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Daniel H

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Posts posted by Daniel H

  1. Hi Daniel H.

    I did notice what I believe is a typo in the services section ( I could be wrong about spelling though)

    on the side of the page ,column going down it says:

    Click on pictures to see the damage from to much pressure.

    I believe to word "to" should be "too"

    I am not positive about this but I think I might be correct.

    I really like the site though. Very nice and great video relative to region.

    If I am wrong I apologise. I think it should be spelled "too", though.

    Good luck with the site drawing alot of business you way.

    Thanks you are right it should be "too" thanks. I have been working on it in my spare time... was up till 3 am this morning working on it (yawn!!!!)

  2. Two things I've noticed with Dan's posts...First, he's typically a negative person. Second, he's convinced that anyone who charges less than he thinks is fair is a lowball hack who is ruining this industry.

    I don't get it either. If a guy can make money charging $100.00/house, great for him! If I'm losing out of business because my prices aren't that low, then maybe I better learn how to sell better or become more efficient or whatever it takes.


    I have only been on all these boards for about a year now... I have been around the business for along along time, on have owned my own for about 8-9-10 years I have lost count.. at least once a month their always a post about, charge more work less... having minimums... are we professional's.. lowballers....if you are closing more than 50% of your estimates your too cheap.... etc

    and its always the same ol'e thing.... to me "my" opinion if you are running a business and it is profitable and you are satisfied with it, don't worry about everybody else unless they ask for advice...

    I would like to give my opinion on something ... ( take it with a grain of salt)

    1. Charge more work less-- GREAT ideal I wish I was the salesman others was so I could do this, we are all business men and want to make as much money as can as fast as we can, but when all your competitor's are in the same ball park with price and professionalism, to me its suicide to raise prices.. They say sell them peace of mind, to get the higher price blah blah... their are only so many ways to describe a safe house wash, how much of a pro you are...

    Like it or not most potential clients wealthy or middle class, will make their decision on price.. and I have found that they usually go with the middle price... cause the cheap one they are scared of, and they figure both the middle price and high price they are going to get close to the same work quality from... especially if both guarantee their work.. ( vinyl will only come so clean no matter how much you pay to get it clean )

    2. Minimums-- I do have a minimum price I will work for... depending on how close the job is to me... if the job is close and I can do it in under an hour I will work for as little as $100 maybe less, call me a lowballer or whatever.. but I will never turn down a "bengi franklin" That I can make in an hour... Sorry..

    3. If your are closing more than 50% of your estimates then you are to cheap.. personally my goal is to close 100%... if I am closing 100% what are my competiors doing? sitting at home? I would be personally hoping they are looking for another line of work cause that Hopson boy is taking over the market!

    4. Are we professionals?-- I think what makes a person a professional is EXPERIENCE... anyone with good credit can have the same equipment I have.. but the knowledge of the business is not there...

    anybody can get in this business... for gods sake all a man has to do is spend an hour a day on these boards.... and be your competion by summer.. have you ever noticed how many guest leark on these boards? think about it we are feeding our comp...

  3. Spending time with my wife and kids......I work 7 days a week so there is not much time for hobbies.. so I have made my family my hobby... I have a 5year old girl and a 2year old boy... they keep me busy!!! If my plans work out in the next five years I will have much more time for hobbies.. I plan on having a couple more trucks on the road doing all this for me! I just don't want to look back and wished I would have spent more time with my young'uns when they was little. The lord has Blessed me with a beautiful family and if I had a hobby with the way I work I might not have a family..lol all my old party buddies say I am the most boring person they know... my schedule is simple wake up go wash trucks come home play with kids go to wal mart buy toys, go to bed... go to church couple times a week and visit with my folks.. thats about it.... :)




  4. If we agree to let gays get married... In a few years we will have to let people marry the pets, cars, money, whatever you can think of... so I say we need to draw the line with one man one woman!!!! that was the way my God planed it to be... I have and ideal we can send all the gay men to a island by there self and and all the gay women to another island and in about 80 years the will all be wiped out cause the cant reproduce by thereselves!!!... once again Evolution proved wrong!!!! if being gay was so "natural" then why havent they evolved enough to reproduce what good is a race of people who cant reproduce!!!! they are not born that way, it is not a disease it is LUST!! they make me SICK!!!

  5. I think Obama and Biden are both jokes!!!!!! Obama is a TRUE socialist pig...

    I would never vote Democrat.. Cause I would never support higher taxes to be patriotic,

    I would NEVER NEVER support any types of abortion especially partial birth! I would never agree with gay marriage... I dont care about the polar bears we need some more oil.. I want to keep my guns...these are just a VERY few reasons I would never vote Democrat!!! If you are thinking of voting for Obama you are supporting Gays, Higher taxes, Killing babies, Terrorist, (you could be supporting the Rapist or the Murderer that could attack one of your friends or family members, Drug Dealer selling to one of your friends or family members How would you be supporting them you ask? Democrats appoints pansy azz judges!) If you vote Democrat even you dont agree with all these things listed above, you are voting this way wanting "CHANGE" you are still guilty of supporting it!!!!!! There is no middle ground!!! VOTE CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN !!!!! where is Reagan when we need him!!!!
