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Posts posted by Rodney

  1. I used an xjet the 1st 5 years and switched to down streaming this past year wondering why I waited so long. I down streamed the entire year and didn't miss the bucket at all. So why did I switch back to the xjet last month? I was using more 12.5% bleach per week. My ratio xjetting was 2 gallons bleach and 3 gallons water. Down streaming was reversed, 3 gallons bleach with 2 gallons water.It was taking more chemicals per house using .0040 tip, even though I love using this tip especially on windy days. I also noticed that when down streaming my rinsing was not completely free of soap out of the line. This was noticed primarily when rinsing the windows. The last reason is, I purchased a new titan reel at the begiining of the year (which I hate ) and the bleach running through the house reel rusted out the center bar creating a pin hole leak.My supply house replaced the bar for free.My last reel lasted 5 years using the xjet but it also wasnt a titan. So long story short.. Xjet uses less chemicals for me , Quality of rinse is better due to no soap in the hose,Less wear on the equipment with bleach being a corrisive.

  2. Ok, constructive feedback. I have attended three round table events and feel alot of time and effort was put in each one. Its good to netwrok with local and out of state contractors at these events. The one thing I would like to see more of , is an open floor discussion since it is a round table event to talk about our trade. The best info I get out of these meetings is when I float around to the small groups off by themselves talking about tips and experiences each one has had.Similiar to the talk on this board. I feel that there is little open floor discussion for people to ask questions or share experiences that may be helpful to the next guy. It almost seems that the most part of the roud table event is spent listening to reps trying to sell their product like a paid advertisement or looking at a 100k machine that know one can afford.

  3. I started pressuring wahing 5 years ago and it has grown every year.This year I think I created a monster.Its kicking my A$$. I am part time and have worked out a 15% discount for a neighborhood HOA.They are charging home owners that have green on the homes.They have lined up 30 houses for me. I have been doing 4 to 5 a day. Now there is another neighborhood that has heard about my discount and wants to do the same thing. All this and I have two deck and a fence job to do. Last week we also cleaned 11,800 linear ft of vinyl fence ( over 2 miles). The home ower paid 40k for the fence and doesnt have anything in it? I have been using 30-50 gallons of bleach a week and thought I was putting a dent in my competitor market. The supply house told me they buy 220 gallons a week.oh well.The sad part is I am having to tell people who call me that it could be a month before I can get to them and if they are willing to wait I would put them on a stand by list.Suprisingly most are willing to wait? Time to raise my prices.

  4. Since Ready seal is the topic of the thread I have a question. I have a screened in porch that has a 2x4 that runs along the bottom of the deck where the spindles are attached. The screen is butted against the 2x4's on all three sides. The only way I now how to stain the outside of the 2x4 is through the screen because I do not want to take the screen off. My question is how will ready seal react with screen. Can I clean the sceen after the wood dries with mineral spirts? Any suggestions

  5. In my neck of the woods it is a little different. For one I have been able to meet local pressure washers thanks to various bbs sites such as The Grime Scene. I have become friends with three or four other pressure wahers some part time and some full time. We give work to each other and share chemicals. I have

    been asked to help on large jobs and did work for one guy while he had surgery. These guys are not my competitors but alies. There is plenty of work for all of us. As far as part timers having cheaper prices that is not always so. I am having to watch my priceses due to a full time company that has three rigs and a crew of three or more english chalenged employees on each rig. There are some full timer companies one in my neighborhood that will not speak to me because they feel I am taking money out of their pocket. This is there loss not mine. Like the old saying goes keep your friends close and your competitors closer

  6. Every once in a while I have a home owner with the same concern. I explain that I am not spraying in a upward pattern but standing 20 ft or so away from the structure and spraying at a angle toward the siding. I also tell them that if they get some one to wash their home that uses a ladder then chances are they too are using too much pressure and are risking damage to the siding more so.

  7. Most of the contractors that buy gutter zap from us are able to do the entire gutter system with one gallon. If you xjet on the cleaner and clean all the gutters on the house in a total of 15 minutes, or take 40 minutes to do it with brushes and buckets, which method is more cost effective?

    I would like to hear some feed back from the guys that xjet gutter zap or even gutter shock on the gutters. I know it is being done and have seen pics of guys doing it. I am not worried about gutter zap on windows, I talk to Mike Baker every couple of weeks and one of the many uses of gutter zap is window cleaning, My concern is getting overspray on the siding.We all know that gutter zap will leave clean spots on siding and I have even used it to remove oxidation off of siding and or painted surfaces such as front doors.So to me there seems to be a risk of xjetting a chemical that could change the appearance of the siding when you cant controll the spray off an xjet.

  8. Patrick

    how have you been. Is you buisness starting to take off. If you are ready for some clients let me know. I have had to turn down a couple of jobs locally that were needed asap due to houses going on the market.I have been busy and just could not get to them.I have a feeling with the green stuff kick'n in this weekend it may slow down for a week or so.

  9. Rod,

    I agree on the hd80 for the deck. The deck was dark and heavy mildew growth. I remember a recent reply from you about bleach and precarbs and you said you dont use hydroxide on unsealed wood. I bring this up only to show newbies that what is on a thread is very helpfull, I am a prime example of the knowledge learn from here, but every situation is different and ones personal experience with trial and error is also helpful. I had the opportunity to meet a great wood preserver thats on this board and ask what do you do when there is still green on bare wood after a precarb clean. The reply was if you have to use bleach for tough spots then use it to get the results. There is a right way and a wrong way but every now and again you have to take the roadd less traveled to get the desired results.

  10. Matt,

    CPR is a potasium hydroxide I believe . I failed to look and see if the deck had a sealer on it before hand. Exterior sales the CPR as a cleaner and a stripper by the dilution rates. I too started out using CPR and quickly try other product due to the results of CPR. Granted, I have not used it since they went from a liquid to a powder. I will tell you that it has been hard to find low pressure tips local. I have to order them.
