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Mary Fallon

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Posts posted by Mary Fallon

  1. We bought the house from the original owners in 1996. At that time the siding was already on it. It was fairly new though, so I don't believe the first owners ever washed it, and we have never washed it before either. I know the marks were not there before this cleaning. I have pics of the house of course, but probably not close up enough to show that the siding was undamaged. Never anticipated this problem so didn't think to take close ups so most photos are at a distance. I'll have to go through my pics and see what I can find.

  2. This cleaning was done Monday. I called the contractor Tuesday and he said he will come to take a look at it Saturday. We have already paid him. If he offers to reclean the siding to try to fix it, should we let him do it, or tell him no and call a different contractor to reclean it?

    I'll call the NJ Division of Cconsumer Affairs tomorrow.

    Thanks again to everyone for all the advice.

  3. I just had my cream color vinyl siding power washed by a professional. Now I have what I think are called "wand marks" all over the siding. They are wiggly marks about an inch or so in width that are darker in color than the siding. Is there anything that can be done to fix this?? Needless to say, I am very upset since I hired a pro to make sure it was done correctly. Now it looks worse than before I had it cleaned.

    Thanks for any advice.
