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Everything posted by MudDuck

  1. I just bid a 12x50 and an 8x15 deck today but the guy has already bought 8 gallons of this stain in a oil based simi trans. Has anyone ever used this before and what is the PITA factor if any with it. Is it bad to shine up? Therre are "caps" front and back on the top and bottom of the banister rails so there will be tight spaces to get to for sure. Any tips would be great. Note this deck was built in Nov 2006 and stained in June 07 with SWD but it was a water based version and has failed already. Thanks.
  2. Well this HO decided to get some other bids...lol. I made him a pretty good offer I thought he couldn't refuse at 1700.00. (using his stain)... But I'm probly better off not doing it anyway at that price...I did tell him if anyone under bid me by much he better take notice because they probly don't know what their doing or getting into. Hey cleanhood you want to come up and bid this thing and scare him back to me,..lol By the way how bad was the Jap place?
  3. Arkansas

    Hey Rev,,,I grew up there in Ozark..My brother was the manager of the Cracker Barrel there in Russlville for a long time,,,give me a call anytime as well. I use the M5 x jet 95% of the time and love it but there is a need for down streaming too sometimes. But don't run out and buy a bunch of stuff until you learn some stuff reading here over the winter and know what you "need". Don't run that pressure washer without it being hooked up to water and don't let it sit without pulling the trigger (flowing water) for more than a minute or two. The pump will over heat without water flowing. Again call me anytime.
  4. cold water or combination?

    Cold water makes your wand too small for the job...:banana::whip:
  5. Well I told the guy that it was a crap sandwich one way or the other, that what they sold him to go over this would not work because what was on it wouldn't strip out enough "probably" and to try to take it back. (I don't want to use it anyway much less it sit there over the winter in the can). Snow has been blowing for about 18 hrs and it's 26 degree's hear now so I don't think I'm going to be able to do anything with it this year other than maybe go try to pre strip it,,let it fail some more and set it up for next year to re strip then seal with either Rs or AC....I don't know if it "failed" as much as it wasn't put on right and a 12x50 and 8X15 hard acrylic job doesn't sound fun in winter at any profit margin.....:lgcold:
  6. Theft

    That is a sweet rig set up. Haven't seen a double axle that short..Where did you get it?
  7. Hardi plank

    Good info there Len...Haven't done a HP yet myself but glad to have seen this thread before doing one.
  8. Well now...bad news,,,the original Sherwin Williams Water born is an Acrilic....yea less than 18mo old on a 12x50 and an 8x15...Not good...Get this the SW store sold him like I said another 8 gal of oil SW after him telling them what the issue was. Which that wont work if the acrylic won't come up which I doubt will given its only14 mo old. At least I suspect there would be spots or sections that won't anyway. It's failed pretty bad but it still has alot of color in it and I think it wasn't put on correctly by THE PAINTER with his airless sprayer. HO says he hired "some guy who sprayed it and I helped him". I don't think it was back brushed or wiped..Here is what I think I'm going to prepose...Strip the crap out of it and see whats left....then if not completely stripped just let it sit and fail some more until say June then strip it again and then do the job...What do you think....any suggestions would be helpful. I know acrylic "can" be done but this deck is just so big I'm afraid some areas won't turn out as good as others and it's all one big level rectangle so it would be noticeable as you look across the deck.
  9. How much is this worth?

    The Dewalt from HD or the John Deere from Lowes is the same thing speck wise as the one your looking at. I've got one of the John Deeres' and I paid 920.00 new. I wouldn't concider paying that much for a used one. If he wants more than 500.00 go get the HD or Lowe's one. For 950.00 go get the new one.
  10. Yea I want to use the AC but this SW is a custom toned mix. Can't believe this numb nut bought all that before speaking to me. I think he might have been concidering doing it himself until he remembered doing it the first time. (brushed it..yea a 12x50) I belive AC is only offered at Sherwin W's in California. I'm going to double check to see if they will take it back and use the AC so I don't have to dismantle the dang thing to wipe the banister cranny's. Just hoping someone here has used it before.
  11. Thanks for the info but I'm still alittle confused. Funny timing though I did a bid today on a 12x50 and an 8x15 deck today that was built in Nov 06 and stained with Sherwin W Deckscapes (water based) in June 07 and has not only failed but mold seems to be all over it coming from deep within the wood in places not "on" it. He got the lumber from one of the local lumber yards and I'm suspecting it may have been infected when he put it down and stained it with the SWD water based product. He has now bought 8 gal of SWD again but in an oil base this time and wants that used. In prep I'm thinking I'm going to have to bleach the crap out of it to try to kill the mold but I told him it may or may not work. My plan is to HD80 it fairly heavy then Citrolic then bleach wash it to try to kill the mold within the wood. Will Adding TSP to the bleach wash soaking stop it from whitening up too much. I'm afraid the final look is going to come out too light due to the base color is too light.
  12. Deckmate?

