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Posts posted by alvisishere

  1. Atlanta, Need Roof Cleaned Apple Sauce Style!!

    Anyone in the Atlanta Area clean roofs using the "Apple Sauce Recipe?

    It is one of my customers and I am scheduled to clean his home this week and he is wanting the roof done as well, preferable at the same time.

    I have been wanting to watch or help someone clean a roof so this might be my best time to do so.

    The home is a very large home, 3 story stucco and stone, not sure about the pitch, but it is big enough...I don't want up there.

    This would be a good job to do the whole thing as a joint effort.

    If anyone is interest call me at 770-652-1794 asap and we can set something up for you to go look at it.

  2. I have a form that you would like. It is used in Excel and has one for quoting Houses and another for quoting Decks. It has blank printable sheets aswell that I print off and laminated so when I am at the Customer's house I write all the info I need on it with dry erase marker. Then go back to my vehicle and plug in all the info into my computer and print it. It calculates all the measurements for you. I made this myself a couple of years ago and I have sold it to a few people for $20.00. I will need your logo and address etc. to tailor it to your own business.

    Email me @ bollert@sympatico.ca if you are interested. I can send you a picture to look at.

    Thanks Rob

    email would'nt work for me ..sent pm

  3. How many people here use the Eagle Power vacuum that vacu boom supplies with their systems?

    Did you know that it has exhaust filters on the motor(s)? And they need to be cleaned to keep from burning up the motor(s).

    Did you know that if you have the one motor version, you can affordably add another motor and double your cfm? Water Lift/Hg will remain the same though.

    How many killed their vacuums and thought it was not worth repairing?

    I have the fury system,

    If you have your set up with 2 motors...do you have any pics?


  4. While at the Awesome PWNA Convention in Dallas I was talking with this guy at a booth there that sells this same twister

    DeckGuide.com © 2004 - G&K Distributors which can be set up like this one. That fat hose coming up on the left side of the handle is used for reclaiming.

    Has anyone ever used this twister before with and without the reclaming set-up hose??

    I believe the guy at the booth told me this type of set-up goes for around $3000.

    Either way some thoughts on this would be appreciated.

    I was wondering since this was posted ..Has anyone converted a Turbo Twister to reclaim behind a fury system??

    I know someone who is fixen to try to convert one and I am sure someone has tried it, If you have let us know, we might be able to save someone a lot of time!!!!!

    Start a new post if it is a good thread!

  5. From what I hear y'all down in Georgia stop driving when they see snow flakes, I also here they close the schools and everything comes to a standstill business wise.

    Heard no one knows how to drive in snow and ice there.

    Is that why you got all excited cause you get to stay home inside when it snows:lgcold:

    Just depends on what you are used to,

    I'm just a good ol'e boy from Fla.,

    Some of you guys might get excited about going to the beach or Gosh forbid maybe going to Disney world...just another day for me..been there done that!!

  6. Do any of you guys use "QUICKS PRO" to print invoices from your laptop using portable printer for your customers before you leave the job?

    I would imagine most would not, but few might be into high tech gadgets and might even be using wireless credit card swipes.

    I am interested in this and was wondering if it would be difficult to set up and what software would work best.

    ****************added note**************

    I bought "qb pro" and would be interested to see how others use it with thier customized invoices??

    Pm me if you wouldn't mind sharing your thoughts and Ideas
