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About buc21jrs3

  • Rank
    TGS Member
  • Birthday 06/22/1978

Profile Information

  • Company Name
    Pressure Wash
  • First & Last Name
    James Andrew
  • City & State
    Charlotte, NC
  • Occupation
    Pressure Washer
  1. Quick Stucco Rust Remedy?

    Thanks MMI!
  2. Quick Stucco Rust Remedy?

    Good advice Don! I went to ACE and picked up some CLR (next to the "R" on the front it says safe for Stucco) and tried it. I did a 50/50 mix and tried it on a non-noticeable spot. I used a spray bottle and let it sit for 2 minutes then used a soft brush followed by a thorough spray from the garden hose. The newer stains vanished but the older rust stains ( > 1yr) only lightened up. Oh well, it looks much better and it was a good, quick fix for the in-laws. Thanks again everyone for the advice!
  3. Quick Stucco Rust Remedy?

    You guys give good advice. Thanks for the suggestions. I may start simple before using any type of acid. Thanks again! The "Rookie"
  4. Quick Stucco Rust Remedy?

    I was thnking the oxalic also but I am concerned with fading the stucco. Can this be diluted enough to avoid the fading issue? I am not experienced with stucco work. Thanks
  5. I'm in FL at my in-laws and I noticed that a few nails in their exterior have caused rust drip stains on their light blue stucco. I dont have access to a pressure washer or the time to order any chemicals that need to be shipped. Can anyone suggest a quick fix for the rust removal that can be purchased from a hone supply store that wont fade the stucco? Thanks
  6. old and new concrete

    who makes rust away? can it be purchased locally or is it mail order only?
  7. How long are you letting it sit on the siding for? I use 2 gal bleach/ 2 gal roadshow (or 1 cup simple cherry) / 1 gal water and let it sit for 3-4 minutes before rinsing with a 15-25 degree tip ( I never use a zero degree on houses) and it cuts away most of the grime. Occasionally I may need to spray the previous mentioned on and use an extension brush (20' does the trick) to cut really tuff grime.
  8. Wand/Pressure Lines in Concrete

    I will try this next week when the cleaner is fixed and let you know the progress. Thanks!
  9. Killing Flowers?

    I use the soap tip to pre/post rinse with h2o and cover with a cheap blue tarp during. I also ask the homeowner to water the night before just to make sure that the grass/plants get plenty of water before any exposure to chemical
  10. Any suggestions for removing a few wand lines in concrete? Unfortunately my surface cleaner (rotory head) died right over a clients front walk yesterday and left a few pressure lines in the sidewalk. They are noticable now that the concrete is clean. Is there any way to fix this? I was going to use a wand but he wants me to wait until the surface cleaner is fixed before I come back and finish the job. Thanks in advance
  11. Res. Concrete

    Coy pond is within 1 foot of the porch/front walk. Looks like just dirt/minimal mildew
  12. Res. Concrete

    would a bleach/water mix have the same effect as the chlorine solution?
  13. Res. Concrete

    If I am only looking to clean up dirt/grime from residential concrete, can anyone suggest a good soap mixture (other than chemicals; Coy pond close by)that would do the job or would a basic surface cleaner with high pressure water only do the trick?
  14. Any suggestions for Sealer Removal?

    Thanks for the advice! I will let you all know how it turns out. BTW, is Xylene expensive? Where have you found it to be cheaper... Lowes, paint supply stores, etc?
  15. Any suggestions for Sealer Removal?

    Thanks Kory; that wont harm the surface will it? Also, how would you recommend using it? Sorry for all the questions...this is new to me