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Everything posted by MudDuck

  1. Too Busy for a Roundtable?

    Hey Ron are there a listing of when your having the chats? I'd like to take part I just don't know when your on. Seem to always catch it after its over. Schedual?
  2. Safety

    In all seriousness,,,If your "a newbie" for real I think a 4 story roof is a little ambitious to start out with. That high up there is a lot more equipment and logistics that are necessary to do that job safely AND proper than a harness. If you don't have or know which harness you should use leads to the conclusion you've never done a job like that before and not equipped for that job in more than one aspect. I'd suggest you turn one of the established guys here from Fl on to that job in exchange for maybe a finders fee and or some training. Most guys train for free labor but I wouldn't turn over a big job for free but don't be greedy. And or a couple of smaller jobs from them. Just sayin....gravity ain't forgiving,,, neither is a pissed off management or insurance company who realizes after the fact you did not know what you were doing and damaged something or got someone hurt. Might post on the "job leads" forum and get some help. No shame there, make a friend, some respect and a NETWORK BUDDY.
  3. Safety

    Huh? I believe the penalty for no harness on a slippery four story roof is a flat face. >--I-O
  4. I'm guessing thats a California thing. LOL What color are you useing Beth? Get ready for a stress free job though. The samples I've made with all the colors are a little darker than I expected on PTYP, (weathered / cleaned.) My guess is going to let the brightener dwell longer and brighten the wood more than you normally would. The only thing I found I could do wrong with the stain was knock over the can. Did find one thing that works better than any brush I've seen yet..........The blue car wash brush from Wal Mrt for 5 bucks. (4 vinle scrubbing) No kidding, I needed a bucket for some railings but only had a fiver on the truck so I needed a deep brush and wallllaa!!! Better than the 20.00 wooster I was using to that point. Again great stuff. I think I've found my primary "go too" stain.
  5. Funny I just bought a new Husky 445 chain saw Wed and went around the property "playing" with it but was saved by my wife who finally "insisted" I come in,,,LOL She said she looked out across the pasture and saw me sawing on a leaning 60ft tree with one hand wide open and a beer in the other (knowing it was my 8th beer and first chain saw) and got scared....LOL....Woman...they do come in handy sometimes..
  6. :lgangry:If your not staining it don't strip it. Let the woodie your refering it too take care of that. The end quality depends on how it was preped and he probly wouldn't touch it if you had already started it. Bottom line is if your HO wants it stained and or sealed pass the whole thing off to your wood guy. If your just trying to upsale something just wash it down with a light precarb or house wash minus the bleach.
  7. What!!! No Lawyer? No class action suite? How un American!!! Those were the days,,, when you could do something stupid but were smart enough to JUST not do it again...LOL No more live and learn it's live and litigate!!!
  8. apt building bid

    What are you doing to the building? One story or three? Are you cleaning and staining the decks,,what? 1200.00 just to wash it down seems a little high to me. 1200.00 to do those decks, strip / clean / stain, is way low. Depends on what your doing.
  9. That WRC makes one heck of a deck. WOW....
  10. I have the 5 yr Nat Cedar and it sucks. Wont do that again. Blotchy orange Hooter sauce lookin crap.
  11. I wouldn't deliberately try to stain wet wood but the Armstrong Clark I just put on a simi dry deck came out perfect. It rained the evening before I stained it with little sun the day of. I've done three decks with AC now and have nothing but good to say about it.
  12. In high school I watched the shop teacher take a staple gun to one of the bus drivers who was sitting spraddle legged on a bench, slammed it down in between his legs playing like he was going to staple his u know what. Well.......he missed his aim and did staple his go nads to the table. They had to cut his pants off and pry them lose with a screw driver. Still makes me laugh thinking about it.
  13. Unbelievable, while eating breakfast in a small restaurant the other day on my way to a deck job a little old man approached me and asked if I did vinyl. He had seen my sign on my truck. I said yes and he told me his church needed cleaning but had called someone last week and hadn't heard back from him since. (I get that ALOT here which is a whole other story but...)I told him yes and that I would call him that night or the next day. Long story short when I called his wife (little old lady) stated that they already had someone and thanked me for calling. I was persistent and finally point blank asked her how much was he doing it for. She was reluctant at first but I pretty much insisted and she said..."1200.00 dollars". I said WHAT!!!!! and told her not to do anything until I got there the next morning. See the little old man had already told me that it was a very small church which held only 50 people. When I got there I learned the church was a small square, brick on all 4 sides except the eves in the apex on two sides above the roof line and the steeple. This hack was charging (extorting) 1200.00 from this little church for about what amounted to a car wash. I told them I'd do it for 250.00 and felt bad about that but it is way off the beaten path where it is. And I'm going to paint a small extieor wall they need painting too. 1200.00 geez, something told me to be a little pushy with her which I normally would never do.
  14. One for the good guys

