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Everything posted by MudDuck

  1. Your Opinions On Rebuilding New Orleans ?

    NOLA is and was a waist...They should have shut it down after big K and used the city as a mass training base for military and leo's for urban warfare and search and rescue ops.... My wife works for the department of social services and since Katrina every time there is a storm headed toward NO the calls start coming in from people saying their evacuee's from NO and want to "register" aka sign up for their free stuff,,,wanting red cross money cards..emergency food stamps and emergency living expenses..claiming to have nothing not even clothes because "the government" ordered" a mandatory evacuation so they HAD to leave without getting anything and now they have found out their house was broken into back there and all lost everything to thievs...ya da ya da....every time...it's the same people calling every time...LOL...And they have to fill out a bunch of paperwork (emergency applications) because they can't perceive to be discriminating or call them out all the while knowing its not true and not getting anyone anything. They think if they see a MANDATORY EVAC anywhere they have ever lived before or God help have an old ID from they automatically have a tit pass. She comes home so pissed every time there is a storm this time of year...lol...
  2. Vote for PWNC site

    Just found this thread,,,clickity clickity clickity....
  3. Beth's daily cup of coffee

    "Will wash galaxy for $99.99 any size in any degree, come one come all!!!" Shuttle wash 79.99
  4. Hardi plank

    Just watch over saturation, don't slam it or flood it. Let chems work then rinse. What did you end up doing PressurX? Did it work out or you just eat it.
  5. Eye rolling in family court gets you a goverment grant for an all expenses paid 6 month vaca!!!:banghead:
  6. Funny thread,,Just recently did bid on a home with three decks. HO ONLY wanted two of them bid on leaving a 10x20 porch and a 27ft ramp NOT done. Completed job which turned out wonderfull. I went to pick up final check. (note was suposed to pick up check on Mon but called first due to it was over 50 mi trip to house and no answer, or Tues or Wed or Thurs so I drove out anyway to see if they were home. Found HO wife who loved the job I did with no complaints but was pissed because the not done porch looked like crap next to the two decks I did do. Wanted me to just do it to make it look right...for free...LOL...yea...10x20 16ft off sloping ground with rails...I had told them at bid NOT doing it and the wood furn would make it not match (trying to get more work of course) but was assured not to worry they didn't want it done now. Well....wife decides she doesn't want to write me a check...Then only wants to pay me half of the second half ballance and I then "could take it up with her husband". LOL I told her she better get him on the ph because I wasn't leaving without a check and had to get pretty ugly insisting she write me a check in full. That all her concerns were discussed at original bid time. But if I had to take it up with anyone later than now it would be the local Magistraight for breach of contract. @50.00 intrest per day. Hubby got on the phone and told her to write me a check in full. And loved my work and wanted me to come back and bid the rest of the stuff but wiffey pulled out the o'l veto P card on me. So I guess I got Ph'ired..
  7. All of the decks I've done with AC ( all PTYP Super Cedar 1 and Simi Cedar x3) seemed to me to have a lot of pigment and turned out darker than I expected at job end, but didn't cover the grain too much. The Simi Cedar had a very warm rich look to it in full sun. Almost glowed (not shiny) it was so rich. And that was three days later as well. In the shade it was a little darker than I was looking for but still wonderfull up close. Just lost grain and a little too brown at a distance. Waiting to see how much it might lighten up over a few months. I've also done some baluster boards with the sample kit AC sent me and those seem to be darker than the brochure pics as well. Guessing it's the clay pigments instead of iron if thats what it is. The Simi Cedar and the Cedar Toner were pretty close in color on the baluster boards. Closer than the pics but might not have been shaken good prior to being dipped into the little sample cans thus less pigs. But no complaints, just have to learn color scheems and mixing tech's. I'm thinking the toners will be good for maint on match colors.
  8. Sorry and I'm probably going to ruffle some feathers but I don't see a point in having another "hoop" to jump through or group to belong too to "make myself LOOK legitimate". Either you are or you are not. I just have a hard time giving / seeing credibility in "organizations". They all start out with good intentions but sooner or later turn into what I call "PROFESSIONAL non profit organizations". With dues or fee's which provides Mr. Non Profit "organizer" and his crone's with high paying part time side jobs. And all I get is another sticker for my truck and a verbish word to babble and BS the customer with. Now I know Newlook you and the ***** are reputable entities but this all sounds to much like it's just another way to "solicit" more members rather than do anything for me. Again sorry for the jadded tone but thats how I honestly see it.
  9. I just can never understand what the thought process is for anyone,,bulider or HO,,to spend the money on a nice wood like cedar or red wood and then think,,,Hmmmm, I know I'll put PAINT over it,,,Just no nice word for STUPID... If I was that HO I'd be sending your bill to the builder insisting he pay for it. Thats just gross negligence there. That didn't even match anything and obviously was just some crap those guys had in the back of their truck left over from the last job. Turned out cool though. Be sure to post some pics when you get to put it on some PT pine.
  10. Don't power wash it anymore with high pressure. Sounds like you over did the oxalic, that is supposed to be for neutralizing the other stripper acid and lightening up the wood but was supposed to have been wash off too. Nothing you can do now. Use Armstron Clark stain which is very user friendly you can't screw it up. You will need to light sand the wood if it looks "fuzzy" with a orbital varible sander polisher. Research Osborn brushes here. Go to Armclark.com for stain. Tell them Randall with Blue Ridge power wash in NC sent you. They will take care of you. Let me know if you have any more questions. NO HIGH PRESSURE or bleach on wood! Let the chems do the work then rinse them off with the crap on the wood.