    I had one customer bring one of those out and offer me to use this spring. I kind of laughed and thought it was a toy DIY thingy and passed. China bristle floor brush after spraying for me. I'm interested in the Deckster next year with the floor brush applicator option. Has anyone used this before?
  13. It's too funny,,,My wife and I were sitting in a Chinese restaurant today eating when this old man, had to be at least 90ish walks up to me and says "yep when I got out of the Army I went to Fl and started up a pressure washing biz cleaning roofs and made alot of money for back then"...LOL,,Florida,,,,"the pressure washing state" Just thought that was funny and wanted to share. Don't know what kind of washer he had back then cause this guy was REALLY old.
  14. Just a question,,,I really didn't know this so I ask....Is it really true TSP counteracts the "bleaching" or discoloration properties of SH on wood? I won't get SH anywhere near a treated deck and change formulas when washing houses over on the deck side. (no bleach) I was going to ask how you didn't discolor your existing deck floor using bleach on the railings but if this is true I have my answer and some knowledge gained. Could you or someone briefly explain or cover this.
  15. Beth what about your porch you were putting AC on? John good luck with the knee,,and yes the AC works great through a pump up. I was going to break down and buy one of them there fancy sprayer thingies but put it off after being turned on to the AC. It flows just fine through a 20.00 pump. Then back brush with a floor broom. Let it pool up all you want it soaks in over night with no shines. Len's about got me convinced into getting the Deckster though. Has anyone tried the sprayer broom that you can get with the Deckster?
  16. Sunoco gas stations NY,NJ,PA

  17. LIve ChaT AlwAys at PWI II

    Ron are there a schedual of events as far as when you will be live? What days and times would be most helpful.
  18. Though I haven't used Ripit before I'm of the understanding that stuff is very strong and harsh. I would think if you put anything that strong on something that didn't have much if anything on it your going to burn it up causing furring. IMO that was your problem. I like HD 80 if I'm going to strip it anyway because I don't think it dives down as deep as say F18 or something in the same strength category. Correct me if I'm wrong please but that is my understanding of it. I'm suprized no one has mentioned or caught on to him saying he used Ripit on a seemingly bare wood. That would be WAY harsh wouldn't it. Also I vote osborn brush every time.
  19. Gutter Cleaning - Method

    After blowing that shnit six ways from Sunday all over the house sounds like your going to do a free 300.00 house wash for an 89.00 gutter clean. Plus get the oil muck from the shingle run off all over the house which might not come off.
  20. Gutter Cleaning - Method

    :yoda:Practice young grasshopper.......May the force be with you,,,,and an 8.00 hr helper......
  21. Vinyl siding problem

    I'd try a good wet wax with hot water if you have it. Or the "restora" stuff on that side of the house. Unfortunately free yea. Need to try to make it right for them at least to show effort but I'd tell them straight out that I don't think I did that because that is caused by someone not knowing what they are doing using the wrong tip and too close. And explain to them what it is. Maybe they'll admit the "bro in law" cleaned it last year....Or little Bobby down the screet...
  22. I'd go ahead and strip it, expose bad boards, replace them to start getting weathered, collect a little extra Christmas money. Leave it until next spring, then pre carb it, defer and stain it, collect the rest for 09 insurance or add money. Start the year ahead of the game. It shouldn't "damage" it anymore in 5 months to leave it.(But you didn't say what kind of wood it was though). If you change out old boards will help with the "blend" of color of old and new boards. Make a better looking job in the end.
  23. It looks like the last guy left before he finished it..LOL. Whats up with the facia and 4x4's in pic #2? That will be sweet when you finish it im sure. Hot mix on Red wood,,,,, "they call him the sand man....Whoooo,,,the sand man,,,Whooo,,,Spinnin the Osborn...,,,Coo Coo ka chooo..."
  24. Job estimate request

    You should PM the "Condo King" aka Jeff @ JL Pressure out of Myrtle Beach SC. Also theres a Round Table out in Phonix AZ coming up you should try to get there and meet some guys. I think Jeff will be there too. Welcome to The Grime Scene by the way.:cheers:
  25. Hey Kory,,,I got 5 bucks the bro takes the rig to Tampa on consighment,,,:lolsign: :vroom: :zipit: :rotfl: