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Posts posted by CurbAppealPW

  1. Actually the Curb Appeal PW website was dormant for over a year when this was brought to my attention. I had originally obtained the art work/photos from a web art designer who owed me a favor for some database work I did for him awhile back. I often call on favors from fellow IT professionals in this manner. I’m a full time Microsoft Solutions Developer by profession.

    I used the photos he provided on the proto type website and it was unbeknown to me where they came from. It really did not matter then since technically I was not yet operating and the site was not in production. I would also like to add that never did we publish any claim of the photos as our work. I believe the exact words chosen were “examples of what pressure washing can do…”

    Anyway, to make a long story short, apparently an overly curious individual browsed the site without reference and discovered the gap. They must have used my company name and figured to try the URL because I was sure I did not publish it anywhere. This whole incident should not have occurred at all…

    Anyone who resorts to personally attacking individual character and integrity is not acting in a professional manner by any standard. The tone, demeanor and tactfulness extended my way were severely lacking and personally offensive.

    In my opinion, professionalism is measured by a commitment to excellence, discipline and mutual respect. This seemed more like a Turkey shoot… Administrators and moderators should think twice before they allow threads to go astray in this manner. A good motto is “always keep it professional, never personal”.

    My intent is not to discredit any individual person or persons. But rather actively contribute to this board and others in a professional, courteous and positive manner.

    I look forward to enabling an environment of unequaled synergy with all board members and visitors here alike!

  2. Greetings to all on this board!

    How amazing is it to see so many individuals anxious and swift to pass judgment on others. Let he who is without sin be the first to cast a stone…

    Yes, I am the owner of the website in question. I would like to offer the following comments and observations for all those interested.

    The issue of the photos in question used on my website was promptly and swiftly taken care of once I was made aware of the problem. My website continues to receive updates daily and only original content will be used. Rest assured, the same mistake will not be made twice and I challenge anyone to the contrary.

    With that said, a certain individual felt motivated and compelled to immediately escalate the issue and publicly reprimand my actions. Instead of offering benefit of doubt, immediate judgment and conclusion with obvious prejudice and intolerance was formulated. By choosing the path of hostility and confrontation, rather than peaceful and practical resolution. It seemed self righteously motivated…as if the goal was to embarrass, humiliate and discredit my endeavors. Obvious deeper issues exist that are beyond my compassion where this is concerned…

    I have very little tolerance for those that choose to attack ones persona, integrity and character. Instead, one should try focusing on the issue and not the person. Never have I been so quick to judge anyone for anything derogatory in nature. Personally –or- professionally. This is just simply foolish and inevitably creates unproductive and unhealthy relationships. Not to mention it is immature and inconsequential.

    I am truly hopeful that we all can foster positive and productive relationships in spite of this trifle issue, which has been resolved I might add. Some may consider it noble of those anxious to expose others deficiencies. I prefer to think of it as pusillanimous. Such traits directly reflect on ones character and moral fiber. Subsequently, may we all get along?