  11. Of course PAINT is consistant,,,easy to use,,,with longevity...LOL :rotfl: :zipit: :banghead:
  12. Isn't longevity about moot at this point?....With the VOC's changing and all..it's down to about two years thats it on just about everything isn't it? Can't call or concider that longevity can you? I'd say ease of use as long as its consistant.
  13. Wanna bet?...LOL,,,,You know those news paper things where they publish and give out those placks you see hanging on walls in restaurants and such that says... "Voted best in the upstate"...ya da ya da...ect..? I swear I've seen them in a large municipality approach a buddy of mine and another guy twice stating that if they "bought" at least 800 of there news papers "next week" they would guarantee him he would be "voted best" and get all the accolades that came with it. One did and got it and did so for three or four years and wrote it off as advertising. See what they do is concider "one paper one vote"...They didn't even have to clip out the voter slip and send it in. SCAM And the "guarantee" is because they wont approach your competitor to do the same if you agree to buy that many. The guy was so bold as to even explain it as I have to you,,,
  14. Pressure Washing articles

    I to spoke with Jake this afternoon and mentioned this thread. As Rick stated he said he was a friend of yours and thought it was funny we were about to hunt you down and stuff your shorts with wet linseed rags and light you up for being a name droppin spammer. LOL. Get ready I think he's going to raz you as well for that apparent tag and run.:vroom: :lgbonk:... Welcome to the zoo.......:cheers: PS The names have been changed to protect the inocent.....:lgkeyboar
  15. An option for those struggling......

    Point taken and I under stand...but bottom line is you've conditioned your market customers into THINKING that brushing is better knowing most other guys don't or won't do it because IT'S NOT NEEDED and not even on most peoples radar these days. The seeds you've been planting all these years have grown into tree's concerning customers perception that if your not brushing your NOT doing as good a job. Which is all fine and good like I said it's your business model designed for cutting the throat of the competition keeping you in business. Thats what it is BUT you promoted it to us struggling guys as setting our selfs apart from the competition, raising the bar when your not doing anything of the sort but raising the labor effort aka cutting the profitability hoping other guys are not willing to work that hard for half the money. You might as well be promoting low balling. The low baller can take his HD cold water machine from door to door and tell everyone that "Those guys with their fancy 20k hot water rigs" are telling you XYZ so they can justify charging you 400.00 to wash your house. I can do the same job for $99.99 and if your not happy with the job I do don't pay me". And I could make money doing it all day long not dropping any quality whatsoever. I CAN clean a house with a cold water machine for 99.99 getting it as clean as you and make money doing it. I don't,, and CHOOSE to struggle a little bit knowing I'm conditioning my market to EXPECT a house to cost 250+ to clean it NOT to expect it takes someone all day long to do it. Suggesting anyone to cut their profitability in half to separate them selfs from the competition is promoting low balling it just looks better. You might as well said "hey guys if your struggling,,,make up some schnit to dis credit your comp about how they are doing jobs", like some bash roof cleaners for using bleach, cause we all know how bleach ruins everyting it touches ect, ect... Or ohhh did you know that guy uses ACID to clean decks! I get your point but I guess I see it as a bad vehical,,,if your struggling which really means not getting much work, seporate yourself with QUALITY.... Go slower, take your time because your not doing anything this afternoon or tommorow anyway. Explain what your doing,,befriend your HO ect...I think thats what you meant.
  16. Vinyl fade

