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Everything posted by MudDuck

  1. recipe for cleaning dryvit?

    Pressure Tek and order a gallon of F13 gutter grenade and mix about 4oz to a 5er. (X jet mix, DS?) Works great on black streaks but test a spot in the back first. I don't know what it will do on drivit, never seen it that I know of. Might try some F18 if it is concrete type but I'd call Bob there at PT and ask him. They have a great sample pack of chems that include the Simple Cherry,F13 and F18.
  2. I bet corp took your bid amount and fronted the manager the money in a peti cash / maint fund which she's using to redo the club house furniture or pool area or her new favorite gym piece. Then subing out the job to her house keepers son becasue we all know poor little Juan can't find a job.
  3. Hardie Plank again, major problem! :(

    I agree with the others saying it's coming from under the siding. Too much water pressure forcing water under the siding. Almost impossible to not do when your trying to rinse really well but still. I'd try to wash it again with light pressure with house wash recipie again, (with bleach), just enough to get it wet and dwell some. Hopfully the soap / bleach solution will break, lift, fade the red. Light rinse down, then wax additive rinse to bring out some deeper color luster of the painted board. Test first though.
  4. first trailer house

    Right up to the point your paying for a whole new starter instead of a little rope. :lgbugeyes
  5. Exactly,,,stick a match to a rag and see how fast it starts to burn. Do same thing to a 2X4 on a deck and it won't "catch" as fast. Not even close. It's the heat generation IN the easily ignited rag with fumes trapped in the rag which slows down the evaporation process keeping the concentration level up for longer period of time allowing more heat. Then POOF!!
  6. You explained it all when you said she was a local Attorney. A lot of times HO's can't visualize what the "whole" project is going to look like until it's done thats a given. I bet it just wasn't "exactly" what she expected and was trying to get out of paying the other half. She was just trying to save some money. Trust me I've known a lot of Attorneys on a personal level and 99% of them are the cheapest bas-turds (in their personal life) you will ever meet. Their not used to paying for anything, they "trade" it out with someone who owes them money. And they think every body owes them. Especially the woman. If it doesn't pertain to their "image" that they think someone else is seeing they don't want to spend anything on it. They want exactly what they want and they want it NOW and expect you to read their minds. Thats why I only hire female Attorneys..LOL...Then bug the shnit out of them I mean call them every other day. They turn into attack dogs for you just to get rid of you after you stop sending checks until somethings done. LOL...speaking of checks, I'd be at the bank TODAY and if that check doesn't clear Charge her for your time plus 25.00 for going back over there to get cash and if theres a problem tell her your going to file a written complaint with the state BAR. The one thing you have over an Attorney is the BAR. They'll look into it, make her respond to them over the complaint and then jerk her but into an ethics committee mu'e pronto if it's not settled. For writting a bad check or cancling one it would mare her record and they even could take her Attorney lic and she knows it. I bet thats why she finally paid you and was rude about it because you stuck to your guns and she couldn't do anyting about it. Good for you. By the way cheer up,,,,,YOU WON!!!
  7. Doe's anyone have any advice on what to use to seal a driveway (asphalt) Got a neighbor who wants me to seal his driveway. Includes filling cracks, holes ect...Never done this before, don't even know what to charge. I'm not sure where to post this thread but its residential. Thanks for any advice.
  8. Inhaled Sodium Hydroxide fumes?

    Just realized your LEO, you must know one of the chicky poo's or Doc over at the ER. Call over there or do a drive by. They'll take care of you off the books normally, let you suck alittle O2 if thats all you need. Or hit your favorite FD / EMS station for some covert O2. If you haven't killed yourself thats prob all you need. They'll get a kick out of it for future storys to tell on ya.
  9. Inhaled Sodium Hydroxide fumes?

