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Everything posted by Skyler

  1. Hey Cameron, welcome aboard. I'm located right in SE Portland and I can give you some good info. I would rather talk to you privately over the phone or e-mail, though. Give me a call at 503-734-4324. Also, you should spend some time at Grease Police Forums, where only hood cleaners share inside tips. You'll see that most of the guys in this KEC forum spend most of their time sharing info there. Let's talk!


  2. 2008 Grease Police Convention

    I've got my seat, and I'm going to be driving down from SE Portland to SoCal with my truck AND trailer! I don't want to miss out on any of the freebies! How the heck did you get Donald Trump to be a guest speaker??? That's freakin' awesome! You know, when I used to live in NYC, I'd walk past his building and just stare in awe and think about how great a businessman he is. I can't wait to learn from the Donald! I've learned a lot from watching his show already.