    Washed a Grey house ( 6% bleach w/ simple C and touch of F13) which came out really faded. Didn't notice prior to wash that much but afterwords it was really faded once I went around all sides wiping to check for oxidation. Slid the lose pieces back to uncover original color which was very different. HO had been using OTC stuff for a few years plus no telling what. I did notice and point out what seemed like harsh chems were used prior to my start but it came out looking more fadded when I was done or it was clean lol whichever. I put a wax mix in the wash when I washed it, did one side afterward with no effect either way. Question: doe's the restorea stuff work for that and or for the vinyl blinds? I've never tried it but wondering if I should keep some on the truck to wipe the blinds at least. A lot of those cheap window blinds fade quickly. Does the Restora work for that and what has been your experiance with it and for what? Thanks for any info imput.
  17. LOL...I guess the clue there Rick is it's called Oxford Brown like an old shoe. Matt did they want something that dark? It looks good against the white to me but was it still wet at pic time? It's seems to have some lighter spots here and there was it hard to get even? And yes that will be a good one to watch how it holds up under true traffic, will you be able to keep an eye on that one for us?
  18. DIY curious about a deck quote

    Rick, are you saying it would take you 2 and 1/2 days to plank out a 10X20 floor with new boards? He spent 20 hrs thus far sand prepping (how much time spent on the original stripping?) and going to strip it again which will require sanding / de furing AGAIN. Remember he spent 20 hrs the first time w/ "150 lb sander". (I'm thinking thats a stand up swing type, 20 hrs?) and thats for just the FLOOR. And thats not the CEDAR verticals, which your going to leave OLD PAINT ON? Thats a crime in and of itself. Plus cost of stain and materials, add in the possible / probable screw up factor with the stain which is going to look like crap regardless with old painted verts. Once thats realized what are you going to do strip the verts? OK try to hand sand verts w/ 3 layers in good faith but theres another 40 hrs prior to realizing it fruitless and strip anyway and ruin the flooring and start all over again? To save $1150.00? No to save about $500-750.00 (cash not the 40-50+ hrs time) at that point, to only then have someone come out and do it all again. Say all goe's well, how much is 40-50 hrs of your time (plus several $100's materials) for an average looking DIY'er job worth vs having a pro come out do it right in 3 days for 1200? If your going to do a beautiful CEDAR deck you have to do it right, top to bottom or you will not be happy. Old painted verticals on newly sanded stained cedar floor? It'll take about 15 minutes before he realizes he should have done it all and "I aint doing that again" and pays to have it done AGAIN. Again what has he saved? Your going to have a 2500.00 odd looking OK DIY deck job when your done or a 3700.00ish WoW deck job that should have cost you only 1200.00 if you had only called a pro from the start. DIY is OK if you have the time but you have to do it right, not skipping any steps or you won't be happy. Doing just the floor is a bad idea and after realizing how hard this really is without experience and the right tools you will probably be more than willing to pay to have someone else do it next time, hence the extra 1200 tp 1500.00 on top of your job. Go through some of the pics here at some cedar decks and see how good they can look completly done right. Good luck.
  19. Osha Regulations

    Pigeon doo is some bad stuff in confined spaces,,like attic infestation. Very bad, requires positive pressure mask and basically Hazmat suit. Used to be a fireman / paramedic in another life and I cant remember all the details but I do remember going over that at length in training and watched it once on a video. Was some baaaad stuff to ingest...Like kill ya bad from what I remember. I wouldn't touch it if it's inside or bad enough to even be questionable. Those kind of clean ups cost thousands and thousands of dollars and the HO probably has already been told this thats why they may have started calling "out of the book" contractors who might not deal with that kind of thing and or know it. If its just washing down a stoop or overhang then thats another thing but I'm not claiming to be the authority, do some research because it can be some bad stuff.
  20. An option for those struggling......

