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Posts posted by Cyclone

  1. There are different rules for different people, that's just the way it is....and I'm fine with that, this is not my sandbox.

    When it was your sandbox....when you were a MOD here, you were quite fine with bullying people and abusing your position for personal reasons.

    I don't always agree with Beth's decisions, like when she killed the thread that had Chris Chappell nailed to the hypocrite wall of shame....but at least her motives are positive and for the greater good.

  2. Chris Chappell,

    Find me ONE place in this thread where a name was given. You can't Chris Chappell of Superior Power Washing because the two instances of it have been edited. In fact Chris Chappell of Superior Power Washing the one instance with a correctly spelled name was posted by someone who is close to those individuals, NOT by someone who is at odds with them. So before you, Chris Chappell of Superior Power Washing, try to dictate what the rules are perhaps you ought to read them first.

    How can it be called bashing Chris Chappell of Superior Power Washing if no names are mentioned? It can't.

    However your negative SEO garbage that you and others are trying to pull over on the other forum? Well that's just low, dirty and mean. We all see it, we all get it and you Chris Chappell of Superior Power Washing are a part of that problem, not a solution for it.




  3. At first I thought that this was just a funny post.

    Then I realized that you are probably serious.

    That made it funnier.

    I don't agree with everything Tony S does or says but do we really need forums polluted with images that have no context to frame the situation? A pic of my duct tape-rake-paint-roller-extension-pole-gizmo-device (patent pending) would certainly look silly and embarrassing with no context to frame the situation...that the store bought pole broke when we had 10 minutes of work left and we improvised and MacGyver'd our way to the finish line and on time for dinner.

    In the Army, they called this the "Field Expedient Method" and passed out ribbons and promotions for people that could complete their mission by foraging and improvising.

    I don't expect everything in the forums to be rainbows and butterflies and Tony did earn a lot of the grief he gets but this battling image war between these two guys over an event that's in everyone's rear-view mirror is silly.

  4. Another thread just to bash someone again? Really?

    When will this nonsense finally stop?

    Beth has said numerous times for this to stop.

    This thread is not doing anything for anyone other than to bash someone that John does not agree with.

    This thread really needs to be pulled as it serves no purpose and allowing it to stay says that it is ok to bash people here, it should have been pulled after it was started.

    I thought things were going to change the last time Beth told EVERYONE TO STOP this stuff, again, why is this happening again?

    I expected a lot more professionalism out of a lot of people posting in this thread, especially moderators and people wanting to moderate, by letting this thread stay longer than a few posts is saying that it is ok to do wrong things and make up things about people just to hurt them, not very professional.

    Why is John allowed to start these types of threads only to bash other people, and worse than that, the thread is not even pulled, even when other moderators see this damaging thread?

    Beth told people to stop doing this many times already.

    Pot.....meet kettle

    Your amateurish attempts at google bombing, to control the content on another board through negative SEO is laughable and only fans the flames.

    How would you feel if you woke up one day to find someone had made 10,000 links bashing Superior Power Washing? Chris, Please stop the passive aggressive keyword stuffing aimed at Beth.


  5. I have 115 domains and several hosting accounts. Never an issue here. Their customer service dept has even walked me through "web projects" where they really had no obligation too but did so anyway. Just my take....

    I'm sure there are plenty of people that have never had an issue....most of those probably don't have anywhere near the control panel mileage I log.

    Just the time to make a server tweak on Godaddy is double that of Cpanel. I'm in, done and out of Cpanel before I can navigate to the right Godaddy admin page. I can change a MX entry on hover.com before I can even get to the dns page on Godaddy. Godaddy will time out on any time consuming work....forcing multiple logons to finish. Hosting Admin cannot log into the database without another login....time consuming, the site owner should have access to phpmyadmin automatically.

  6. A few years ago I tried a Godaddy hosting account.....2 hours later I asked for a refund. Their admin panel is horrible...beyond horrible.

