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Posts posted by MudDuck

  1. Why is it that the Log Home resto forum is "private" to members only while the "Wood and Deck" forum and the "Residential washing" forums are not? We have just as much interest in keeping confidential info within our industry as private as the Log forum don't we? I just realized this while browsing before I signed in and was surprised. I mean any Joe Smuckatelli can come on and get info from these forums that need to be protected just as much as the Loggers. This concern anyone else?

  2. I'm with MudDuck in that I think something else is going on here that is not fully understood yet. If MudDuck and I are wrong then louis georges may need the kind of professional help that he won't find on a pressure washing site.[/quote]

    Don't know Len maybe I can be the MudDoc here too,,,Hey Louie waddle on up here and squish right down there and sling some mud,,go ahead get it off your bill...:lol:,,,,,:stupid:

  3. Spam you to what? I took down the site!!! If I really was spamming this forum I would have put on some other offer and keep trying to have you come to the site!

    I'm still confused why you had that sight up with someone else's "book of info" on it...I would think it was "his" sight and you would have no right to take down or if it was your sight what right do you have putting up a sight, and why, with his info on it. I think you ripped someones' "book of info" off and put it up trying to make a sight cool enough to troll our industry's' forums so someone would "inquire" as to your sight developing services.

    When I put up the site the first time I really thought the info on it was good and as soon as I realized it wasn't I deleted it. (I really didn't think it was that bad though!)

    You thought the info was good? and "I really didn't think it was that bad though!"?? Three paragraphs down you say you wanted to learn.....

    I didn't make up the other guy, the book is sign by him. If it was my work I would own up to it, I have nothing to hide!

    No I think you found that info on the net somewhere thinking it was good and created a sight to use to troll these forums or otherwise back door solicit your web biz.

    My "verbatim" post is my apologies. I copied it to all the forums to apologize! This post and the one asking for you're opinion are the only two that I copied and posted to the other forums everything else I took the time post one on one!

    Also the reason I went to those forums it's because they have a pressure washing section and I wanted to learn about pressure washing!

    You didn't want to learn you thought you knew it thats why you "debated" a real pro who tried to set you straight. You even carried your argument over to this and other sights trying to make YOUR POINT and only until you got totally hammered by everyone did you throw up a soft apology and digressed to you were just a sight developer and put that up for a friend.

    You're right about one thing, there's no point to this thread any longer.

    There hasn't been since you admitted you didn't know what you were talking about, you came here defending your sight and then passed the bad info off as somebody else's like a hot potato. Which you only admitted after being bashed by everyone and put in an indefensible position. You came here either phishing or to defend that sight looking to be proven right. Since you conveniently squirmed out from under your sight I think it was phishing and still wonder why you had it up (as your sight w/ right to take it down) to start with and felt the need to span the web defending it if it was just something you threw up for a friend.

    PS: I didn't copy this post to any other forum that one is just for you, enjoy!

    Thanks so much I've enjoyed but still trying to figure out why your still here. You came here supposedly to get our opinion of your sight to prove your point concerning your debate with another disputing it,,which by the way your argument was shot down handedly..I don't mind if you stick around to learn something but I think your sticking around to learn at this point to set up another phishing trolling sight. I don't recall anything you've said concerning being in or wanting to get into the PW business. Just conveniently backed your position up to your just a sight developer or something to that effect after you opened a dialog. Those tactics might work on lawn care sights with 16 year olds and hacks but were grown ups here and can see through it.

  4. Sorry...I meant to say threw together with errors or outdated info.

    So 'why can't' is cause ya can't do one while doing the other.

    Now if ya can throw together site with solid info that works towards bettering the field then great and I say CAN.. :)

    I respect your candid response in stating how that site came about.

    As consolation I can say after reading every page you had up that I found plenty of solid stuff along with the bad that is worth keeping. Pretty good writing if ya ask me... If you were to go back and change somethings and offer up more facts of why some may or may not use this or that chem or choose this or that equipment, etc. then it could be good work. Regardless though of what ya end up with there will always be those that take issue if their way is not deemed the right way. Others may take issue if what is being spoken has room for personal choice yet those choices go unmentioned. Favoring one process or one equipment, etc. without mention of another rubs people wrong way I suppose in that it just doesn't point to homework having been done. You know what they say about pleasing all of the people all of the time..just can't be done. Much in cleaning is subjective.

    To head things in right direction I'll address the muriatic as not all the places it was brung up contained disclaimer info of what it should generally not be used on and even then when it's use was cautioned there was not much info presented as to why.

    1. muriatic is not metal inhibited so it eats metal found in many machines (that said we do have application equipment suitable)

    2. muriatic eats/etches cement which can expose aggregate and can also quiken failure of reinforcing metal within by way of damaging it's protective oxidation through it's ph lowering.

    ..Both aspects can lead to dangerous disaster at grand scale if not respected.

    When it is used on concrete its use is part of a more indepth restoration procedure involving prep for certain coating applications. Such involves some understanding/agreement of material loss.

