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All Surface

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Everything posted by All Surface

  1. door bell ringing

    Been there done that too. This one was about 3 inches from the Pool Deck Surface and under an old window shaker ac unit. OOoooPS! It was quite the smoker. [ATTACH]11765[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]11766[/ATTACH]
  2. Volunteer work.

    I don't think it's Tacky at all. We are working on something similar here with another contractor and we are gonna call the papers and news stations and invite them out. They enjoy covering good stories once in a while instead of all the bad that goes on. If you don't feel comfortable calling then have someone else do it for you. Good karma and good publicity. The way things are going we could all use a little of both! :clap:
  3. door bell ringing

    Hahaha! That would have freaked me out too Dane. In my mind I would have seen myself having to deal with the PM, the electric company and all of the residents who lost food in their fridges. $$$= AHHHhhh!= :banghead: Good thing it was unrelated. :lgjump:
  4. door bell ringing

    I haven't had problems with doorbells but I've knocked out phone service a few times from getting water into phone jacks that i didn't know were there. The last one put out their phone, cable, Internet and house alarm. Yea! That one was fun... Got the phone jack dried out and still wouldn't work. FYI--- If this ever happens. They have to call their service provider and have it re-booted. All done though computers. No Service call. This was done and all was good.
  5. Welcome New Members! ..Introduce yourself

    Welcome to TGS Justin. :beerchug:
  6. 2009 12.5% SH prices

    $1.09 per gal here. Pull up, fill up, pay and go! [ATTACH]11755[/ATTACH]
  7. Tire Marks

    Normally this will only happen on cheap low psi concrete such as the newer stuff they pour nowadays. I would definitely go with a sealer on the drive and see how that works out for her.
  8. How much liability insurance do you carry?

    You are such a slacker Russ... I really think you should up your insurance. :lglolly:
  9. Downstream test

    Looks good Doug. Seee, ds'ing is a whole lot easier. I've been Pressure Washing and Roof Cleaning in Pinellas County Florida for a little over 10yrs. I've never even owned an EX Jet. Ds'ing with the right chem tips will allow you to reach 3 and even 4 stories high depending on wind conditions, lance length etc... It's definetly the best way that I've found to perform House and Buildings Washes.
  10. Is this good time for a roof wash?

    I used to use other methods such as Surface Cleaners and a downstream, High Pressure, in in some rare occations even a rotary nozzle. Since switching to all Non Pressure Roof Cleaning I have never looked back and every Roof Cleaning in Pinellas County that I've ever done has come out fantastic and customers have been very pleased with the results. :dance:
  11. CleanFast USA Economic Stimulus Plan

    I'm no mod but I can tell ya this is no spam. Steve is a great guy and this giveaway is not benefiting him in anyway. Believe it or not, the guy is just doing it because he wants to. Go figure! Someone doing something nice for others? I got the chance to meet him at the Bama RT and all I can say is that his intentions are genuine and in no way benefit him personally. Keep up the good work Steve.
  12. Thanks to the Vendors for the Alabama Round Table

    I'm with Chris. thanks so much for all the support. I don't think alot of guys know how much y'all put into these RT's. I know I didn't until I went to Bama. Great job guy's and Thank You!
  13. WOW! You get things done quick! Pictures are back up on my end. maybe it wasn't my pooter? :dance:
  14. Re- booted my computer and still nothing. All other pics are still fine. Must be somthing on my end. Had Chris Chappell check and he said he could see pics of the awnings too. Oh well! I'll figure it out later. Thanks Mel.
  15. Every pic he posted on this and another bb is just a big empty box with a red x in the top left corner on my end Mel. I saw the pics yesterday and earlier today but now,, Pooof,,, They are gone. :confused:
  16. I noticed all the pics are gone from this and another bb. What up with that? :rolleyes2
  17. New estimate sheet

    Mine also do not have equipt etc... I normally just put-Total price includes all materials, labor and taxes. I would also exclude the % off part. (unless you give a % off to every customer.) You can always write the % off off to the side for those to whom you are giving it to. If I saw that on an estimate and ther was nothing in the box I would be asking ,why not me? other than that I like it alot. Looks good. It's very simular to the 3 part proposal sheets I get from staples. 50 for aprox $18.00. I just rubber stamp them on the top left corner.
  18. Let's discuss linkbacks

    I've actulaay got posts that I made months ago on here that come up on all my local searches thu google , msn, and yahoo for Roof Cleaning and Pressure Washing. Many of them come up ahead of my own website. The key words work real well when using this board. :dance:
  19. 1/2 inch non marking hose??

    All of my high pressure hoses are 3/8 black. From time to time depending on what chems I'm using it will mark up the concrete or pavers. I normally just rinse it off with water. It comes right off! I've never found the marking to be permanent or to be a big deal to remove.
  20. PT state forum - closed....

    Thats not Apples board. It's Don Phelps' board. Chris' board is the RCIA board. I have no idea what happen but why didn't he just throw whatever was happening into the threads gone wild and forget about it? I'm sure he'll open it back up. Lots of guys go there for equipment and chems. I'm sure keeping it down would not help in that department.
  21. PT state forum - closed....

    OK, this may sound like I'm in need of therapy but I'm going through dt's...what the heck happened? I've been busy as heck the past 2 days and come back to find out I can't get my fix! :banghead: Did someone have cabin fever and go into a meltdown on PTS? :lgbugeyes
  22. Please help

    That is exactly what I was gonna post until I scolled down and saw yours.
  23. Are we professionals?

    What I am having a hard time understanding Dan is why you are sooooo concerned with what everyone else is doing across the Globe to the point that it upsets you so much. Perhaps you need to focus a bit more on yourself and your own business and become a success story yourself. Doing so will still not give you the right to butt into other contractors ways of running their business but at least YOU will be able to say you made it and that you are successful.
  24. I've got 200-250 on each reel. All are 50footers and connected with qc's. If a hose blows it's nice not to be losing 100 ft at a time and I can keep on working after I take out the bad section. That actually just happened to me 2 days ago.