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Posts posted by Christopher

  1. If you decide to go with 8gpm, keep an extra section or two of supply hose on the trailer as a lot of times I need to run 2 supply hoses to the buffer tank as the 8gpm machine pulls more than what the house hose bib puts out a lot of times.

    I just did a large house yesterday that had good flow until they started washing laundry and/or dishes so I had to put another supply hose onto the tank so I would not run out of water anymore. I am running 3/4" supply hoses to the tank. The tank is a 325 gallon buffer tank.

    Sometimes you will get lucky and the house will have a good supply but don't count on it all the time. I have run into this type of problem on commercial sites also.

    It is a big step going from 5.5gpm to 8gpm, it is so much better and faster on just about everything! Just make sure you have enough supply going to the tank so you don't have to shut down and wait for water.

    Good luck.

  2. I had a partial wrap done on my truck, vinyl wrap on the tailgate and some on the sides and regular vinyl lettering on the sides.

    After about 3.5 years the vinly wrap started fading but the vinyl letters still look great. Now the vinyl wrap is so faded you can barely make out anything so I need to replace it but going to have a different marketing message this time, just not sure what.

    Part of the problem is the company did not have the better quality materials like they have now and now they have the sealers for the wrap or a coating of some kind to help keep it from fading.

    Another part is the South Texas sun most of the year working to fade everything.

    I think if they use the good materials you should easily get 4 to 6 years out of a wrap and/or vinyl letters.

  3. Have you tested your injector to see how much it is really pulling?

    There are a lot of variables like the size of soap nozzle (I have seen 5 different size black soap nozzles being sold) or the downstream nozzle you are using, the size of hose, diameter of hose, gun, wand length, etc.... that will affect how much the injector draws, you cannot just go by what the manufacturer says on the package, those are like guidelines.

    Test your injector with the way you are going to wash houses and figure out your ratio then you can adjust your house wash mix.

    Good luck.

  4. John, try to stay on topic like at the beginning of the thread or start a new thread, you are really confusing me with jumping all over the place, changing topics and BASHING Ron and other members of this site, that is not professional of you to be BASHING members of this site, especially as a MODERATOR of this site.

    I am trying to stay on topic but you keep jumping all over the place and talking about everything else but what stolen content does to a site (original topic of this thread aka the reason this thread was started). If you don't want to discuss the idea of what happens to sites when content is stolen from them then that is ok with me but please let me know what you are trying to talk about so I can keep up with you, my brain does not jump around like that and it is hurting my brain. hahahahaha j/k

    If you are going to keep talking about something (1 thing only) in this thread, please let me know what it will be about so I know as I am trying to stay on topic (original topic of what happens to a site when content is stolen from it) this way we are all on the same page and not getting confused.

    One last thing, please stop bashing members here, that is not only not professional, (especially as a moderator) but it makes you not look good and it shows other members out there that you have no problem bashing members here and they might not feel welcome here as a member. I don't think the bbs owners would like new members getting scared away because of member-BASHING here, it is not a good thing to do, especially as a MODERATOR. Please stop the member BASHING John, ok?

    Thank You.

  5. To build one by buying parts would be way more expensive, not including all the additional shipping charges.

    Then you have the issue of tuning it, this can be a real pain if you don't know what you are doing, especially if you have the fuel nozzle sized wrong.

    Not even counting if some parts are not working correctly right out of the box, more than likely you will have to take it in to the local shop and pay their wages for diagnosing the problem, maybe from $65 to $90 per hour and they will probably take their time on it, when they can get to it (equipment they sell locally will always get worked on first, way in front of stuff not bought from them).

    There are other issues but this should get you thinking in the right direction, buy one already made and preferably working so you can see it working so there is no chance of needing repairs once you get it home.

    If you really need a hot box, I would stay with a reputable brand, search the bbs's for issues with brands and that will help you choose.

    Good luck.

  6. You should give up Chris because your beating around the Bush.. What's in question here is someone just taking people's blogs, pictures, pages or whatever without there permission and now they find out about it and want it stopped. It's as simple as simple as that. What your saying has nothing to do what's going on. And in case you missed it there is someone we all know that has taken site material without permission and some people are not happy about it..

    Do you understand now??

    Actully John, you are off track, here is your beginning of the thread when you are asking if your site ranking will be hurt if someone copies your content:

    [h=2]Copying content from another site??[/h]

    What if you give permission for someone to copy something off your site wouldn't that be hurtful to you also?

    According to this below it would only seem logical to not even let your site be copied even with permission? So being a nice guy here can bite you in the butt, can that be true??



