Can a simple water hose spray nozzle be used with a Delavan pump to water grass? I recently had some dozer work done away from any public water system. I have grass seed and straw down and need to water. Some of the ground is sloped so can't safely drive over with gravity flow system.
I have a Delavan pump and 65 gallon water tank from my former roof cleaning business. Both have only had clean water inside. I have tried 4 different sprayers but can't produce enough spray to reach more than 10 feet. I sprayed for an hour and didn't empty the tank.
Does a high pressure nozzle need to be on the end of a wand? When spraying roofs I had a trigger operated wand with a 4-nozzle head. It would spray much better. Unfortunately, I can't remember where I bought the wand online.
Any ideas?