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Bears Pressure Washing_

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Posts posted by Bears Pressure Washing_

  1. Thanks for the service manual, Russ! Yes, I have a feeling that the crankcase is going to be (SWAG) about $200. Add the wage I pay my foreman and some other parts and soon we are in the neighborhood of a comparable new pump--maybe a General TS1511--if the mounting hardware can be acquired or built--or a straight replacement if i can find a better price than I am getting locally (of course we need to factor in shipping the approx. 30 lb. beast).

    Till then, we are hoping the warranty will be honored but getting ready for "Plan B."

    Gary Kellogg

    CJ's High Climbing Services


    I would just buy a general pump and be done with it. They are almost as dependable and way cheaper to purchase and work on.