    Turns out this a$$ has some type of bucket truck and told them he HAD to charge so much because he HAD to use the bucket truck to get to the steeple. I shot it with the X Jet from the ground no prob. Wasn't even really Also when I hit that steeple with the X Jet about a billiion hornets and wasp went everywhere. Like to have watched that moron hit that stuck in his bucket with no where to go fast. He would have earned that extra grand right there,,LOL
  15. looking for a change of scenery?

    I think he converted his logging saw mill motor into a pressure washer. Made a tank out of his platform. LOL
  16. Just finished two decks (a 10x30 w/ rails on 4 sides and a 10x20) with AC Semi Trans Cedar and really like the color. It does look a little darker than expected but looks very rich and warm while in full sun. Going to pick up final check today and will try to get pics up. Application was almost too easy, feels like a splash and dash. Kudos' to Jake and AC team. I would like to know the maint issue as well. Also anyone know the shelf life of AC?
  17. Are you doing all that fence or just the curtlege around the deck. And both sides of the fence? The fence needs more than a wash, I'd say light HD80.
  18. sonic resturants

    Your probably exactly spot on with that. Everyone "knows" hey its a drive in where everyone throws raw crap out the window so it HAS to be cleaned up a lot. Makes a good sales pitch for for the building contractor for sure but Mr. Corp didn't realize in the end it's left up the a Manager to get it done. But Mr. Manger doesn't have time or inclination to do it or trust his 6.00 hr kids to run the thing knowing they would get someone hurt or something tore up. Or look like crap with wand marks everywhere from the zero tip after the first time it was done. So it doesn't get done and now corp wont budget any money for us because it supposed to be a "non issue" anymore. Progress...got a love it. Someone needs to find a way to start a dialog back up the chain of command about how dangerous it could be for someone not trained in chems and high pressure. Maybe a letter from one of our orginizations like PWNC for example. Also might be worth trying to get one of the Managers to admit it and you could do the job with "their" equiptment and just show up with your surface cleaner and bid the price low enough to be worth it to him. No set up or tear down just throw your surface cleaner back in the truck and go on. For slow times or winter work anyway.
  19. sonic resturants

    You or your wife (auants uncle cousins everyone) ask for a mngr next time you there (not in company truck) and tell them the place is nasty and before you order your wondering if the inside is as nasty as the outside.
  20. Thats pretty funny. When you go back by there you ought to pull up and wash the walk next door on both sides and drive off. LOL:lghohoho:
  21. How would you bid on this.

    What property management company? Post that and maybe someone here has worked them before and can PM you with some intel. My guess is if they waited this late to get it done they'll pay pretty good just to get someone on it. Bigger companys or there regular guy might be too booked up to jump on it this late for any price. I wouldn't low ball it.
  22. Thats good to know, I'm trying out the AC Simi Trans Cedar myself Friday on two decks. I got the small sample pack and made up some PTYP railings for show. Did one that was laying out behind the shop which was soaked on one side and it came out looking just like the other sides.
  23. Nasty House!

    Need to stick a big sign in the yard for the locals to see what the difference is beside the other houses. $99.99 special !!!
  24. Does Penofin give Kickbacks?

    Most big box stores (even HD and Lowes) have gone to 7.00 8.00 per hr workers (kids) phasing out their 15.00 grown up workers. Big box stores now have corp trainers who follow a ver battem script when training new associates keeping everything as simple as possible. I'd bet that made it into one of the corp scripts and thats all they know to tell you when you buy the lumber and ask what your supposed to seal it with. But yes I know for a fact that they also "push" certian "accesories" with specific products that have the most margin in it for corp in those scripts and give the salesman what they call a "spiff" for every customer they push into that product. Go shop for a new flat screen tv and see how many salesmen tell you you HAVE to have one of those 200.00 to 500.00 serge protectors. Theres more margin in that serge protector than in the tv.
  25. Hey I thought that Trex was that fancy maintinance free stuff,,,LOL