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Mark Williamson

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Everything posted by Mark Williamson

  1. PWNA convetion

    I'm trying to find out how much money I'm going to need. This is my first time going. How much on avarage do you end up spending for the three days. That's air,room,food,cost etc.
  2. PWNA convetion

    Thanks Jon. I see you are in New Mexico now. Me and the wife have been talking about moving out that way. Any pressure washing businesses around you?
  3. I always go and check out what the customer needs that same day. I feel if I already got paid, I need to make sure thay are top priority. I treat it like it was me finding something wrong and wanting it taking care of.
  4. Box Truck versus Trailer

    I have used both. I like the box truck because no hook-ups, equipment stays out of the weather. I dont like the insurance cost vs the trailer reg cost. About $1,975.00 difference.
  5. Who has used SafeRestore?

    I used it on a few dryvit homes this year. It worked great. The only bad thing was it killed the grass very fast!
  6. Business plan, or not?

    I sat down over the winter months a few years back and wrote a business plan. I have to say it opened my eyes to a lot of things I really didn't think about. I think it's something that needs to be changing as your business grows. Putting it in your filing cab and not looking at it is not a good plan.
  7. Any Golfers here?

    I love to play !! It's nice not thinking about work for a few hours.
  8. stucco repair

    I have a stucco home that needs washing. The customer said that a strip about 2' long needs repair first. Does anyone know how to repair stucco? ( I have not seen the home yet) .
  9. Earthquake - Tsunami

    I sat and watch CNN for a few hours yesterday and could not believe how much damage was done. I picked up the phone and called the red cross with my contribution.
  10. Living in New Mexico

    Is there anyone on this board living in New Mexico?
  11. astroids

    Can I play?
  12. I like the graco 190es for my spraying
  13. What's the most gpm and psi I can get from a 16 hp engine with out hurting it?
  14. what's the most GPM I can get?

    I guess I'm at my max with 4.8 at 3000 psi with the 16hp engine.
  15. what's the most GPM I can get?

    I would like to get more gpm. I have a 16hp 4.8 at 3000psi. I 'm not sure if I put a bigger pump on the p/w the engine will have enough power. Lets say 6 gpm at 3500 psi pump. I guess both!
  16. what's the most GPM I can get?

    I know how to get more gpm, I want to know will my 16hp get it there with out hurting the engine.
  17. estimating Sheet

    If you could Dale, I would like a copy of both. mwilliamson56@comcast.net Thanks!!
  18. Custom Set Up Done

    I have to say a box truck is the way to go. I will get some pictures out soon. I have 4 hose reels, 2 surface cleaners,water tank,a generator, air compressor,2 20 gal chemical tanks, 3, ladders, airless sprayer ,2 55 gal drums for soaps, toolbox, and washer and still have room to get around in. There is nothing I hate more then not being able to get what I want with out moving 10 things to get it. After I get done a job a will not leave untill every thing is back to it's spot. This way I'm ready for the next job with no hassles.
  19. Titan 440i

    I got a Graco 190es this year and I love it!! Spraying is the way to go. I got it for $600.00 with shipping on ebay.
  20. Sure-Flow Setup

    I got the pump from Envirospec. The red dolly you see is a set up that came all together. Pump, wand, tank, hose and a place for a battery. I was tired of lugging it around. So I got another tank (Envirospec) and just put it on the black dolly untill I found away to secure the tank. I think I'm going to keep it on the dolly. It's a lot easer to move the tanks away from the wall when I'm filling them.
  21. Sure-Flow Setup

    It's the same 1.8 at 60psi
  22. Sure-Flow Setup

    Yes that should be fine. I was just posting what I thought Ron was getting at. You will love the set up. It's so much faster, just make sure you keep moving. I ran out of stripper one time, I only had 10gals mixed and because it was coming out a lot faster than a pump-up. I had to mix more stripper up at the truck and try to keep the deck wet at the same time. I keep the 20 gal tanks full from now on.