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Posts posted by PressureX

  1. Hmm, it seems to work fine on my end .... ?

    About the iframes, first I had it so it opened in a new window, then I took HotShots advice, and the only way to do something like that is with an iframe ...

    I dont really know what text to add to that, since PWNC covers it all, lol.

  2. I have done some adjustements as suggested, as in meta description, created an iframe for "myths", and also added the "r" to "you free estimate" :P

    I also actually wrote in the text the "about us"

    I cannot however find any grammatical errors in the about us, MMI, could you point me please?

    Thank you all for the input, please keep them coming! :)

  3. Thanks for the great input! I will sit down and actually write the text, I never knew that with meta tags etc. Either, so greatly appreciated. When I get back home I will write the about us in actual text and add more text to the webpage.


  4. Here is what I do, I use my measuring wheel ($60 at home depot) to measure the length and the width, then I multiply that amount, and whatever the total is of that, I multiply by 0.055 .... then since its at least 2 stories, I add between $70-$100 ..... depending on how "severe" the house is, or how difficult (that is for normal house wash ... i.e.: normal house wash + rinse) the angles are.

    For wash + wax I multiply by (I think, its in quickbooks) 0.061 and so on .... for everyone their own.

    I however do NOT clean the inside of gutters (or at least do not offer it)

  5. Honestly, I have the X-Jet M5 and I can't complain one bit, I couldnt imagine pressure washing without it. I never use a ladder (I use it to apply chems and to rinse) unless its like a 4 story house.

    Which M5 did you get? I do believe there are 3 different one for PSI ranges, I got a 3000-4000 PSI one, and my machine is 3750 PSI and it goes FAR!

    Maybe yours has a little defect?

  6. I simply mix it in with my house wash using cold water and the xjet all at the same time. However I do wonder if there is a better, more efficient way to do this that you actually see a tremendous difference.

    Also, I was curious, does the bleach "overwrite" the wax? Or will the wax still work with bleach? (if mixed together)

  7. So i've done quiet a few estimates, but I have never really looked into it exactly.

    I have a pricing scheme, but nothing really on how to add in extras, like lets say ladder is needed, plants in the way etc.

    How do you add that in (would be nice if you would tell me if you use quickbooks)

    I mean I don't really want to insert an item called "ladder needed" or anything like that, which people can easily see ....

    So my main question is, how do you add in:

    If you have to use a ladder?

    Special care around a lot of garden/plants right by the house?

    Difficult to reach areas?

    You can just send me a PM if you prefer.

    Thank You everybody! :)

  8. I use the X-Jet M5, without a porportioner. I use a mix of 7 gallons of water, 2 gallons of 12.5% Sodium Hypochlorite, and 1 gallon of QWC AllBrite. (I have never tried simple cherry).

    That dilutes the bleach to about 1.5% which works very well for me most of the time.

    If however I need to use something stronger, I mix 1 gallon of QWC AllBrite, with 5 Gallons of water, and 4 gallons of 12.5% bleach. That dilutes the bleach to about 4.8% which obviously is a lot stronger.

    Its nice seeing mold and mildew simply disappear :)

  9. Ok, so I made up a new flyer for the upcoming summer season. I printed it out at high resolution (the original .psd file is over 8MB big ;o) on matte photo paper, it looks awesome, and is very sturdy.

    Now, besides from receiving feedback, does anybody know where I could get high resolution copies made? I was thinking about Staples Copy Center, and they charge about $1.09 / sheet, I was wondering if there was a cheaper alternative that you know about?

    Thanks for the input!


  10. You know I've had a "great" business idea for the slow days (now during the summer), let me know what yall think.

    Set-up at a boating dock connected to the ocean (which we have around here, I guess its location dependant) and offer to wash boats when they come out the water for around $10-$15 / piece.

    Since you have to wash your boat anyways if you leave salt water, most people don't have the time, or willingness to wash it themselves.

    Just an idea, any inputs?
