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The CleanRx

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Posts posted by The CleanRx

  1. To protect yourself I would ad a Waiver/Disclaimer stating what you are not responsible for (just list whatever you foresee that can happen during the wash process) but can not be detected during the pre-cleaning inspection.

    I would also ad the following message; Customer is responsible for balance on this service contract. In cases regarding unpaid balances where such disputes lead to extra cost in pursuit of balance due wherein collections, customer is liable for all such costs incurred. All jobs are COD unless prior approval was established by (your company rep)It is our pledge to render, careful, thorough, professional service, using reasonable care to obtain satisfactory results. In most cases 100% stain removal is achieved. However, because of the nature of the stains it is impossible to guarantee total color restoration. Factors of installation and/or deterioration that are disguised cannot be predicted in the hand of even the most careful workman. signature indicates that customer has read understand and agrees with these provisions giving (your company name) representative permission to perform the work specified.

    Sign here____________________________________________

    This may seam harsh but believe me it will be beneficial for you.

    Trust them all you want but in a court of law if there is a dispute you must have a signed contract ( your workorder is not a contract unless it stated on the workorder) to verify your word against theirs. After 9 years in business I have only had one bad check and when we went to court with this signed contract I was awarded all funds without having to pay one cent.

    If you break down on paper the various components of the job cost it provides the customer a way to shop you against the competitors. i would explain everything that I will be doing to perform the service without giving them a breakdown of cost.

  2. Here is the honest answers in question form-as to how much to charge plus some advice given to me by the worlds best sales person.

    How much profit do you need to make on each job?

    How strong of a salesperson are you?

    Can you overcome our own price objections?

    If you give people what they want, in turn they will feel compelled to give you what you want.

    Don't worry about the competition they don't run your business, you do!

    Work on building yourself up. It takes less energy to build yourself up then to tare down your competitors. Many times we don't get the price we deserve because we are afraid to ask for it so in hopes of getting the job we try to be the lowest bidder so we can be busy. If all you want is to be busy get a job! Mc Donalds is always hiring. Some guys are real busy all the time but are not making any money.

    If you want to own a profitable business work smarter not harder, have sytems in place. Learn direct response marketing, notice I said direct response marketing and not advertising. Having an ad in the phone book is shutgun advertising and a waste of money. Take direct aim at your target market- use your marketing message to tell your story- work your target area like a farmer works a field.. until the crops grow. Develop a unique selling proposition that will make you stand out from the herd.

    I don't know a whole lot but I know very financially successful people that have helped me along the way.

  3. The advice given by Lance and Beth are very good. I suggest you ad your portrait to the home page, customers are more at ease when they can see whom they will be inviting into their home. You can also ad video to your site, use a video testimonial from your present client base and you will double the response to your marketing. Other things you can do is link your site to others businesses this will help you get more exposure and change the content on your site on a monthly basis so that it stays in the first page when people are doing search for your services.

    Let people know that you use environmentally preferable cleaning products which are safe for every member of the family (use a picture of a child with a pet) and is non toxic so it will not harm their lawn, shrubs, etc you get the point. Be honest if you don't use environmentally preferred cleaning products then don't say that you do. Many cleaning professionals use natural or biodegradable products and then say that they use safe biodegradable cleaning products. Well everything in life is biodegradable at one time or another and on the subject of being natural, well so is cyanide but it will also kill you.