    He can't because his whole shtick is brush washing and has trapped himself by telling all his customers that brush washing is better and THAT is why they should use HIM instead of his competition. I would guess his very creditability would be at stake with his base. I assume he is established with a client base and knows other start ups without the base can't afford to hire help or charge enough to make it worth their while to do it That way giving him the advantage. Its his business model. Again Jeff I'm not meaning to sound ugly, I get what your intentions for the thread are and I really enjoy your post I do but it is what it is, it's negatively marketing your competition not doing a better job. Not slamming your methods at all we all tell our customers "OUR company, experience, hot water, chems or methods, hey look at my big fancy rig I gotta be better than the next guy and thats why you should use me." But it is what it is and that doesn't mean its better for any body but you. But it works for you and thats the name of the game so kudos. But I can't sit here and let someone give me advice about how to do a better job,,start brushing,,like I'm not doing as good a job. For the purpose of discrediting the way I do it as a matter of practice. All customers pay us to clean the surface period. If you need to brush a spot brush it but I don't have to stand there for hours making the money I charge tangible to the customer. Those are "one on one customers" that I try to make happy but I'm not going to cut my price which effectively doubling my time and effort would do. Like PlainPainter asked would you do it MY WAY for half price? I'm sure your anwser is NO just like would I do it YOUR WAY for half price,,,NO.
  21. An option for those struggling......

    True'er words have never been spoken...LOL
  22. An option for those struggling......

    I find my customers just want the house clean when I'm done. Most houses are nasty because most customers do not and will not do it regularly no matter what. It's not hard to get dramatic results with nasty houses. I X Jet with spot brushing if necessary and usually,,,almost entirely wind up dealing with soccer moms who never come out until I'm done and wouldn't care or even know I didn't brush. I think Jeff your justifying to the customer why they should use you by TELLING them your going to brush noting "others wont take the time to do this" ect...effectivly putting the rest of us down to the HO making them think the last guy didn't do it like he was supposed to or plant the seed to the HO to ASK the next bidder if he brushes because thats what they now think your supposed to do to get a cleaner house, to close the deal for you. I'd bet thats in every sales pitch you make. (which you claim is raising the bar but in reality your just sabotaging the next guy giving an estimate by setting him up to fail.) Call it what it is but,,, it's just another selling technique to separate yourself from others its not cleaning any better or getting you more work your just improving you closing rate because the HO THINKS there getting something "extra" and who doesn't want that. Brush all you want I think it's great but its not getting you more work besides the factor that your standing in that yard longer giving the neighbor the extra time to pass by and see you. I don't believe your houses are any cleaner than most others who do the job thoroughly. I'm not meaning to sound like I'm attacking you it's just I have to call it what it is,, negative marketing,, its not a better job or "raising the bar".
  23. Ryan I believe the season is starting to wind down now for this year so you might not get much help. Also no one will train you in a market you will share with them. Just read here all you can this winter and try to do some small stuff like picknic tables and chairs and stuff for people you know. The process is pretty much the same, you get to use your equiptment and it makes good practice without big comitments in time, expense and accountability. Hint,,make their small pieces look great then they will have to have you come back to make their crappy deck match. LOL Also look into Armstrong Clark Stains, ( Armclark.com ) they are very user friendly and a very good product. There is a Armstrong Clark thread here, look into it. Good luck.
  24. I'm glade this thread came up,,I've got a guy that has two floor buffers he's trying to sell me. One is a High speed which I know I don't need the other is a 17" low speed which is what I think might come in handy from time to time or worth having around. He wants 300.00 for both which sounds like a decent deal. I told him I was only interested in the low speed and he's thinking of a price. (He wants to sell both at once) Kevin you seem to know about these is that what I want (it is a buffer he says but I'm thinking it's all the same?) and what do you think would be a good price for it. I don't know the brand but this guy did floors and said he got tired of it and selling out. You or anyone else can pm me if you don't want to respond here. Correct me if I'm worng about a low speed "buffer" is what your talking about your just putting sand paper on it. Thanks,
  25. Safety

    Thats ok you just introduced yourself as "I am the newbie" so thats what I took from it. Not pssd at all just didn't want to see someone make a mistake that didn't need to make it. Like you said were all here to help one another. Wasnt trying to "birddog" your job just making a logical suggestion. Turning over a job that was too big for you to one of the "big boys" would pay dividends 10x's I bet with training and sub jobs back to you and would be worth it no question. Need to fill in your sig with your company info at the bottom like everyone else. Its required. I see Sister Beth gettin her knuckle cracker out over there.