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Posts posted by billbk

  1. I'm not surprised at all by the results you are getting. It is your prep. You took off the open wood, went back to new wood. If it had been pine or cedar, your sealer would have performed better. With ipe, it's like applying to new wood. Wood prep on ipe is a very fine line to walk.....


    Beth.....so would letting it 'age' over the winter open the wood back up so that it will accept the stain better next spring, or should I apply a coat before winter & snow hits it?

  2. I have an old Ipe deck (10+ years old).

    I've stained it off and on in that time.

    The last couple of times have been with wood tux.

    This spring I decided to sand the deck as many of the boards were discolored, wouldn't hold a stain evenly, some areas were greyed out, etc.

    I used 40 grit as recommended on many sites (you apparently don't want the wood too smooth).

    Took the stain nicely.......but now, only after 2 months max, the stain is basically gone & the deck looks blotchy.

    I had done the whole cleaning/brightening process before staining too.

    Would you recommend applying more stain before fall/winter hits (I'm in Minnesota), or letting it sit till next spring.

    Any ideas why the stain disappeared so fast?
