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Posts posted by RyanH

  1. Heard this morning that one of the first "significant" things dems will do will be to raise minimum wage by $2. As a business owner, don't you see a significant flaw in that? Consider how your pricing structure is calculated....labor cost is one factor. If a company's labor cost goes up, one of two things must happen: reduce labor required or increase the cost to the consumer. Historically, businesses have opted to reduce the labor required...I can remember in HS when I bagged groceries...we had 2 bagboys PER register. Now, in any of the grocery stores / walmart /etc. I visit, there are typically 3 baggers on shift floating between 5 - 7 registers, and 90% of the time the cashiers are bagging themselves.

    But there is only so much you can cut before you have to raise costs, and $2 per hour is signficant. I predict a rise in every consumer's cost to purchase goods. Then in a few years we'll need another increase to compensate.

  2. I can't picture it being battery acid, 3" X 2", In the middle of the walkway/entrance. Really dark orange/brown rust color. Heavy stain.

    I've been noticing lots of pin head size rust stains in lots of concrete.

    Any comments or sugestions????

    Sure it isn' tannins in leaves or acorns from trees? I know they can both leave orange/brown stains on concrete here, some of them quite strong, but nothing that strong bleach couldn't handle.

  3. Media is saying "democrats didn't win, republicans lost." I have to agree. They abused their positions for the past few years, did nothing about taxation when they had the chance, have had YEARS since 9/11 to correct illegal immigration issues, and did nothing. Unfortunately, the democrats never proposed anything to "fix" any of these issues, they just ran on a "we're not republicans" ticket. Let's hope that now they are in they can actually do something POSITIVE for our country that doesn't involve class warfare. If the democrats would get behind and support th Fair Tax, I'd even vote dem in 2008...IF the fair tax was implemented as is it written currently. We had 8 amendments on our ballot that related to "special interest" tax brackets and incentives....8 more complications to our tax code. Ridiculous.

    I think nothing will get accomplished in the next 2 years, though....dems will waste millions of dollars and too many breaths chattering about how they should impeach Bush, and nothing relevant to American's will be accomplished.

  4. Id be the one to step in and fight with fist if I had to, to help the less privileged. Really just ask my wife !!!

    Please humor me and tell me how anyone is "less privileged" than another? Okay, if you are born into an already wealthy family and never did anything for yourself, that may be a stretch. But liberals throwing around this "privileged" term really just make themselves look ignorant. Do you consider yourself to be privileged because you have done well in your business? I don't. I see a person who possessed good business sense and made use of his abilities. Your abilities don't come by chance, they come by dedication and an inherent desire to better yourself. It's almost like you feel guilty for acheivement. Everyone born in this country has the same freedoms guaranteed to them. Not everyone chooses to use that freedom to their benefit. I will agree that upbringing does play a part...if your parents are deadbeats and live in a ghetto and all you ever learn is that some money comes to you in a mailbox each week, or your parents never tell you that your "free" lunch is actually paid by people who have acheived something, then I can see where one might get the impression that there is a glass ceiling in society. But is it your right to use the police power of the government to force me to make up for their mistakes? Is it?? I don't think so....and that's why I will not support liberal democrats. And after listening to the republican/democrat/libertarian debates over the weekend for my state, I can say the repubs have lost my vote as well when it comes to taxes and the economy.

    Our republican lt. governor candidate said "voting is a priviledge." Sorry, it's a right.

    Our democratic candidate said "I believe voter ID cards are necessary, but they shouldn't be implement right now." Okay, so WHEN!?!!? The reason against them is that illegals wouldn't be able to walk in and vote like they can now under current law. And illegals typically support the democratic party. Democrats lost my vote.

    Only the libertarian had logical, concise ideas for our economy and taxes and voting policy. He understands the long-term benefit of helping certain individuals to become productive members of society, and also the detriment to developing a government-dependent welfare state. This guy earned my vote. And other libertarians have similarly done so.

