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Posts posted by stoppie101

  1. dont know about the tornado, but i can vouch for the k&n. atleast for bikes. it will increase air flow in. on bikes the air filter is twice the size of a typical car/truck. and they only have between 600-1000cc motors. keep us opdated, i would like to know how it works out.

  2. anyone have extra fire hose for sale or know where i can get it??? it doesnt even have to be 'real' fire hose. i need some hose to fill up my water tank for those few jobs where water isnt available on site. i've already contacted the water company about a meter and wrench, all i need is the hose. 2 1/2" national standard thread. 25' feet would be perfect.


  3. i am looking at cleaning/ resealing a deck for a customer. the deck is 10 yrs old and he just replaced a bunch of boards last month. they are treated and he said that they were kelm dried. if this is true, then i shouldnt have a problem cleaning/resealing them should i? of course i told the customer that the new boards might come out a slightly diferrent shade when completed.

  4. I was just going to post this very topic as well, can a surface cleaner be used on them also or is that to invasive, I suppose the sand is going to need to be replaced as it would surely blow it out?

    Sorry, not trying to hijak your thread, just thought we could combine them :)

    not a problem. great question. as far as the sand goes. your gonna blow it out either way. you will have alittle more control with the wand, but the over spray is still gonna get you. the walk that i'm doing has mortar so i dont have to worry about that. i was however thinking about keeping the pressure turned down anyway though.

  5. i'm doing a job later in the week at a very nice house, upwards of $300,000+. the lady has a brick sidewalk that she wants washed. her sprinkler system is causeing small spots of mold/algie to grow on the brick. what chems would you recomend and why? do you recomend heat? keep in mind that she has grass and plants lining the walkway. also, on her concrete porch, she has a few small rust stains from metal flower pots. should i spot treat those areas with chlorine?

  6. http://www.pressurewasherstore.com/pw/hotwater.html

    This is the heater I have. An All American that uses propane. I have had the same problem. when I first fire it up, I have heat, not super hot, but definately warm. and after about 20 mins or so, the temp really drops down. The water is still warmer then normal, but there is a noticable difference. my unit has a flow sensor on it, and whenever I pull the trigger, I can see the flames kick in, so I know it's working. Anyone have experience with this?

    Russ, is a high limit like a thermostat?

  7. Could some one fill me in about unloaders. The way I understand them is that they are used to unload the pressure in the line so you dont have to shut down your equipment while changing wands, surface cleaners etc... Can they also be used to change psi and gpm? I have a 13hp honda/cat pump 3700psi/4gpm. is there a model that you could recomend for my unit? thanks

    ps. make wheelies not war

  8. i washed my first deck yesterday. i though it went very well. the deck was in bad shape, tons of moss, mildew, dirt and graying. i used deck cleaner from olympic. the first pass got most of the junk off, but i ended up cleaning it twice. i went back today to check it out, and it looks like a new deck except for a few problem areas. the deck had a small step that was sitting on it for the hot tub, so i removed it and cleaned it off to the side. where the step was is a definate color difference from the rest of the deck. i'm not too concerned about it cause the step is going back. but there was also some flower puts that had done the same thing. is there anything that i can do to even out the color difference. would this be a good time to use a britener? i have a few days to work on it before i seal it cause it wont be over 50 until later in the week. any thoughts?

    and sorry about the novel
