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Everything posted by VanDiesel99

  1. K-7 Unloader Problem

    I had that problem for a few minutes, then The unloader would not kick in to bypass. I took the allen bolts out of the blunt end, then popped that "pin" out. Its felt like is wasn't lubricated well so I placed a drop of motor oil on it and rubbed it on. Haven't had any problems since.
  2. House Washing Techniques

    Start in an inconspicuous spot, that way if you run into a problem you can fix it before it becomes noticeable.
  3. Hey John, be sure to keep me posted on how the powerbooster comes out.
  4. I too have wanted to set that up for my flatwork. My problem is the my main unit(hot) uses a k7 flow type unloader. All of my others machines have pressure actuated unloaders. I would have to set my hot skid up with a pressure actuated unloader(which I don't want to do). I figure with one hot and one cold, you could still achieve warm enough water to clean thoroughly. Just crank that sucker up! I may go ahead and install a pressure actuated unloader, just for this purpose. But I have yet to hear from many(any) people who have have successfully combined two units using the booster. My hot water unit is 3000psi at 4.8 GPM, and the smaller units I have are 3500 PSI and like 3.8 GPM. It would be a much cheaper alternative to buying a 8GPM machine. :)
  5. Delco has a "power booster" which is two high pressure lines that Y together with check valves that don't allow water to flow back through them. I don't believe the PSI or gpm would make too much of a difference as long as they are reasonably close. You have to have pressure actuated unloaders though. I have never seen it work, or talked to anyone that has done it.
  6. PSI vs GPM

    Plus those "portable" hot water units are not always so portable. I have seen two wheel units that are movable, and have owned a four wheeled unit that would move but it would usually take two people. Either setup your looking at 4-5 hundred pounds, and thats not a lot of fun if you have any type of hills or rough terrain. I would reccomend a skid unit and a good hose reel, it will save your back in the long run.
  7. pre & post service does and dont's

    Had a guy schedule his roof cleaning the same week he was having replacement windows put in. Still haven't figured that one out.
  8. 300 Users and Growing

    Out of most of the Pressure Washing BBS's I believe this BBS is on the fastest server.
  9. Repair Services

    Sounds like he shouldn't have used the wirebrush on it. It probably scratched the protective finish off of it. I had considered adding blind cleaning, but its a considerable startup cost for a mobile ultrasonic unit. I have heard that they work well.
  10. A short clip on Posting.

    Whaahoooa! slow down there little Billy, your not ready to start a new thread yet. You have got some learning to do... *dumba$$*.HAHAHA
  11. Repair Services

    I too have that problem, and the closest people to me are sheisters. I needed to replace a worn out popoff valve and needed a few fittings that aren't available at a hardware store, I was in the area so I stopped in to see them. They volunteered to replace the popoff valve for me and adjust it and VOLUNTEERED to put the 3 fittings I bought from them together for me. Then they hand me a $96 dollar bill. $40 for the popoff! $12 for a brass socket QC! $25 for LABOR! Needless to say I raised nine kinds of hell. When I left I told them I was going to start my own pressure washer supply store and put them out of business. The owner drives a jag to work everyday.
  12. reels

    I have also had a problem with the paint blistering, but I have had it for over a year and it hasn't rusted any yet. I also have not had any swivel leaks yet, knock on wood. Its the only brand of reel I have used but I am very happy with it so far.
  13. whats the difference

    I second that request! :)
  14. I have wore the same pair of red wings for about a year without any oiling or waterproofing and my feet have stayed completely dry the entire time. They are a little expensive but one of the best pair of boots you can buy.
  15. Old Tools

    I have seen quite a few tapes like that, mostly 100ft'rs w/ manual rewind. Probably not worth too much, sorry! It could be older though! I found a Boy Scouts Handbook from 1951. in decent shape. I wonder if it is worth anything.
  16. Most sockets are brass but a lot of the plugs are made out of something else. The xjet plug is brass, and it has lasted me a long time. I have purchased plugs from a lot of different places, but other than that I never have gotten a brass plug. Maybe because brass is such a soft metal? I have even got plugs that look like they were spray painted gold. IMHO SS qc's are worth their weight in gold.
  17. Ice Dam Removal

    What about snow removal using the hot water machines? I was thinking you could market businesses that have been plowed but still have a thin layer of ice/snow on the parking lot/sidewalk. You could also use it to melt the large piles of snow that accumulate due to plowing. Anyone ever tried this?
  18. Are you Dreaming of a White Christmas?

    In western Kentucky we have about 16" of snow. I have never personally seen that much snow. I wish I had purchased some snow removal equipment now. Anybody made a killing plowing snow this year?
  19. Cord reel

    I have had some problems finding a decent mountable extension cord reel that I can leave plugged in while reeling. I need it to hold at least 100'. Does anyone have any they would recommend?
  20. Pumps, which do you use most?

    Can you pump rv antifreeze into the system with a shurflo without the pressure switch shutting it off?
  21. Trailer size

    $2300 is a helluva price for a tandem 14' long enclosed trailer! I found a good deal on an open tandem trailer(3500 lb axles). Break on one axle, split mesh drop gate, 2in square tubing for frame, 16'L x 77"W, pressure treated floor for $1200. Thats the best there is around this part of the country. What are some prices for other parts of the country?
  22. Trailer size

    Go with a tandem axle!! I had a skid mounted hydrotek and a hose reel with 100' of pressure hose on a trailer with two 750 lb springs and thats whats left of one of them. I wish I could have photographed the thrashed tire and the bent wheel but they are long gone. You can bet I am going with a tandem from now on.
  23. Gutter Guards / Covers

    The solid gutter guards can actually handle large flow rates due to water adhesion. Someone posted a guard on another bbs that involved two slots instead of one, the water fall I think it was called. The single slot works very well however and are pretty sturdy.
  24. I remember someone mentioning this idea before but I don't remember any conclusions to the discussion. If you were to run two downstream injectors in succession, then in theory you would actually be applying twice as much chem than if you were only using one. That would eliminate the problem of not being able to achieve high dilution ratios using downstream injectors. Any comments?
  25. Gutter Guards / Covers

    I install the solid vinyl gutter gaurds by gutter world. They are a pain to get in the right colors because the Lowe's here only carries white and you now how it is trying to order something "unusual". They are very effective as gutter guards however and don't collect leaves and twigs like the mesh ones do. I would like to order bulk and just keep them in stock but I don't do enough houses to justify buying in bulk. Once you get the hang of installing these you can do them quite quickly and they can be quite a good money maker.