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Everything posted by MudDuck

  1. What to use?

    Well the good thing is it's a bar so I don't think I'll have much trouble finding something to do waiting on dewll. Yea thats what I'll tell my wife. "I was waiting on the chem to dewll honey, LOL. Prob set that up for a "Friday job" for sure.
  2. What to use?

    Thanks for the info, figured I'd get more responce than this but I appreciate it.
  3. Ipe advice

    You couldn't siphin the water out over the side? Good thing it worked out like that but I don't think I would even have concicered getting near that pool with stripper chems and stain before it being pretty empty and lined, then pump chems / waist water out of lining with a $6.00 cordless drill pump and then lift liner w/ trash out.
  4. Broken hose

    Nothing like a 3k psi coach whip while trying to picking up that nub you used to call a hand,,,Yeeee Haaa!!!!
  5. I think there just being kinda nosy seeing how your doing it, and maybe just plain interested and asking "how long is it going to take" gives them an excuse into a convo with you. They don't want to just walk up on you like there "overseeing" you, afraid it might offend you they just want to see whats going on out of curiosity. Heck I do it when someones doing something for me here at the farm.
  6. Shipping Question

    I ordered some chem's ( 2 sample packs =12 lbs ) and a M5 x jet from Pressure Tk and they sent it in two different packages and then sent one with UPS and the other with Fed Ex. Leaving me with a 28.00 shipping cost on 185.00 order. (plus I didn't know what the shipping was to be until after it was sent, ordered online ) My question is are these companys getting some sort of kick back or discount from the carriers for volume? I live in a very rural area and have to pay extra for them to come out here therfore leaving me paying full boat min. to two different companys. I've asked the company and waiting for a reply but does this make sense to anyone? I'm pretty tick about the shipping being that high, is this normal?
  7. Licensing and/or certification

    My 2cents is that normally the only people whining about non lic. / insured / work comp / tax paying ya da ya da yada are the people that are already well "established". Don't think for a second that they / you are doing ANYTHING less than trying to make it as hard as possible to keep anyone else less established than them / you from stepping in your pie. Period. Yes you should have insurance and stupid if you don't but like it or not this is a buyer beware world. Don't act like your not just being selfish by trying to force your competition out under the color or "saving the community at large from them selfs" Or from "the cheap guy" aka "the guy who doesn't have as much money and fancy equipment invested as me". I understand some of you have some "hacks" in your market that are doing shoddy work for 99 bucks but face it, you know if some idiot comes to your door and gives you a "too good to turn down" deal thats it going to be questionable and so do most others. Again buyer beware. You have to ask questions about someone working around YOUR house such as insurance and the like and if you don't shame on YOU. I equate it to like making it illegal to own guns, then only criminals will have guns. The "criminal" in our industry will still be knocking on doors with fake credentials, giving "too good to turn down deals" and the idiot cheap a** home owner will still say "OK thats a good deal". But government regulation is not the answerer, you just have to step up your sales game and sell your worth. And I know I'll get bashed for this as I am a newbie but I've got liability insurance and working on LLC and the other things that I need, but I don't believe for a second that my only competition in town, established and running two big rigs with crews wouldn't love for me to have to jump through 80 more hoops (aka regulations / certs ect..) with extra cost hoping it will price me out of the business. Now I'll go over hear and put my rain gear on and wait for the rotten tomato's and eggs down streamed this away, just do me the favor, would someone finish off with some hot water /simple cherry mix, no wax.
  8. Shipping Question

    I found out that the x jet was drop shipped so that explains it. When we spoke the first time I believed him to have said that "both items were sent from here Monday" I wasn't trying to question his integrity I just was wanting some feed back from you guys as to is there some sort of game vender's play with the shipping. Because it didn't make sense to me to use two carriers because as someone else said there is a residential drop fee, a remote location fee and probably a fuel surcharge with EACH carrier. I was expecting around 20.00 not 30.00. Wasn't that much money in question it was the redundancy of the extra fee's.
  9. Something to celebrate!!

    Here here!!!
  10. Shipping Question

    I spoke with him this morning to find out what the ship charge would be and (before realizing they had been sent with diff carriers) and he said they were shipped from there on Monday. I'm not saying he's pulling a fast one I just don't know why you would ship two diff carriers unless I was getting direct shipped from his supplyer at two diff locations which I'm not. I e mailed him about it and waiting on a reply. I'm just ticked because I obviously have paid the second company that has the x jet another full min size / weight cost plus the extra rural charge ( he said it was 6.00 when I questioned the 28.00) which isn't much, but it is almost 20% of the shipping cost which is alot. It's not so much the amount as it is the buisness sense and just want to make sure I'm not paying twice or to the tune of 20% more than I need to. I've never order from them before and he seemed like a nice guy. I'm glad to hear someone say he's a stand up guy and biz. I am just a little shocked that what little I ordered had a 15% shipping cost and think if they had been shipped via a single carrier it would have been less. Just pinching penny's I guess but I wanted to throw this out there to make sure there isn't some sort of shipping scam (for lack of a better word) in the industry that I needed to be aware of.
  11. New Here

