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chris francis

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Posts posted by chris francis

  1. I see alot of people talking about downstreaming with 0030-0040 nozzles for distance. I'm not a downstreamer, but I am looking at adding this to my application methods, so excuse my ignorance when asking questions pertaining to downstreaming.

    I thought 0030-0040 nozzles were high pressure nozzles,.. if used on a 3-4 GPM machine?

    My understanding of downstreaming is it works off of low pressure,...so how are you guys making these particular nozzles work for applying soap?



    00 means degree angle is zero and 30 orifice size of the nozzle. Downstream works off the water pressure going across the top of the valve on the injector so with soap nozzle in place or pretty much any large orifice nozzle on the lance it will drop the pressure alow soap to enter into you pressure hose to out shot on to what you are to clean.