    I used to use them for domains.....but a support supervisor laughed at me one day on the phone and wouldn't tell me his name....I moved all my domains.

    Fast forward to today....90% of all the problems we have with customers of our web design is a result of Godaddy. I can install wordpress manually in about 8 minuets, faster yet with a script installer. Migrating a WP install is about the same....5-10 minutes. This latest nightmare has me and another employee at over 4 man hours + about 1 hour on the phone with GD support.....and it's still not running. Last Feb I spent about 10 hours trying to get email for a client to work.....GD's response was it was our settings....I showed the customer the same exact settings working on dozens of sites across two different servers.....

    Even when they screw up, they never admit it.....I've had them tell me to "try it now" and suddenly everything is fine but when I ask what they did, the standard answer is "nothing".

    I'm done with Godaddy.....I won't work on a Godaddy server ever again after today.

    Godaddy is the Thompsons Water Seal of Hosting.....bigger doesn't equal better.

  7. ok, washed the house on Saturday. I used 3 gals of 9% bleach, 2 cups of cascade, 1 large squirt of dawn. I downstreamed with my 2.8GPM 3000psi machine with a push/pull soab nozzle. Here is what I learned:

    * I couldnt reach the peaks with my nozzle, barely reached the tops of my 2nd story windows. Any reccomendations given my machine specs?

    * I learned how important it is to hold the bleach mix on the surface, my mix was running off too fast. I may break down and buy the simple cherry or equivalent.

    * Rinsing was a pain, I need a different rinsing nozzle or something. A garden hose reached higher than the washer.

    * my house is spotty the next day. The trim, where I could reach, looks great. The hardiplank has dark/light spots. I figure it will even out after a couple of rains, blaming it on poor rinsing. Next time, I'll do it when lots of rain is forecast.

    * cascade did good job on lower windows, upper not that great but better. May need an extension brush or something.

    I saw a set of 2 story soap nozzles at HD, are they worth it?

    Thanks for everyones help. I want to wash it again in a couple months, but want to be better prepared. Any suggestions? Should I get an xjet? A soap shooter? What can I do to rinse better? How can I reach the gable peaks with my current machine?

    I think you have a tip problem. If you can't find a 0 degree rinse tip for your machine, drill out one of the pressure tips.

  8. Hey Jivewalker better idea! This will give you a little better results I think. Go to Lowes or similar and get a product in the paint department called TSP SUBSTITUTE it is a sodium metasilicate based product and will give you better results than common soap powder.

    Pat Norman 663-316-7685

    Have you clicked your sig link recently by chance?

  9. No way would I try SH as an engine degreaser unless it was my equipment, and did not care if the paint came off or the chrome was discolored or the glass was etched.

    I clean my engines with hydroxide.....not that hard to get it only on the engine. I can't stand working on a oily or greasy motor.....first thing I do is warm it up, shut it off and hit it with some dawn and caustic in a pump-up.

  10. Cyclone, Great video! If you don't mind me asking, what mix do you typically use for your house wash? Have you done hardiplank? Would you use the same mix on all building materials? Thanks for the reply!

    I use a DS of Sodium Hypochlorite, Simple Cherry and a dash of Potassium hydroxide (10% liquid)

    Yes....I use that on all types of siding except aluminum and usually test painted siding for a reaction. Sometimes I'll hit the foundation of brick, block or stone with a stronger mix in a pump-up if the algae, moss and lichens are real heavy. Most of my calls are for vinyl....I know other areas of the country don't have as much vinyl as we do here.

    I decline most aluminum siding jobs unless it's a paint prep....they are usually so old that oxidation is all the color they have left. Aluminum gets dents and dings over the years and many home owners don't notice them until they inspect the cleaning and many assume were done in the cleaning. I don't get many aluminum calls.

  11. BTW, in 20+ years, very rarely have I had to use chemicals for washing, usually cold water pressure was enough. Only used chems on grease and oil.