    Man if your having any breathing issues after playing with this stuff go to the Doctor or ER. If grandma has an O2 machine I'd be hitting it myself for a few hours. Don't lay down flat sit up. If fluid is building up you can drown. If chest starts getting tight / hard to breath go to ER right then dont wait. Watch lips and fingernails,,if dis colored or turning "blue" call EMS.
  10. Sealing Asphalt Drive

    Thanks PowerJet, I was hoping I could get some of the real stuff for patch. Your info helps a lot and I appreciate it. I might PM you for more info if I may. Big Mike I can't see how you could get anyone to come to a location with equiptment and set up and work with hot asphalt and sealer for 190.00. After product and paying at least one helper you couldn't be making more than 100.00 bucks. I just can't see someone doing that type of work of for that. Most of us here wouldn't pull up jerk down a surface cleaner and wash the same drive with water for that kind of profit. I'm not saying it didn't happen but sounds like a 99.99 house wash guy to me...But again I admit I don't know anyting about asphalt'n. I just want to take care of this HO, I do a heck of a lot of no bid work for this guy, he just calls me in the end ask what he owe's, cuts a check on the spot.
  11. I'm going to bite the bullet and get a sprayer for deck staining. What would be your recommendation. I'm looking at some of the Apex airless sprayers at Lowe's for a starter. (should I upgrade the gun on it?) Are there any reason "not" to use one of these? I know about the Deckster but I don't necessarily want to spend that much at this point but is it really functionally any better and why. RS and Oly max is what I would be spraying normally. I really know nothing about sprayers so any advice is greatly appreciated.
  12. Thank you Sir, this should have been your first post. Full of great information. Gratis to U. I was offended because too often people spend more time and energy putting off someone to tell them to "use the search button" and or beat them up and try to embarrass them than it would take to just answer the stupid question. No one here is "be all to end all", this sights motto says it all. Sorry Beth and Rob if I said anything that wasn't my place... I'm just tired of some bashing others who arn't "there" yet, as I am not, and come here to learn something which I suspect is why you started this sight....Thank you for that...And a BIG THANKS to all the others who chimed in with constructive and respectful post. EZ anything you need to know you post it. We'll worry whether your a hack or not later. The bigger picture is to be respectful and treat others the way we all want to be treated. Good God the man just had a question about Craigs List. Advertising has always been a legitimate convo before...Turns out others had something constructive and possitive to add therefore it was a good question.
  13. Don't sweat it ezman he's just trying to **** you off since your close enough to him to be his competition. He's trying to draw you out to see what kind of competition you are and probably suspects your a 99.99 low baller stealing "his" business. Your question wasn't out of line or whining. I can't figure out how anyone could have twisted in into whining about no biz but thats just me. I'm not familiar with any of your other post which couldn't be many, this was post #19 for you. Post what you want and don't worry about anyone here. Some here forget this is a forum to "Educate, Integrate. Motivate" and come here thinking it's "their" private forum to socialize like a bunch of pedigreed school girls looking down on others who are starting out and or don't have a 50k rig running a million dollar operation. Again don't sweat it there's plenty of room here on the short bus with me....:vroom:.....And don't pay the catty drill team any mind...
  14. Sealing Asphalt Drive

    Thanks Alan, The drive is approx 150ft, it's pretty big and wide, goe's into the front and then around to the back of the house. Goe's around about three quarters of the house. I'll look into the 532 at the HD. Anyone else with any advice either with the job or a product please chime in. Again thanks.
  15. Safe for automotive finishes?

    Call Bob at Pressure Tek if you want a "real" answer but I can't imagine how Simple C would hurt anything in its self. I think your going to have to have some SH for that stucco and would just use OTC clorox 6% and blow rinse water in the air flow every few min toward the cars and try to wet them down. Or set up a sprinkler and a water hose from the get go. Though I don't think X jetted 6% SH mix is going to hurt a car finish but then again if its a Ferrari lot I'd make sure for sure. Mix it a little weak at 2gal per 5er and plenty of Dawn for hang time and let it dwell. I'd use the sprinkler and 6% the more I think about it because your going to have to use some SH to brighten up that stucco the way you want it to be. I would not use 12.5% because it very well might get on something and could. Just my opinion here,,,no "expert".
  16. Sealing Asphalt Drive