    MMI lets not forget he doesn't know anything about what he's talking about and claiming now it's someone else's "work" and digressed to he's just a web sight developer....he shouldn't be putting anything up and theres no point to this thread any longer.. He came from a lawn care to a Tree Care sight to here and *** and PTI and.????? HIs post are verbatum from one sight to another...I think he's just phishing for traffic jumping from one industry to another marketing "his" web skills trying to get biz from us to develop web sights for small buisnesses,,,Geez...Beth you guys should really look at this,,I think it's just back door marketing spam..

  5. The last question on the poll sums up a lot. If one's knowlege of flow and applicable pressure is limited to naming colors of a nozzle, then they really don't have a clue as to what they are doing.

    Yea I didn't get that one either,,,LOL...What is this guy peddeling...Is he spamming us? Online forum for TREE CARE professionals? What the heII!

  6. I too am going to be a principle AC user. I've done a few decks with it and have no complaints either whatsoever. Access to Jake Clark about anything has never failed and he has always called me back. I wasn't going to say anything but since ShineBright brought up how dedicated Jake was to us by coming to see him I would like to share kudo's to Jake for coming to see me as well, last Wed after the ACR event. I should be so far off his radar he shouldn't even know who I am yet he drove up from Charlotte where he was spending T day with some family before going back to Ca Friday. We spent the day driving around looking at some of my area and talking. I found him to be very knowledgeable and approachable and had a great time. I tried to get him to carry a good o'l southern PTYP 2x4 back on the plane with him but he informed me he already has some there in testing..LOL

    I am so glad to have found what appears to be a high end product and to know theres a man behind it who cares about us and what we do not just pushing a product. Thats a combination I can get behind 100 percent. I'm going to do a couple more RS just to have some local environmental comparisons of the two but I don't think you can beat AC right now.

  7. I reminded her of our conversation noting that I had price increases on stain aI explained to her how would she feel if she were selling me a house and said at settlement time ..oh by the way my friend got the Realtor fee for less than the 5% they agreed on so I was only going to pay her 4% ....long pause from her and she said she would think about it. She sent me a check for $500 . I cashed it and crossed her off my list. Not worth the effort . Its sad because she used to call me with rush jobs for sellers trying to get their decks done to lock in a sale and I accommodated her. Now the cheaper guy in her area got out of the business. I know this because some other people who left me and went to him called me back because they couldn't reach him any more. I try to leave the door open for customers who price shop to come back. This lady is just one who chose arrogance as a way to deal with me and she's gone as far as I'm concerned.

    When I'm standing in front of someone expecting a check after the jobs done I expect a check and would never let them off the hook by letting them say "I'll think about it",,,Oh no mam I'm here to pick up the check now. Thats what I'm here for. Been there done that,,Did a job over a weekend while the HO was away and was supposed to call me Monday to come and get a check,,after three days of no call no answer on their ph I went to the home (Thurs) and had a lady want to just pay me half of a 1000.00 balance and for me to "talk to her husband" I told her I'm not leaving without a check in hand paid in full and if her husband had anything to do with it she needed to get him there or on the phone right now! I made it clear the job was done exactly to their specfications..They wanted only two of their three decks done and after all was done the one deck looked like crap against the two I did and she thought I should do the third one for free because it looked so bad..This after I pleaded during the bid to let me do it too but NOOOOO she only wanted those two done and made sure I knew it was "just those two, not that one or any of the furniture"....This was a retired school teacher from Fl...

    In your case I'd show up to her office and ask her in front of everyone if her professional reputation is only worth 125.00 to her because for that exact amount your opinion of her will be sealed as a liar and a cheat...Explain as I'm sure she knows your in business TOO dealing with some of the same people around town she does and know what a business reputation means and what it's worth...You can't let people do you that way. Especially people who work in jobs that require them to have license like Realtors and attorneys...ethics are VERY big in those jobs. You might not get your money but they'll wished later they had just paid you...I bet her broker would make her pay up Johnny Quick after you showed up calling her out. She's going to slam you anyway under the pretense you cheated her somehow so I'd dam Skippy make sure I got my money. I wouldn't pay her 125.00 to have the opinion I was a cheat..She's screwing you out of both the money and the reputation...That damage is done you might as well go after the money..After that situation last year I'm going with the policy requiring 1/3rd down...the 2nd 1/3rd after strip / prep...then final payment AT job completion.

  8. I vote for the 2x4 upside the customers head option as defined in post #21...lol

    I bet the contractors already seen that tape and consulted his attorney and plans on doing nothing about it...Just cashing progress payments and letting time run out then demand final payment or default. He can't literally be trying to fix that or else the tape would already be down...Months???...I bet he's got some little "Kicker" in his contract just for this kind of idiot or else he wouldn't still be in the process of doing anything,,, it would just be a go to court deal. Did I understand it's the HO thats "not moving in" indicating their past closing...I bet he's suckering this guy passed some sort of deadline and have to accept the house and or default and lose his deposit. I mean you know this builder can't be trying to still make this guy happy. Thats just not going to happen. My moneys on the contractor having something up his sleeve.

