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tony szabo

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Posts posted by tony szabo

  1. good post!

    In the last 16.5 years I have never required money up front or money down for any size project. I feel this is part of my creditability as a business owner to do as I promise to my customer.

    "I don't get paid until your happy with our work" that is what I tell every customer. I want all my customers to feel at ease with me and my business. If I were to tell my customers that I need money down to buy supplies,labor cost, etc they would think that times must be rough for our business, because we need money up front to operate. If I was to ask for money up front I would not use that excusse.

    It all works out sometimes we get no checks in the mail for a week and the following week we can count the $$ fast enough.

    Keeping the cash flow going is very important and that is what you guys are doing to help run your business, and that is very smart. I sometimes wonder if I should ask for the % down. I just perefer to gain 110% trust when meeting a new customer and that way they will not call someone else for a bid, and they will wait for our quality service we will provide. This has always worked for us.

    Every area is different and everyone' s customer's are different which also effects this type of dission.

  2. All of my guys are laid off and getting unemployment since November. This business is kinda like construction work, and that is what I tell everyone when I do hire.

    We will not start back up until March, but I do have my lead guys go to conventions and shows for education and sales to start the new season during January and February.

    I enjoy the slow time because it gives you a chance to regroup all you thoughts, advertising, equipment maintenance, and work on new target customers and add on services. Also throw in a few warm vacations.

    About 14 years back, find a job.

  3. Randy,

    If you do go with a van or a type of box truck. I would make sure you engine exhaust from you pressure washer is piped thru the floor. We go to a auto exhaust place that has pipe benders to make a custom fit. If you don't do this the exhaust soot will build up over time and it helps keep the heat out of the unit as well. Don't forget you are now in a confined space and you must have excellent ventalation to prevent fires.

    After we buy these type of vehicles I usually have extra doors (small) installed for more ventalation.

    Heat and gas tanks, and engines are not a good mix in a confined space. They can be safe if you do your homework.

  4. How do we qualify who is suiitable for teaching the Trade ?

    Ok, after my beating please understand there is no motive here just trying to help. I may not be a active BBS person, because I'm old school.

    Someone that has a commendable industry trade background

    because of :

    1. long term involvement in the industry

    2. Proven research in the certain field

    3. Proven success in the certain field

    4. Positive effect on guiding people in the correct direction

    Again, guys no motive here. I'm just protecting my best interest and that is my industry. I have been around for years (16) but just not on the computer too much.

    Thanks for the chance.

  5. 10-4 Ken

    But now things are moving in the right direction of speakers and educators that are giving advice at these RT's.

    I had a round table about two years ago and had three well know vendors speak, because of the professional ethics and long term and knowledge of their profession, I knew they would be respected. We also had a Forrest Products Lab speaker of over 25 years of research speak also.

    The event had 43 or 45? attendees from three different states.

    One thing I did wrong was not focusing on more topics. We had some Hood cleaners that lost some intrest in the speakers.


    What about trying to brand your RT with a name for your RT for the future.

    A name that will establish a calling, if you will.....

    The St. Louis wash Zone or The big River guys, etc.... This may help for future noterarity with vendors and newbe's.

    Ok, everyone this is just a thought with NO motive just a idea? Don't tare me up on this one now. Trying to help here.


  6. There is got to be

    Okay I agree that vendors would be qualified to educate us about their products. Proven marketing experts by their peers, well you could get into what is considered "proven" but lets not. I think most people here would consider a Ken F a proven marketing expert for example (sorry to keep dragging you into this Ken). :) Successful pressure washing companies of more than 10 yrs. This one I would personally drop the 10 year or any amount of years thing. To me an x amount of time in business is a poor choice to qualify somebody. The only thing I measure success with in business is PROFITS. So a successful PWing company to me would be a company that's bottom line has been x amount for three or more years in a row. But again it doesn't mean they are also good teachers or even want to share their knowledge.

    This whole thing just seems weird to me. To point a finger at one person or several people fitting all the specific requirements is just silly. It's like you want us all to wander around looking for a leader we can all worship. :lgbow: I personally don't like rules and guidlines, I am more of a freelancer and I like the freedom of choosing who I think is a successful person. I pick their brain and move on, some I become friends with. If I surround myself with successful people there is a good chance I will succeed and that is really all I care about.

    /Tony, I know you are hoping to hear from a person "qualified" in marketing roof cleaning at the RT, because it's a venture you want to endure and that's great. We tried to get another board member from FL up hear to do it but because of some other issues, he has disappeared (which I'm still upset about). He is considered by a lot of people a qualified roof cleaning person and would of been a big plus to have at the RT. I hope whomever we find fits your qualifications and you learn something./

  7. Berry,

    That is a great question. This is where the industry is unsettled, Who's Qualified? Instead of people trying to drag me down because I have not been on the board for a year or so lets do this.

    Time for everyone to go to work here, Instead of the drama lets ALL awnser Barry's Question and get something done here, its apperant that people are interested in this issue.

    Who is Qualified to educate the Pressure Washing Profession?

    1. Vendors of their products

    2. Proven Marketing experts by there peers or industry.

    3. Successful pressure washing companies of more than 10yrs by their peers or industry.

    Now keep this list going and ad to it

  8. Celeste,

    I prefer some times not to post as much because of what is Now happening here. Things are now geting out of text and things are now being said to form negative opinions about people. I'm not in need of the attention or drama that is what this post has become.

    This is very easy

    How can I find good quality education to better my business. I'm sorry, but there are to many out there with not egough experience that are trying to guide this industry. Thats all!

