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ShineBrite LLC

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Posts posted by ShineBrite LLC

  1. I just saw this post...

    I've been using AC for close to two years and I agree with the prior post. The favs in my area seem to be rustic brown, woodland brown and mtn cedar. I've done one in natural. The later two are semi-solids. I have had very good results. I order directly from CA and it takes 5 days. That's a pain, but nothing that compares is available any faster around here. One note, the colors in the brochures are not real accurate, especially woodland brown - either get the sample chips or ask Jake and Mark for stain samples and make your own. I always show customers actually wood samples.

    I'm on a 3000+' deck/dock getting mtn cedar and will put pics on my website...

    I can provide pics, and my oldest is a samll one with Rustic Brown.

  2. Basically what I did when I decided to look for better stuff than I could find locally... I did hours of net searches for sealer/stains and I downloaded any date sheets and MSDS sheets I could get. I took notes on all the claims advertised. I knew I wanted high solids, active ingredients and low solvents. I decided on several I wanted to try and started calling suppliers and manufacturers asking for samples and data sheets. After looking at contents, the main objective was to see how they acted.

    I got everything together I could get - piles of brochures and boxes of samples - and a case of chip brushes. Then I went to my shop and cut up a bunch of 5/4 deck boards I cleaned that came off a neighbor's deck. I based my likes and dislikes on common sense stuff like how it works, how it penetrates etc.. Plus I always put a hand in it and just see how it feels and acts on the skin. Crazy, but you can tell a lot. Your going to get it on you anyway.

    I've got AC on some approaching 2 yrs, as my previous post said and I'll be glad to post some pics.

  3. I've been reading you guy's comments for a while.........

    My product of choice is Armstrong Clark. I've been using it for almost 2 years now. My first year in business I was also working in product engineering for a major manufacturer so I started out part time and quickly learned that wood was my forte. Although I run a trailer rig with hot and do a lot of commercial basic PW, I favor the wood jobs on the lake. My family history is sawn wood going back to the 1920s, so I guess it's natural. We sold treated lumber when radius edge decking first appeared and we closed shop in the 90s after my father died. So anyway, back on topic: I tried very hard to use locally available products and even products I could get faster (AC takes 5 days to my address) I've used SW, Cabots, TWP, CWF, and other suff carried by locals within an hour drive or so. So far I have found the AC products to be my best choice hands down. Application is great, allowing time to work it without laps etc, and it really gets into the wood. I've used both semi solid and semi trans in it. More semi solid. And I know it has linseed oil and some folks tend to knock that, but the mildewcide in it seems to be holding it's own very well. I check most of my wood jobs every few months as most are within an hour or so from base and I have jobs in the general area, so it only takes a little while to run by a place and walk over it.

    Two products I have not used that seem to be favorites with a lot of folks are Ready Seal and Wod Tux. Both may be great, I don't know, but I know AC gives one coat results and I like what I see, so I keep going back to it. For the rest on that list, I've either tried them or seen them on wood and still decided the AC was my choice. I've also used a lot of One Time, which is a petrification agent with pigment. It is tough stuff. The wood surface turns hard to the touch and it's like thin motor oil. It has a big odor (for days) it burns your soft skin and it burns eyes and chokes you if you happen to get a wiff while spraying.

    I saw this thread when it first came up and then I saw the AC being discussed and thought I'd join and post my experience. I was on another forum a while back and mentioned it there, but I forget which one. This one gets more traffic. Seems like some names are familiar, though. I'd be glad to mail pics of some jobs. My website, which needs updating, is www.shinebritellc.com

