Guess what?

    Dayum, Henry....you don't sound like your normal chipper self in the past few posts. Supwidat? Guess we could all approach this with a "game theory" mentality and play it like a lateral thinking puzzle. Those are fun.
  10. Bad News :(

    Bad to hear about your back. Nothing wrong with your brain, though....work on getting a small group of workers together (even one) and directing them on how to do it if you really want to proceed in the industry.
  11. Pssssst!! Guess what?

    Working on regional distributors/retailers for products? Lobbying the gu'ment to do away with that silly little EPA branch? Lobbying the gu'ment to do away with that absurdly gargantuan IRS branch?:lgbounces Lobbying the gu'ment to become the sole supplier of wood care products to the new construction in Eee-rock Eye-rack Ear-rack Eye-rock Ire-rock Ire-rack? Writing a new country music song describing the plight of the weathered deck? Proving that a thousand monkeys randomly typing on a thousand keyboards will eventually type out the proper answer?
  12. Rod, Thanks for the tips. Any input on how it will work with the PT wood? Or do I even need to worry about PT seeing as how it will be sealed?
  13. In a few months our house will be finished and I'll be getting busy redesigning the baby deck we are getting with it (long story, but the builder wants to build houses, not decks, and won't build what we want). I'm wanting do model it kind of like the one Reed had up here awhile back. Two questions: 1.) will using the Cuprinol and WT on pressure treated pine (about all that's available around here without selling both kidneys) give a similar appearance, and 2.) considering I'm going to building the deck from beginning, would it make sense to build then stain, or stain individually first before assembly? I had thought about constructing the framed parts that are going to be white first then going back and adding the boards to be stained with the dark stain to eliminate one masking step, but would like some experienced input. I figure the deck will be around 600 sq. ft plus whatever the steps and spindles/handrails take up. Muchos thankyous. RyanH.
  14. Pssssst!! Guess what?

    Something about a new board member being needed, and a certain someone is stepping up to take the position?
  15. Buy it and an Xjet and learn the usefullness of a few basic chemicals. Perhaps an extension wand with your first profits and a ladder. You don't need all the toys when you start out, just the determination to succeed and the tenacity to go through with it.
  16. truck license plate

    Wow. All this time I've had it wrong. I know I saw that "daintime" or "dayntime" somewhere...oh well. Maybe it was a dream. How about "GRMSACRM" (grime's a crime) "WASHYOU" "CLEANYOU" "BYEMOLD" "BYEDIRT" "CLEANGRN"
  17. truck license plate

    My favorite was from the movie "Back to the Future." It was "DAINTIME" (day in time) Don't know how many letters you're allowed, but how 'bout "DAINGRME" (day in grime, which pretty much describes it perfectly!)
  18. Do you plow snow?

    Can you take your own jug to the ethanol plant and fill 'er up from the tap? I'd love to tour a place like that.
  19. Steel Eagle 30", two bars, adjustable deck, I think the Deublin swivel (whatever comes with Steel Eagle). I bought it from Beth last January and used only a few times...didn't work well on the type of surface mold here with cold water only. Never has had hot water through it, stored under cover. Still have the paperwork and plastic template to ensure proper tip orientation. Asking $900 plus shipping from ZIP 30228. I'm going out of town tomorrow so I won't be able to put any pictures here, but I'll put some up here on Thursday.
  20. Voice Communications

    Historical existance, aside, they won't *stay* in business with the new services becoming available. Every year the number of people relying on cell phones increases. 80% of the people I know have discontinued landline service and use only wireless providers, and we're not alone. I checked around in the subdivision we're moving into...it's not uncommon to see people leaving landline service unactivated. They run the lines in the house for resale ability, but they personally won't be using them and will only use cellular connections. It's a growing trend that has really only gained steam in the recent few years, and older companies will have to change their strategies to keep up. As for Verizon not publishing in their books, that must be a regional issue. Perhaps a call or a letter to the regional office (or even national office) might get some policies changed. Go through the sales office, though, not the customer service. CS can't get their S right anyway..
  21. Voice Communications

    And companies like Vonage are great to turn the voice carriers on their ears (telephone line or wireless). I think when the laws of supply and demand work themselves out with the emerging technologies, we'll all have no problems finding exactly what we need to make our businesses work cheaper.
  22. Voice Communications

    Alan... show me a company with a business model like that and I'll show you a company that won't be around 5 years from now (most likely less). I love competition!!! The monopolies are going to have to adjust and offer consumers what they REALLY want rather than consumers having to settle for what established are comfortable with offering. Adaptation and evolution at its best. I love survival of the fittest scenarios, especially when it comes to business. What's funny is here I have Verizon reps calling me asking to buy a yellow page listing in their book. I have a cell number through Verizon Wireless but apparently they'll still put it in their regular directory. May be a difference of markets. Around here, there is some pretty heavy competition in the arena of yellow page listings. For now, it's a bittersweet arrrangement for businesses....you pretty much have to list in ALL of them or risk not being seen in certain areas. BUT, if you're trying to target a specific area, it's kinda good because you don't have to pay gobs of money for coverage that may go 100 miles away and is of no use to you.
  23. Marine vs Regular battery for ShurFlo

    From a capitalist perspective, I have the ultimate regard for Walmart. From an economics perspective, they are pretty decent. However, walmart has complete disregard for the personal property and liberty of property owners and make changes that negatively impact the immediate area where they construct their buildings. Of course, they are not autonomous and solely responsible; they could not do the things they do if local government officials had the balls to do what their constituents put them there to do in the first place. But, I'm not a socialist, so things like this bug me.
  24. Marine vs Regular battery for ShurFlo

    Check walmart...got mine for around $70 (even though I HATE walmart). High quality jet ski batter will work also. Might have a point with that garden tractor battery.....just check the numbers to how they work.
  25. Hey barry, I'll sell you my 30". Steel Eagle with adjustable deck, 2 bar spinner. Check them out, see if it's something you want and let me know.