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steve choate

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Posts posted by steve choate

  1. My name is steve Choate and im in the planning stage of starting my own pressure washing company up.

    This site is a gold mine of info.It's great to know when you need support it there..

    Would like some tip's on equipment too buy. Would like to cover all the aspects of the pressure washing buisness..

    I have 40k cash for equipment and 10k for marketing (no loans) also a 100k to survive threw the start up year..

    Thank's and hope to talk to you all of you soon


  2. Hi this is my first post, been reading alot.

    I have been planning for my buisness for 6 months and getting the jitter's.

    My situation that i would like feed back on is this.

    I have beeen working for a drilling company for 7 years and do a lot of clean up work with the pressure washer daily 2 hours most days and love it. The feeling of something so dirty like drilling mud comes so clean. cant explain the feeling of satasfaction.

    I have been wanting to start my own buisness for ever

    I am a very motivated person working 10 to 12 yours 5 days a week for 7 years so that wont be a problem..

    So what i have done is sell my house making 150,000 on it and moving to my target area.

    This area has only 1 company in this buisness and has no advertising no web site seems small..the area on the other hand is not with unlimited company's hotels ex..big enough to have 62 plumber..53 electritions and so on..point made.

    I have loted $40,000 for start up Money ( equipment only)

    I am paying cash for a house and a large shop for a year ( so no rent )

    Wich is not from my start up money.

    and have $10,000 for marketing ex..insurance so on.

    my wife is a pro in marketing and accounting.

    I am paying only salary for my self and my brother un determaned right now..

    So i am woundering is with all this in mind Am i in a good position to be sucsesful?

    It scary to me that im moving 3500 miles from home for max potental

    Selling my dream house on a very nice fishing river in washington state

    quiting my job that im a senior driller in making 70,000 a year ( 900 hours of over time a year )

    All in pursute of my dream

    The area im moving to is 80 all year around , and is paradise...sorry for not saying the place but took well over 2 months to narrow down and over 100 hours on line doing research..

    It is costly to live and to ship too..

    Please any advice ( besides spelling errors.. thats my wifes department)

    postive or negative comants would be helpfull..

    Thanx steve