  5. I was thinking the other day....

    What if all of these ultra-conversatives (mega church mouthpieces, holier-than-thou congressmen, etc.) are really liberals in conservative clothing? Think about it...get hundreds of thousands of people to follow you, get them to believe that you are right and that everything you say should be valued as absolute truth and the shining beacon of moral guidance, when in reality you are just a putz in disguise? You intentionally set yourself up to have severe character flaws (homosexuality when you've been preaching otherwise, child molester, etc.), then all who followed you are suddenly left wondering if there is any justice in the world. They wonder if they really should be following you. Could the left have been setting up a very well-conceived straw man over the past few decades only to bring the right crashing to their knees? I mean, I doubt it because the premise there is that the left can actually conceive of a plan of such immense complexity, but I guess for the right amount of money and power anything is possible.

    If I go missing after this revelation, forget you ever knew me and save yourselves!:zipit:

  6. I have yet to find an exeption to this.

    I am not a member of their church nor organization, but I have a few friends who are LDS (Church of Jesus Christ Ladder Day Saints, aka "Mormons."). I have had dinner with them, work with them, spent several entertaining evenings with their families, travel with them, etc. Pretty much, I know their character and how they are as "real" people outside of the church. Of all the denominations I've visited and known, of all the people of different denominations I've known, the way they apply Christ's word to their lives is the most true to what I believe is intended in the bible. They are committed to the family, they don't go shopping or out to eat on Sundays, they are faithful to their spouses and are in general very good people. Of course, there are always people out there who can ruin a good name. They be a little too "strict" for some, but they've been a pretty good influence on me and the way I live my life. I'm apt to help people, give my services and abilities for free, and spend my money to help others. I still say, however, that it is MINE to give, and not our governments


  7. Does anybody remember when Clinton went after Slobodan Milosevic? Anybody? I don't get it....we go in after him, the UN tries guy for crimes against humanity, blah blah blah. But for whatever reason Bush does THE SAME DAMNED THING to Saddam and all of a sudden we put our heads in the sand and say "oh, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11." Nobody moaned about Clinton and Kosovo, but maybe it's because it all happened when Lewinski was playing her games. We are an entertainment culture, after all. Real news be damned. I just don't understand why this administration is getting such a bad rap for trying to bring down a ruler who had intentions of building forces against us, but was all for Clinton going after someone who was only guilty of harming his own people.

    Can anybody paint some logic into this picture for me because I truly don't know. Perhaps, like Gump, "I'm not a smart man, Jenny."

  8. Off topic, but last I heard, the tax plan was to increase the marginal rate on those making over $200,000 annually back to 37.5% from the current 35%, as it was before the last round of tax cuts. Married couples could earn $400,000. Simple plan if that's all there is to it, a 2 1/2% increase to the wealthiest Americans is how the Dems see it.

    How can any person logically defend applying a higher tax base in this manner. In my mind, it's like they are saying "shame on you for earning so much....here, let me take some of that off your hands."

    Want to get me pissed in a hurry, just mention something like this. Nobody has claim to anyone else's property. There are basic necessities a country needs and citizens who enjoy it's freedoms should contribute. But I don't receive any more military protection than homeless Joe across town. I get the same representation in congress, my vote counts the same as anyone elses, so why should I have to pay more? Oh, because I can? Bullcrap. My money and wealth is one thing: a symbol of my efforts and acheivements. Both of those required my time and skill. Both of those required a portion of my life. Now, I don't know about, but I'm not about to give government...a collection of other people...any more of my life than I have to or want to.

    And, I'm not in the "wealthy" bracket. I had this mentality when I was scrubbing chicken guts off the floor at Kroger when I was a teenager. I had this mentality when I was digging ditches for the folks down the street as a kid. You don't have to be wealthy to think that progressive taxation is wrong, you just have to have a working, thinking brain. And apparently the delusional socialist democrats don't possess this quality. And if repubs think this kind of taxation is good, same for them.

  9. Ryan

    Mid March works for me. How long will you be up here???

    If all goes well I should be there for no longer than about a week. I'll make it a point to stop by if it won't be an imposition and you have some interesting equipment. Currently all I have is an old radial arm saw from my granddad and a sliding compound miter saw. Also a router and a few drills, misc. saws and some clamps. You could say my shop is a work in progress and is usually built only as necessity dictates (about to add either a jig saw or band saw and a drill press).

