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Posts posted by JustMe

  1. Sure am so you just be patient :D My plan all along has been to get started at the end of March and should still be right on track so bare with me, I really want to thank you guys for putting up with me, I am an obsesive person about knowing all I can about stuff including safety, years back I had a bad incident with acid when I ran a fleet wash and ever since then I don't mess around..

    Paul, thanks for that info, I meant to put hypochlorite in the first one but spelled it wrong, I can't seem to find a pool shock/chlorine dealer around me that still deals in liquids and shipping would kill me so I was pursuing other options.. I might have one more lead for chlorine though so I am going to check that first.. Sounds like the pricing is around 3.50 a gal though.

    Again thanks guys for putting up with all my questions. :D
