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Rob R.

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Everything posted by Rob R.

  1. I said paint but I actually ment stain, just re-edited..
  2. AC units from windows...

    thanks thats what my intentions were just some trash bags and duct tape and try not to hit them with any pressure
  3. Another question I had was underneath the deck there is a small area of green mold is there any way to remove that w/o stripping the stain in that one area and re-painting?
  4. I hate to ask "dumb" questions but I would rather know the answer.. After rods explanation thats pretty much spot on of what I assumed.. thanks rod and beth for the explanation
  5. this year sucks!

    Its been a little rough, hoping to get a couple more jobs this week from estimates last week.. :/ My plan for advertising this week Get signage on truck and trailer Hand out business cards like there going out of style Keep hitting the papers *maybe flyers and door knocking* but those are extreme right now
  6. great job! I think that customer will be calling you only for the life of that deck
  7. Sodium Hypochlorite At WAL MART ??

    Stopped by my local wal-mart and NO DICE! :/ Oh well, gotta start looking around my local pool supplies places and see what kind of deal I can work..WM was just a convenience option of course
  8. Sodium Hypochlorite At WAL MART ??

    Thanks chris, I just got home from working all day on my PT job, which I get a free phone from but now that I am working my last week there and doing the business full time I am getting a new number this week.. I have not paid a real cell phone bill for over 8yrs!! lol so I'm dreading it! But its the cost of the doing business :/ I guess in the meantime I will add my # if anyone wants too, feel free to give me a shout..I want to set-up a website asap but not sure where to get set-up, just time I have not had.. I know my comcast cable internet has a free web page but hoping to get rid of them shortly..Between biz, 30hr part time job, and building up my car for drag racing it ain't easy.. Damn grillin and beer sounds great but damn I'm tired..I see your in FL, I used to live in kissimmee through the 90's I do miss that weather well just not in the dead of summer :)
  9. by the hour or foot?

    I tried and got this error... An error occurred while attempting to create a folder for your files. If the problem persists, please notify the webmaster
  10. Sodium Hypochlorite At WAL MART ??

    A cold beer sounds good right about now :)
  11. Thanks beth I did consider using my extensions along w/ the xjet but yet to try it out, interesting that you get more footage out of your higher gpm machine...I just bought (2) 6ft wands from sunbrite and used those on a 3 story house last week..Major pita using a 4ft gun/wand with both 6ft extensions (heavy and hard to control) obviously even worse when I was on the ladder! My shoulder was rather sore which is the main reason I pony'ed up the $150 for a xjet.. I have a fiberglass telescoping wand (24') I bought online and its junk! jammed up won't slide back in for some reason.. I will be trying some stronger recipes so I can use less pressure too, I have been DS'ing $unbrites power house rather diluted with chlorox outdoor bleach and dish soap..I will try a stronger concentrated recipe this week, simple cherry and 12.5% with a squirt of dish soap and x-jetting..hope this combo works for me for a long time!
  12. Sodium Hypochlorite At WAL MART ??

    great find! Although not so cheap def may help me out if I need a quick couple gallons since there is a wal-mart right near me (and everyone else in the entire world for that matter lol)
  13. by the hour or foot?

    Good post, I will be stripping my first deck (12x20) monday morning using sunbrite's rip it and then applying the sunbrite wood britener as well...This deck has alot of stain on it as you can see, its behr semi-transparent and the customer wants the same color code back on, not sure if I want to use an airless or to brush it on :/
  14. by the hour or foot?

    I take into account distance traveled, supplies needed (last week I needed to fill my water tank twice) due to customer having poor water pressure due to her well..Use of ldder, or if I have to climb on the roof etc etc.. Take all these into account and base your price off that..
  15. I called namco today $18 for a 5gal plus $6 container deposit..
  16. Need Help With Mix

    Yea this answer for me will come with experiance on different jobs I suppose.. How does this mix do on the gutters, obviously gutters are a PITA but figured this should get them somewhat white again?
  17. Need Help With Mix

    with simple cherry, dish soap, 12.5% sh how long are you guys lettting this dwell? Are most using the xjet with this recipe?
  18. I looked into doing just health insurance for myself and it was rather expensive $300-400 a month ! I don't think I bothered looking into dental.. SO how much are most of you paying for health and dental (no family)? I am a non smoker 26yrs old very healthy great shape, been to the docters prob 3-4 times in the past 10yrs.. Any suggestions on good companys or part time jobs that offer benefits ( ex: I was told UPS PT employees can get FT benefits..? -rob
  19. I have a 16hp briggs&stratton vtwin 3000psi @ 5gpm I got the correct xjet (for 3000-4000psi)... hmmm
  20. well cleaned my first aluminum siding house, just had to be real careful not to streak the siding.. Used outdoor bleach provided by the customer applied by a pump up sprayer let it dwell for a few minutes..turned out ok its getting repainted anyhow this summer customer just wanted ti cleaned up before paint..
  21. bringing this back from the past.. I have a customer who wants there mobile home done and originally I did not ever want to touch aluminum but may give this a shot DS'ing with very light pressure bleach/dish soap but this thread just reminds me of the high risk.. I will have to take a look and see what the condition is and educate him of the risk at which point he may just get it repainted like he mentioned already.. -rob
  22. Making the x-jet easier to use

    To cut down on exposure is most everyone wearing googles/glasses for eye protection and long sleeved shirts/pants with the xjet? Maybe even a little vinegar for the just in case?
  23. I know the olympic works ok with an airless sprayer but what about others such as ready seal? I was told some brands like behr are just to thick?
  24. I am looking into doing roofs as well, how are you applying this? downstreaming off a ladder or on the roof? If I were to downstream wouldnt it add more water and diluting the bleach even more..How exactly are you rinsing it off? sorry for the newb questions
  25. Just curious what everyone has used to clean composite decks? I have never done one before and I am going to be cleaning one asap for a good friends family as a favor. They lost a member of the family and will be gathering at the home after the funeral and have some black spots etc. they would like cleaned...I will take a quick look at the deck/railings tommorrow, also I would imagine it should be cleaned with very light pressure same as wood,, Any advise is appreciated