    You are not alone...most people outside of the professional cleaning contractors aren't savvy to the tips and tricks. I'm sure most of the contractors that began from scratch as opposed to having worked for someone else also assumed that pressure was all you needed....I did.

    Today.....I don't clean anything without some sort of detergent blend and in some cases, I don't use pressure at all.

    Here is an unedited video of us cleaning the side of a 2 story house in about 10 minutes. You can see the detergent do all the work. We use rinse tips and you could stick your hand in front of the tip and not break skin.

    We did this demo with one machine. As you can see, it took about 10 minutes to do this side. We usually roll with 2 machines....one soaping and one rinsing and can clean a 2 story home like this in a little over an hour.

  12. [ATTACH=CONFIG]19772[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]19773[/ATTACH]I'm bidding a job for a stucco housewash and the shutters are bleeding onto the stucco causing a red stain. Has anyone ever cleaned this without pressure? I dont want to step into this until i know what im getting into.

    I've had success with potassium hydroxide on shutter bleeding.....

  13. Or you could be like a hood cleaning forum and just tell the known troublemakers and douche bags to not waste thier time and yours applying to being with.

    Troublemakers.......seems like a matter of perspective IMHO.

    What good would a forum be if everyone had to parrot the beliefs, opinions and ideas of the forum owner?

  14. Hey all,

    I looked but couldnt find anything, but just wanted to see how you all price for just staining and sealing a fence. Material is raw and just needs to be stained and sealed. Any help would be great.

    Thanks in advance for the the help,


    Xstream Pressure Washing

    I stopped doing wood but got pretty fast at fence. You can smash out some stockade fence with a 1-2 gpm surflow....I used canvas tarps instead of poly. The canvas absorbs the stain so not near the mess. 1 man spraying and 1 man following with a pole brush. Shadow box takes a bit longer.....you miss a lot of inside spots with the spray.

  15. I'm looking at buying an 8gpm cold water machine from Pressure Tek. It has a 20 hp Honda engine with an 8gpm (belt drive) general pump rated at 3,000 psi. I've read that the 20 hp Honda doesn't really produce 3,000 psi with the 8gpm pump but I'm ok with that as long as I get a true 8gpm.

    But will this machine work well with my Whisper Wash Classic for residential concrete? Hot water is not my concern in this particular post. I will get a hot box or maybe even a complete hot water skid later on down the road if I choose to go the hot water route.

    The Pressure Pro 8gpm cold water machine sells for $2,999.00 which seems to be a really good price. Any thoughts or feedback on this machine?

    If this machine is not very compatible with my Whisper Wash Classic I can just continue to use my 4gpm 4,000 psi belt drive machine for resi concrete as it does a great job without damaging the concrete and use the 8gpm machine for vertical structures.

    I do mostly residential power washing but occasionally commercial buildings that are are already my window cleaning customers.

    Thanks for any and all feedback.

    I've considered that same skid.....a few years ago, DJ Carroll showed me his and I loved the range it had with the rinse tip but it was new.....never followed up with him as to how it stood up.

  16. Barry,

    Fair enough. Your statement, "It would be nice (and probably more effective) if they voiced their disgust at both sides (sites) of the mud slinging. Otherwise, it seems a bit disingenuous." is up for grabs.

    I will give a shout out to Jake Clark of Armstrong-Clark wood stains. He has the cohones to post discontent. But I do not consider other manufacturers disingenuous for not publicly posting.

    I'm guessing "org crap" doesn't mean all things Org related....That's up for grabs as well but I take it to be in reference to all the recent opposition discussion directed to one specific Org......drop that crap.

    I never said or implied the vendors that are "not" speaking up were disingenuous....There are people here that cannot post directly on the other BBS and those that cannot post here. Is anyone over at the other site telling them to drop the crap?

    For the record....I don't really do much wood anymore but from 09-11 all I used was AC stain and still refer people that call to his site.