  9. This post got more attention than what I thought. Us old timers just need to help guide sometimes and lately I see new pressure washing companies just starting this business get educated by someone that is a green horn themselves.

    I was not trying to start a class or something or wanting to teach, but to help make sure the new pressure washing guys understand who they are dealing with, and lean towards experience and success instead of popularity or popular names on bbs's for education.

    I agree John, get the education straight from the company that makes the product you are using. Most stain companies do this for FREE. Just call them and ask, they even have great perks to help you get started.

  10. I have done some input into this industry on helping make things better for the new guy on the block. I'm sorry that not everyone see's eye to eye of where to get proper education our where to find it.

    My tool is the Pwna and if you are not envolved with this org. That is why you may not know who I am. I have been around for 16 years in this business and learned things the hard way before bbs's and done somethings wrong by trial and error.

    The new guys are lucky to have the help now with the bbs's, but are they being guided in the right direction? that is my point.

    I tried to help and just to much fingure pointing, blaming others, and people working against each other in this industry. I have burned to much time, money and effort to help, and decided to spoil my family and build my business for the last few years and everything has work out well and things are good.

    I do want more education, but where do we get it from someone with a few years experience and a bbs person with a thousand post.

    You do not see me much on the bbs because I focus more time on my Family and Business. Now winter is here I have some time for the bbs, but come spring my focus is elsewhere.

  11. I'm not trying to offend anyone. Just please step back and research where you get your new education in the pressure washing profession. Just because a certain name or company is all over the bbs's does not make them a quality instructor or industry leader.

    Follow the leader is not a bad thing if you are following the right leader.

    That is why I like to follow the knowledge of the big companies.

  12. I want more education because after 16 years I'm still learning. I Just would like to see the proper education. Whats proper? Its not out there yet. Standards and education all needs to be set to where we are all are on the same page.

    I agree with being part time you still are a asset and could educate but some time the ones that hide and do not use their real name and offer advice and are gone with-in six months and try to do good but just don't know.

  13. I hope this is taken with a grain of salt.

    I see alot of new orgizations and new people and new bulliten boards latley in the pressure washing profession. Is this industry becoming a loose cannon with education, knowledge, experience. It seems to me it is and I do have concerns about the future of our industry.

    How can someone with less than five years experience educate a course or a classroom on a topic just because they had a good season or made their first $100,000? These so call educators and instructors are getting most of their material from the Web ? . In all, may be some good advice, but where that information is coming from is mainly text from another site.

    Just because you spend countless hours on reading and getting tips from a 30 year veteran still does not give the proper education to teach a flat work course.(for example)

    We need to follow the industry leaders that have been around for years and years, that has made millions, that has several employees, that has proven leadership with trust, that has the proper education in their field of pressure washing. The web is a tool for information but not to copy and teach. If you spend all your time on the bbs's and on the phones to find information that means your business is not busy in the field.

    If the new guys gets the wrong information, not enough information, less information that they really need to know they will not last long and black eye the industry.

    We need true leadership that has been around for decades not because someone made $100,000 part time their third year in business.

    We are all in this together and most of us have down time this time of year are are crusing the bbs's. Lets all slow down a bit before somethings get out of control with industry leadership.


    Tony Szabo

    Also why do some people that post do not use their real name?

  14. Great Post!

    Some May know my back ground a bit, but here goes.

    In High School and after I was in the grocery business for about a total of four years. Then working at UPS part-time, college part-time and a car manager part time all at the same time. The car wash company was one of the top 500 fastest growing compinies for about six years in the US. With great and fast pace growth I was hired as a Management supervisor to cover several states. After so long traveling got old.

    Security guard at a nucular plant, then back to the grocery business, then a chemical operator at a 3M plant.

    Started Pressure Washing part time took about three years to make it full time.

    Its been 16 years now PWing

    and loving the life that it has given myself and family

  15. Jnoden,

    Think outside the box! Everytime you leave your home just look around and see what needs to be cleaned. I find Churches, Schools and flat work in my area that need attention and if I had openings to add more work to present them with a proposal and the importance of why to clean and maintain I would.

    Or if you are done with a job Don't tunnel vision back to your home, keep a eagle eye on looking of who need your services, then stop and drop of a business card or something to keep your job leads going. If you stop working on job leads (sales) then it will always catch up, then your business will have slow peroids.

    Must have the passion and drive!

    Another good pratice is to rub shoulders with these people that are extremly successfull. Find out what has worked for them. Eat what they eat, follow the leader type thing If you know what I mean.

  16. Its cool to see the different incomes in different areas of the US

    We started 16 years ago with nothing and this is the first business I ever started. I have always held good paying jobs since High School even working at 3M as a chemical operator and also as a car wash executive at the age of 22.

    Starting our pressure washing business with $xxxxxxx investment in 1991. We now have 7 to 8 full timers March thru November only, and take the winter months off. We now average $xxxxxxx to $xxxxxxx in sales each month with our residential services and commerical services in year 2006.

    Business out look for 2007 even looks better, and ever since 1991 income has always grown and never never has gone south in sales. If you ask me what our expences are we now have accountants counting the money, but I always to try to show a 30% to 70% profit because every job is different. We have employee making $xxxxxx+ in nine months as a crew leader and supervisors making a estimate of $xxxxxx + in nine months.

    We are not the only pressure washing company that makes this type of money. You would not even think that there are a ton of guys doing much much better than us. I have a few close collugues that do Millions in a years sales and these companies are all over the US.

    So all I can say is do not give up if you have the passion and drive to succeed in this profession. Our business started with a $xxxxxx investment and has worked out well, but my goal is to do a Million dollars in sales in that nine month peroid. Still keeping with the winter month off thing to vacation.
