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Bob Gates

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Posts posted by Bob Gates

  1. Mark....

    I personally don't have a clue how to repair Stucco (snythetic type I assume). I do know it's not a talent you pick up on a BBS! Tell them when they get it fixed to call you. Might wanna check you Insurance to see if you are even covered to wash it. Some companys do not!!

    Hope this helps...


  2. Well, I had told myself I was not going to post anything else in this thread nor any other thread on any other board concerning "that" Organization....Famous last words!!

    Listen folks....If there were ever...."advocates"...."champions"...."promoters"..."supporters" of that org surely Beth & Rod were in the forefront!! Beth was probably one of the best recruiters they had! Now I read they have been 'shut out' too! ......Unbelievable!! Right now all I can think of is the old song 'True Colors'....surely that org. colors are shining through brightly. The vail is off...the tuth is exposed for all to see!



  3. Celeste.....

    I believe the courtesy, respect etc...is due in large measure to the "ladies"(yourself and Beth) being present in the room. My hat is off to both of you for(always) setting the example!! Southern Belles ye both be!

    Now if ya'll will pardon me... I will take my leave...I am headed to Tifton Ga. to the I-75 overpass to see this indiviual that claims to be "ruler of the universe":)

    Good evening....

    Bob Gates

  4. Scott....

    It does seem "they" are circling the wagons...and everyone is lining up like good soldiers..(it seems the message is..get on the train or get run over)

    I am probably wrong...but my perception is the BOD did not make the decision...it seems that one partciular indvidual with maybe the blessing of a few others made the decision...since I have read BOD members posting their blessings with the decision after the fact... I have never understood their "pecking order" anyway (please! no one refer me to the Org. site to be enlightened) Anyway... the weather is breaking and I gotta get busy mixing up 55 gal of Citrclean and go wash some houses...

    I'll remain a non member...

    Cheers to those who are....


  5. Jon...

    Thanks for your reply...I have always enjoyed reading your post...before and after retirement...It would be safe to say I have learned much from you..(right now I can't remember what due to a Sr. moment :thinking: Ha!) I wish you continued improvement and good health....


  6. Celeste....

    Your optimism and loyalty is admirable. However; the harm done to the BBS and the Org itself cannot be undone, changed, or improved upon. The vase is broken! It cannot ever be the same nor as good as before. They have put a gun to their heads, cocked the hammer, and pulled the trigger! I do agree that we all should take a deep breath and let them finish what they have started....let them die in peace.
