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Posts posted by STAN

  1. Yeah, every republican blames the democrats for the state of things when they had to clean up the mess during their (dem) terms. Sorry I don't buy it. Keep this in mind, I read the papers and seen the news, who do you think you're selling? Dems fixed things while the reps kept taking advantage of it.

    Believe what you will, I see what is going on.


    Read some of the newspapers from England, Sweden and match what is said in them to what is said in US news. you get the same story without the slants of writers that are on the left or right. They put the blame where it should be not all on the white house cause that is where the president is. Remember we have three parts to our government and each is responsible for themselves.

  2. Barry why go to all that trouble. Have a oversize tank made and feed it directly to your engines. If one engine is to far away to get fuel then insert an in tank fuel pump in the tank to get the fuel to the engine. Do that with all fuels used on trailer and it is a one time a day fuel stop and work the rest of the day. NO messing with fuels around hot engines or waisting time refueling on the job or worrying about the soap drying while refiling the usage tank.

    A home made or custom tank can be any configuration and made to fit anywhere.

  3. 4000psi at 5gpm with a turbo is what TVA uses to clean those type areas.

    When you use a turbo under water it takes a while for it to start working and then the movement has to be slow and deliberate. It is not something that can be done in a hurry and get good results. The deeper the nozzle goes the more pressure you need. A 5@5000 would be a good machine for that type of work.

  4. Scott you wouldn't have to worry about drought restrictions if you lived in the middle of the TVA river system. The only bad thing about the river system is it smell like all them Northeners are pissing in it and then sending it to us... OH well the fish still tastes good.:lgwave:

  5. There is a company that came in this area last year to clean a steeple and that was all they cleaned. It was on the top of a three story roof and it was 31 foot high itself. They used a lift and scaffold - took them 2.5 hours to do the set-up and tear-down and 4 hours to do the cleaning. They did more than just clean but the deacon who told me about it did not know. The roof was slate or compressed asbestos and being replace in 6 months so it did not get cleaned but I was told they got over $2000.00 for the work. The scaffolding was theirs and the lift was paid for buy the church so it was not included in the cost.

  6. Don as usual you are corect. Something that lots of people don't think about in the equation is the type of gun or valve used along with the tip.

    A straight valve connection to the lance has a LOT less back pressure than any type of gun that requires the liquid to pass through a small orface to reach the spray tip. If I remimber correctly we talked about that the first time we met at Steve's.

  7. Jeff I believe that the best thing for you is to do this.

    Hire a bookkeeper for a few hours of one day per week.

    Your CPA should have names for you or even someone from his office. There should be a listing in the phone book yellow pages.

    This can be accomplised for between $8.00 to $12.00 an hour and for a good bookkeeper should take max 20 hours to set up computer and file cabinet. And after that just a few hours a week is all that is needed. Yes a collage kid can do this just ensure they have the knowledge. The more they know the less time it will take to service you.

    Keep you shoe box and put everthing in it every day. Have your bookkeeper come over the day befor payday and have them do all the imputs and filing. Some will require that you bring the box to them and you will have to file the stuff yourself, when they get done, but if you work with them they will work with you.

    It is better than doing this :juggle: or this :banghead: as YOUR COMPANY GROWS.