    Stealing copy from other sites is not only ethically wrong and often illegal; it is also not doing you any favours in the search engine arena. Search engines like Google try to rank websites as usefully as possible. In order to provide the highest quality results to their users, they try to eliminate spam sites and non germane sites from their results page. If a Google-bot crawls your page and goes, “Hmm… this copy appears verbatim on 221 other pages,” it’s going to rank your site much lower than someone else’s site that has unique copy on it.

    Like I have mentioned several times, this is written for someone that has stolen content, not for he original content owner, I can see how you might be confused with this.

    Now you are talking about someone taking content without permission and want it stopped, 2 different things.

    It would be nice if you could stay on course but that is ok, we all understand.

    I was posting about the original post in this thread, not about the tangent you have gone off on but that is ok.

    If people out there are unhappy about a situation, why aren't they posting or calling that person?

    Or did they and the issue is resolved already but some people want to add fuel to the fire and manipulate someone to start a thread to bash someone?

    If the issue is resolved with the people that are involved, why was this thread started, I heard this was resolved a couple days ago? Why start a thread about something just to change the subject to talk about something else unless that was the intention?

    It would be nice if these threads would stay on course with the original post, that is ok, we understand.

  7. Greg, is any of your lettering reflective, like what is on emergency vehicles?

    I was looking into that but they want like 5 to 8 times the price for the same thing in reflective lettering.

    Those pictures of that truck are very nice, it came out great!

  8. I give up John.

    You are talking about something totally different than what I suggested.

    I suggested you seek out pros in the SEO, I did not mention anything about anyone taking content or anything else for that matter.

    You were wondering if someone posting your content on their site would hurt your rankings and I told you it would not and to check with SEO Pro's out there, not one guy you have heard about or know but multiple so you can understand what I am saying. That is ok. I try to help you but you go off on a tangent and never return to the original topic of the thread, others using others' content.

    I give up. I can only try so much. Good luck out there wherever you are.

  9. John, Like I mentioned several times on different bbs's, you will have to search out a SEO pro, most pro's don't surf the power washing bbs's, their customers go to them as they are pro's and don't go looking for work, it finds them.

    If you want a pro, use the google, yahoo or bing search button and give it your best, that is the only way you will finally be at peace and know the truth I have been telling you.

    You can ask on every bbs you can find and wait years and years for an SEO pro to answer you but it most likely is not going to happen, you have to search them out for the help you need.

    I know you can do it, good luck.

  10. That is great! hahahahaha

    Hopefully the girl has her eyes open now and understands about money, lazy people and the politicians that want to just give people everything when the rest of us are out working paying taxes for their giving. Wow.

  11. What if you give permission for someone to copy something off your site wouldn't that be hurtful to you also?

    According to this below it would only seem logical to not even let your site be copied even with permission? So being a nice guy here can bite you in the butt, can that be true??



    Stealing copy from other sites is not only ethically wrong and often illegal; it is also not doing you any favours in the search engine arena. Search engines like Google try to rank websites as usefully as possible. In order to provide the highest quality results to their users, they try to eliminate spam sites and non germane sites from their results page. If a Google-bot crawls your page and goes, “Hmm… this copy appears verbatim on 221 other pages,” it’s going to rank your site much lower than someone else’s site that has unique copy on it.

    Read that part again and again.

    In other words, if your site is a copy of someone's site out there then it is considered spam.........when it is on 221 other pages. I seriously doubt that 221 or even 100 other pressure washer sites would copy content from someone from the bbs's out there.

    In other words and expanding on this, if your site has the original content and it is posted on other sites, you are not getting viewed as spam, the 221 other sites are, not you because your site was first with the content.

    I know that little paragraph might be a little hard to understand but to put it simply, if your content is first and copied, you are not being viewed as spam, the other sites are but I seriously doubt that many will copy content from your site, the most at one time copied from my site was probably around 12 or so but there is always a first time.

    Your site with unique copy on it will be the original, not the copy so you should be ok. Don't worry about it but do check with any web professional and they will tell you the same thing if they know what they are talking about. This is what the pro's told me and I listen to the pro's out there, this is what they do for a living and they are good at it.

    Now read that paragraph again.

    It is written towards someone that stole content, not who had content stolen from them. It is almost misleading but read it and understand that they are talking to people that are out there stealing content and how it will not benefit them.

    It is not written to people who are having content stolen from them.

    This should clear up everything so it is all clear as day now for all to understand.

  12. Why waste time your time... Let a vinyl guy do it quick and easy and you go out and make the bucks. Putting our 6th truck in service on Monday and my sign guy knocks them out in 24 hours full color for $900.00. It's by far the best ROI you'll probably ever have so put some thought into it.


    That turned out very nice Greg. That is a great price also for the lettering, wish they had a location down here, can't get something like that for under $2000 here.