    As a new guy here too, I see this forum as a proffessional resource not a chat room and hope it stays that way. I have seen people take over other sights with personal issues and I no longer go there. If your being personaly negitive about anything to anyone you should be booted.
  12. How did that "outdoor" bleach work? I'm doing job to job chems until I get going and was wondering about that stuff but it was high priced if I remember correctly. Does anyone know if it's different than plain bleach?
  13. Copy of Walmarts RFP

    It looks like they want too much for any person to be able to deliver. Doing every Wally World in an entire state? Sounds like hocus pocus to me. I'd bet the local Mngr has the descression to hire it done or have Jim Bob the produce kid grab a sprayer off the shelf and go at it. They just from a corporate possition need to have it look like there "offering" the "local" companys the "oportunity" for the PR all the while knowing "Jim Bob" is going to do it. Otherwise have their cake and eat it too.
  14. Clearance FYI

    Just an FYI, Home Dep ( in NC anyway ) has alot of pressure washing items on clearance. Box of tips was 10.00, Dewalt 4000p spray gun 25.00, Dewalt pump oil 2.00, also I got a Dewalt water broom for 13.00 down from 50.00. They have alot of hoses too all at least 50% off. Hope it helps someone, Peace.
  15. For all you Bush haters

    Easy now, the topic is about taxes and Bush, who is an idiot by anyone's standard. Even the Republican party at this point. And they new it all along its just the idiologs like Limbaugh pushing the "party line", the officials are pupits for the corparates. Both sides. But we are almost all buisness people here and lets see if anyone who makes what they made last year goe's out and buys all new high end gear spending many times what they did and then cut your rates. Hmmm! Kinda like the 99.00 house wash guy banking on volume and quick sales for beer money, not intending to be around for the aftermath of people wanting "a deal" next year. Math doesn't work out long but it sure looks good. Bushs' tax "plan" all along was a GOP do whatever it takes to make everyone happy and keep power for the last 8 yrs so they could load up the US Suprem Court with GOP puppets. Knowing all along there would be several retire during that time. You just wait and see whats about to happen now that the GOP has CONTROL!! of the Suprem Court. Bush was just a puppet doing what he was told. McCain will be good if he doesn't compitulate too much to the GOP to get the money he needs to run. But I'm afraid he will.
  16. I'm just starting off with a 3800psi / 4gpm cold / 13hp Honda and getting a 125 gal tank all going in the back of the truck. Need to get some hose reels. (going with the m5 xjet too)I've done told the wife that all proceeds this year are going into a trailor unit next year w/ hot water. Like the other guy said, "wished I had found this sight sooner", but glade I did anyway. I'm targeting resi and hope to get 5 conv stores that a family menber is DM for. Wished I knew what to charge for those. Get those I'm getting a 20" surface cleaner.
  17. Can Someone Tell Me What Happened?

    I would concider myself lucky that it was only one side so you might break even $ redoing the one side. Also I would try to salvage it as a "publicity" deal where the guy will tell everyone what a stand up guy you are for just doing the "right" thing. (remember just one side, not too expensive) Could have been the first side forcing a "STOP" resulting in "no pay". Or the whole house which would be tuff to swallow.
  18. Is there any audio? I'm not getting any audio.
  19. Is This Price Too Low ?

    Dane I'd take that kinda personal, my neighbor giving his job to some other guy.:lgsad: How'd you let that happen.
  20. Is This Price Too Low ?

    Hey Big Man let me hold a dolla! Amen!
  21. I just bought a John Deer 3800psi / 4gpm with a 13 Horse Honda gas. I wanted to use a portable water source but the manual stated that you shouldn't or can't "siphon" and I take that as it needs a garden hose hook up from a sourse, ie house spicket. How can I set it up to use a tank on my truck? Do I need another pump at the tank to feed it to the washer and if so what typ? Or can I just hook the tank up directly and let it go?
  22. WaterTanks - How to?

    Ok I think I just found the anwser with the x jet. For the down stream question.
  23. WaterTanks - How to?

    One more question if I may, the intake port on the pump will only pull solution with the low pressure tip in. Any other tip and it wont pull soap. aslo do you "not" want to run bleach through the pump or doe's it matter. What other injector can I get for a "down stream" injector and how doe's it conect. Sorry I know it's a "newbie" aint gotta clue question but I have to ask.
  24. Pressure Washer Purchase Advice

    I just bought the John Deer 3800 psi at 4gpm direct drive w/ 13 Honda and it seems to work great. Haven't done much with it yet waiting on weather to break here in NW NC but I'm mainly going to wash houses and some conv. stores I have a line on. I'm fortunate to have a wife that has a great job and is supporting us just fine so I can consintrate on getting this biz going full time and put all of the profit back into it and get a trailor rig in a year or two. I have no overhead except advertising. I'm glad to hear others have started out with a machine like mine and made it.
  25. Is This Price Too Low ?

    Talk about not getting your price if you don't ask? Back in the early 90's I was a Deputy Sheriff. The "off duty" rate was about 12.00 hr. Heck I was making 12.00 in my first 40 hrs I wasn't working overtime for regular time pay. I started asking 20.00 per hr and ALL said I'd starve before I'd get that. LOL within six months EVERYONE had to come to me for off duty work because I had ALL the jobs. Not once EVER did anyone ever turn me down. Within a year I went to 25.00 hr. This was 10 years ago. Point is you have to ask for the money.