  10. Richard,

    Thanks for the confidence in those products. When I go to the store I'm always hesitant to trust the sales guys because they take what I tell them I'm looking for and read the labels to see if it contains my critera, then they make their recommendations upon that. Pfft. It's good to hear from a tradesman on products that work for them.

    You know, I've always been one to believe that there aren't any coincidences in life and that we come across people in places for particular reasons. Your info pegs you at being in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. Canada is a pretty big place with lots of potential for industrial locations. As life would have it, though, I should be in Mississauga sometime in the near future for some work. Looking at the map, Oakville and Mississauga are very close together. Perhaps, if schedules permit, I can drop by and see a professional's shop and perhaps buy you a few rounds for the opportunity. I'm such an amateur when it comes to woodworking but I have many years to get better....it'd be cool to see a craftsman's setup.


  11. I understand what . If you think about how the nozzles travel with respect to your travel, they spend a greater amount of time in these striped regions. Basically, the stripes appear at the perimeter of travel tangential to your direction of travel and is inherent (and necessary) flaw in the rotational design of a surface cleaner. Look at the attached picture....it shows both the swirl pattern and a focus at the outside perimeter tangential to travel direction. I've only noticed it on very old or dirty concrete.


  12. We store all pertinent files in a shared folder that synchronizes constantly to the network, and the network drive gets two backups everyday and are archived for approximately 1 month. When I travel offsite I make sure all files are synchronized and when I return any changes are made to the server. I get a notice of all changed files so I can decide if they are relevant changes or something that has been damaged. I also make images of my hard drive and keep them stored on another drive in the event of a failure. Having drive image backups is a VERY good idea and makes things very easy to recover. You can make an image every night automatically. It's best to ignore temporary directory like internet cache files, etc.

  13. I have a bed from my great-grandparents (made around 1910) that I'm currently in the process of stripping. The thing is, though, it looks to have 6 or 7 layers of paint on it as well as the original stain. It takes 4 applications of stripper before I'm down to the wood then I have to remove the stain after that. Is there any benefit to using something like HD80 on this and finishing the job quickly? Or is this overkill? I'm almost positive it is oak judging by the grain type and color (after stripping down to wood). It has many slats and is really just a pain in the butt to strip.

    Also, any thoughts on using something like Wood Tux on indoor furniture? I'm in the process of desigining furniture for our baby's room and am looking for something to stain it with. I have experience building but never really stained anything before. I'll be making it out of oak as well unless I can find a supplier for furniture-grade teak, mahogony, or ipe (i'd love to use some of these materials on it).

  14. Worked at Best Buy for about 5 months in high school selling computers. Hated it. Took 5 weeks to go through 3 interviews, drug screening, etc. just to get hired and then I was only allowed to work 15 hours each week (atleast I had another 45 hour/week job so this was just crumb money anyway). When I was hired I was promised training, customer handling, etc. What I got was a blue shirt and a name tag and a hand wave in the general direction of my department. Within a week I was outselling everyone else in the department. I sold more computers in my 15 hours each week than the old veterans who worked a full 40. Then I got reprimanded. Why? Because I was selling people what they WANTED, not what cost the most. We were pushed to sell the $400 warranty coverage, which I didn't think was an absolute necessity, and I told customers this when they bought computers.

    Now, one can argue that I was getting paid to work for Best Buy, and I should do whatever they want, and if that means pushing worthless warranties, then so be it. But I also had personal integrity and couldn't lie to customers when asked directly what I thought of the warranty. Thus the reason I only stayed a few months. They said "as long as you work for us you do things this way." So I fixed the problem for them.

  15. Streaks are caused by either walking too fast or by overlapping your path when you aren't cleaning sufficiently with one pass, which is also related to walking speed.

    Having an adjustable deck is helpful too as some surfaces (like pool decks, tennis courts, patios, breezeways, tile, etc.) are not very porous and can be cleaned without much force. You would raise the deck in these situations to distribute the force over a greater area and (as a result) clean faster. For more porous concrete you can drop the heads down to focus on a smaller area, but you'll have to walk slower.

  16. Awesome compilation. The crazy thing is 15 years from now when she's off to college or moving out you are going to look at this thing and need a towel to dry your eyes. I hope we are blessed with a daughter the next go round. Enjoy these memories man....from everyone I talk to the years go so fast we can't believe it.