  9. I had an insane customer recently that has left me stumped. Had me restore, stain 4 arbors around their very large home. All cedar 2x2 slats and about 7,000 sq. ft. total. Took me a month but the money was there. It was perfect. They selected a semi-trans stain. When I was done, they said they really needed to "look it over" before they paid the final 75% of the bill. Did not hear from them for a week and when I did it was to complain that they did not feel there was enough product on. I informed them that was not the case and hauled out a ladder so they could get a better look. They said they thought it would look like the fence. The fence was done in some crappy sold stain. I explained that they had NOT chosen a solid stain and had chosen the semi-trans. They said they just didn't think it would hold up if they could "see through it". I have not been able to collect and placed a lien on the property.

    If you would, please tell me stories of your crazy experiences so that I feel better. You know how it is.... I am hoping that your stories of misery will make me feel better.


    I'd send him a certified letter return receipt explaining your position and that how many times you've tried to discuss the matter and his refusal to answer any of them resulting in the lien and if he still refuses to pay you and all cost you'll have no other recourse than to file a complaint with the state bar...They will jump his azz for sure...ethicts are the biggest thing they monitor,,write them a letter explaining the situation and that you now believe he never had any intentions to pay and committed fraud...They will call him on the carpet I guarantee you...

  10. I actually met the guy over Sonic remodels here in AL when they were remodeling our local grease pit. They were installing the pressure wash units in it. He saw my truck and asked for a quote so the place could start fresh for turning the cleaning over to in house. He gave me a list of stores/towns to quote with upcoming remodels. We talked about the employee use of those things and he said they basically burn up the pumps the first couple of uses and then they go back to their old way of cleaning - NONE. They didn't go for my really reasonable figures. He told they were too cheap to do much. I'll avoid them unless I get really slow.

    He didn't want a "quote" he just hosed you to get some figures to put together about how much money they were "saving" the company by putting them in. To make himself look good in his oporations VP eyes...Bet that convo started with,,,

    "Yea I did some RESEARCH and heres how much money YOUR IDEA is saving the company..:lglolly:

    As soon as you said "he saw my truck and wanted a quote"....I knew what was about to happen..LOL...Man never had any intentions on hiring you do to anything...I hate those bastards that waist your time like that....I would have written a letter to the ops VP myself and told him what the guy did and said and asked him point blank were they really looking to get someone to do it for "a clean start"...And attached a $429.32 invoice for the time spent in good faith figuring up the quote he ASKED FOR and apparently had no intentions of acepting anyway...

  11. Shine Bright just know it's an acrylic if your the one having to go back to fix it....I've got a Deck Scapes thats failed in 14 months....From what I've seen and research done and thread I started on SW Deckscapes here I've got a bad taste and won't ever touch it...I'd also research Trex and the like,,,it doesn't have a good reputation here and won't hold up to it's claims, (contrary to company's sales pitch mold will grow on anything) People buy it paying ridiculas price for it under the pretense it's maintenance free, which it's not, and have stopped using it.

    Hey it's snowing again,,,let it snow let it snow let it snowwwww!!!

  12. I agree keep prices the same as they are now..If your hauling water then charge what you would have to do it anyway or maybe even less...Use the opportunity to "show" the HO (or his wife anyway) how good it can look (w/ pro chems and work) as opposed to what was being done in the past w/ HD stuff...I would bring up the water ban so they know it's harder on me because I have to go to tim buck too to haul water,,ya da ya da,,,to create empathy for our biz (everyone likes to crack on govt. regulation) and make my price more tangible but let them know you haven't gone up...YET...and let the next or last greedy bidder get YOU the job....LOL

  13. Very interesting sidework :) Actually, you probably should NOT have used an exterior product indoors - there are additives in exterior stains & sealers that aren't necessary and potentially hazardous for indoor use! Just something to think about if you get to do some more of these!


    Oh I see....:dunno:Thats why when I go to PP at the bar I'm always stumbling around and miss the toilet :headspin:....It's the vapors in the wood...Yea...thats it...:cheers: See I knew I wasn't that drunk.....

  14. 1 fern? How to get around that is tell them in the bid that as an option you can move the furn and plants but charge 75.00 per hr to do it....They'll have them moved when you get there LOL...But yea it's good to network with landscapers so they can shoot you dirty house jobs if they see one and you can return the favor plus replace any plants on the cheap...A land scaper might throw a free fern in just for the lead and an excuse to knock on the door and try to get biz...Plus makes you look good that you send pro's over to fix any issues,,,,,When they tell that story they'll say "Man I figured that guy would have just gone to HD and got a cheap fern to get me off his back but he sent over a land scaper to fix it!! WOW"...A story worth repeating and promoting your professionalizim while doing it...