  13. Adrian Carrier, Kingwood Texas, ABC Deck Rescue has done great work and has posted pictures of some of his jobs.

    Shane from the Houston area (forgot what company he is with and he has not posted much in years) posted a lot of great pictures throughout the years and has some excellent wood restoration pictures of all kinds of projects like Arbors, decks, fences, etc...I remember he was using Baker's Gray Away and introduced it to everyone out there.

    There are others out there and I will post another name later on, have to go to work but these 2 guys have always posted pictures and their work has always been great.

  14. I would go with a 16" unit up to 19" (classic), Whisper Wash has some great surface cleaners. I would not go larger as you need to have more gpm's for a larger surface cleaner.

    Mosmatic, Steel Eagle are also great brands.

    There are great vendors out there to help you out, some of them post here and on the other sites. You should be able to get one for under $650 online (new), used you can find them for under $300 plus shipping but the swivel might be in bad shape and a new one (depending on the brand) can be anywhere from $189 to $500 more or less or you can have it rebuilt for $125 to $300 (depending on the brand and who rebuilds it).

  15. This thread is too funny! hahahahaha

    The old debate of the downstream vs. X-jet and now...............downstream vs. X-Jet vs. tiny chemical pumps (hard to stop laughing, sorry) hahahahaha

    All are just tools for the job, you decide what is best for you.

    If you want a good overview of what most people do, start using the search button and start reading from a very long time ago and see what most are using, what most people like to use to get the job done quickly. Just because people are softwashing does not mean they are going out and buying an electric pump to apply chemicals to houses as this will not get rid of the dirt dauber nests up high or wasp nests up high or other things up high where you need high volumes of water or to reach up high like over 20'. I have many electric pumps that I use to transfer chemicals and I have several of the X-Jets that I use, probably once every year or two.

    People will be debating this until the end of time and everyone has good and bad things to say about every tool out there, you need to try them and see what you want to use every day and what makes you the most productive and do a great job.

    See how long people take on house wash jobs and compare you to them and see what tools they use vs. what you use and decide what you want to do, don't just take people's word for things, see for yourself and decide what is best for you.

    I will tell you that if you spend some time reading, read what the guys use that do the most house washing will be a big clue, chances are you will not be using 3 different tools on the next job and spending a few hours on an hour job but that is up to you, only you know what your time is worth. If the homeowner has had their house professionally cleaned in the past, they might be wondering what is taking you so long, I hope you are not trying out 3 different tools and say that you are learning how to wash houses on their property, on their time and without a lot of experience, just saying.

    Good luck.

    - - - Updated - - -

    This thread is too funny! hahahahaha

    The old debate of the downstream vs. X-jet and now...............downstream vs. X-Jet vs. tiny chemical pumps (hard to stop laughing, sorry) hahahahaha

    All are just tools for the job, you decide what is best for you.

    If you want a good overview of what most people do, start using the search button and start reading from a very long time ago and see what most are using, what most people like to use to get the job done quickly. Just because people are softwashing does not mean they are going out and buying an electric pump to apply chemicals to houses as this will not get rid of the dirt dauber nests up high or wasp nests up high or other things up high where you need high volumes of water or to reach up high like over 20'. I have many electric pumps that I use to transfer chemicals and I have several of the X-Jets that I use, probably once every year or two.

    People will be debating this until the end of time and everyone has good and bad things to say about every tool out there, you need to try them and see what you want to use every day and what makes you the most productive and do a great job.

    See how long people take on house wash jobs and compare you to them and see what tools they use vs. what you use and decide what you want to do, don't just take people's word for things, see for yourself and decide what is best for you.

    I will tell you that if you spend some time reading, read what the guys use that do the most house washing will be a big clue, chances are you will not be using 3 different tools on the next job and spending a few hours on an hour job but that is up to you, only you know what your time is worth. If the homeowner has had their house professionally cleaned in the past, they might be wondering what is taking you so long, I hope you are not trying out 3 different tools and say that you are learning how to wash houses on their property, on their time and without a lot of experience, just saying.

    Good luck.

  16. I agree with you guy, sometimes people want help and will listen, sometimes they don't and end up listening to the wrong people. O Well.

    I have had good luck with the 1/2" hose I got but in the beginning I was hand-coiling it up on the concrete or asphalt, this is 165' of 1/2" hose. I eventually took another hose off a hose reel and put the 1/2" hose onto the reel. It does take up more room than the 3/8" hose and is a lot heavier.

    I have always used 3/8" hose until the year before last and used up to 600' of the 3/8" hose on most jobs, that Hotsy 5.6gpm 3000psi hot water machine lasted 7 years until the first set of packings needed to be replaced. Last year on an apartment complex I used 1250' of pressure hose since we could not get close to the building with the trucks and trailers and had to do what we could to get the job done for washing the buildings, stairs, and concrete hallways and breezeways. No problem with my pump running that much hose or the 8gpm machine running the same amount of pressure hose.