    I'm going to need some patch for cracks and holes. I know theres "patch" stuff I've seen it somewhere I just can't remember where, lol. I don't want just some el cheap'o HO crap I want to try to get some of the real stuff I just don't know where to get it. Doe's that 532 work really well. This HO is one of my high end guys and could hire a "real" asphault outfit he just likes to throw anything he can to me. I want to make sure it doesn't come out looking like a bad HO DIY job, thats why I'm asking here for advice. Thanks Alan
  17. See I would try to talk her into letting ME go down for a few months ALONE!!! She don't want to be bothered with all that "wood working" stuff. lol
  18. Still sitting on the fence on dropping some coin or start out on the cheap w/ the 300.00 job from Lowes because I need to order the Delevan roof systm too. I'm getting set up with Celeste and Roger on helping with some jobs over the next few weeks and I want to see what their using and how their using it and pick his brain some.
  19. Deck Staining Help

    I just used the Olympic brown can 5yr Natural cedar on a deck and would not use it again. It came out looking like it was dipped in Hooters wing sauce, orange. It was on pressure treated wood though. I think John only uses the 3 yr toner green can. My HO got what I used from Lowes and said thats what he wanted me to use. I keep hearing more and more about the Armstrong Clark being good. Also the solid color would be easyer.
  20. Sealing Asphalt Drive

    So your finally going to hire someone who know's what their doing eh? :lgbow::dance::rotfl:
  21. Sealing Asphalt Drive

    See thats why I love this sight, especially the sight moto,,,,Educate, Integrate, Motivate,,,,Get nothing but solid sound "Education" advice while "Integrating" into the business to be "Motivated" by the experts here. You guys are awesome!!
  22. Aluminum vinyl siding..

    Be careful,,,lower pressure,,weakest chem solution you think will do the job...Check insurance and charge more and explain there is a risk their house might come out looking like an Air Stream trailer. Shoot that sucker from across the street. (no wand marks) If you even think their going to be picky...pass on the job.... Note I have not done one of these but I have read several places about how easy they are to mark with wand marks and or completely wash the paint off. I don't think I would do one before making sure the HO knew how touchy it can be. I would just use Dawn soap with a weak bleach solution to kill the mold. Let dwell awhile so the bleach will kill the mold but don't let dry. Charge more because you'll be taking your time maybe doing it twice. Explain to HO you'll be going slow and gentle, maybe having to wash it twice, hence the higher price. And that anyone that under bids you might not understand what their dealing with and might wind up costing them a lot more in the long run.
  23. Mixing the witches brew!

    Hey Rick, concerning doing the gutters seporatly I just screwed the pooch yesturday over a deck. Somewhere here there was just a thread about it. I mixed a batch pretty hot because the gutters were not budging. While scrubbing them the drippings over the deck stained the newly redone deck. Yea...not too good....Turns out I was VERY LUCKY because he had just had his roof painted (tin roof shingles) three weeks ago and one of the painters launched a 5er of paint off the house onto the deck and they covered it with another darker enamal...Long story short it was paintable so an easy fix...Had it been stain I would be doing a free deck job. I don't know if it was just the new fresh paint or me mixing it hotter but from now on I will cover all decks or at least the drip lines before scrubbing F-13 over them. I had pre wet it and rinsed a lot and it still stained it. It turned floresent green lol...on a brown deck...Just be carful with it...
  24. Getting Started!!!

    Just make sure in your policy, PAPER WORK, you get from them it list comercial pressure washing. A lot of agents don't really understand it's a specialized buisness and think or assume it's just "lumped" in one of the higher "general policy" with like your lawn care. Make sure you look him in the eye and he know's your face and tell him your water pressure washing homes and roofs so he can't claim he didn't "understand" later when he trys to tell you... "oh,,,well,,, now I see,,,hmm,,,well thats not covered,,,sorry for the mis commincation but I didn't understand you were doing that.....It's not on your policy"... Then tells corprate "that guy never said anything about pressure washing" to cover his arse.