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Everything posted by Frenchy

  1. High Rise Window Cleaning ?????

    Ryan, Are you using a rope setup to power wash or clean windows? The vast majority of houses(residential)in Conn have a minimum 20 inch overhang or more if they have gutters installed. Ninety percent of the time I use Ladders to clean windows on residential houses.The other ten percent I use a lift or flip the windows in and clean that way. If i have to get some work done on the roof I just throw a rope over to the other side and tie off to a tree or use a roof ladder that is designed to hook on the ridge. I haven't had the oportunity to pw a roof yet and while I'm interested in power washing I'm not ready to try something like power washing a roof.
  2. High Rise Window Cleaning ?????

    This is where we open the can of worms......LoL Ryan, Even if Greg had a rope kit I'm not sure He would be able to complie with all the I-14 Safety Regs required to Perform such an excercise. If your on the side of a building (no matter How High you are) the person on the ropes Needs a working line,and a safetyline which are each capable of sustaining a 5,000 lb load. Each line must be fastened to separate Certified anchor.He needs a full body harness, a 3 or 4 ft long lanyard and a rope grab.He also needs a working knowledge of all the components of the System separate and together. A basic knowledge of self rescue is also paramont before going out on the chair. It's one thing to try hanging on a chair and ropes from the rafters of a barn somewhere or even rock climbing or rappelling down a rock face. Its another thing to stop,lock the ropes and perform your trade which requires a span of time to complete.It's generally during this span of time that things happen and something goes wrong.The best preparation for this is TRAINING...TRAINING.....TRAINING.!!! Greg, The best resources are The International Window Cleaning Association @ www.iwca.com AND The Window Cleaning Net @ www.window-cleaning-net.com. The folks at the window cleaning net are My most valuable resource for window cleaning and networking Humbly Submitted, Frenchy
  3. High Rise Window Cleaning ?????

    Greg, you said: The problem is I have never cleaned any windows. Windows don't become clean because of the pattern that's used. First Step: Learn to clean a dirty window on the ground with a strip washer and a squegee. Greg said: I know there is a pattern that professional window cleaners use with soaping and then squeegy. That pattern is called "Fanning" or "Swirling" Greg said: I spoke with one of them and they are bringing in a company from over 500 miles away to clean them about 4 times a year. They are paying big $$$$'s to have it done. I'm sure that there are many window cleaning companies that are closer than 500 miles. Anyway there may be alot of other reasons for that company driving that many miles to do windows. I'm thinking that maybe this company does the windows for the customer that has other buildings closer to the window cleaning company's base of operation. Some of my customers would rather pay me to drive greater distances because they like my quality work and would rather not look for a local window cleaner. As far as the big bucks go...... Insurance (Worker's Comp)(Liability)(Health) Taxes (Social Security)(State Income)(State Unemployment)(Sales)(Self Employment Income) Expenses(Gasoline)(Cleaning Supplies)(Rigging Equipment)(Manlift rentals)(Employee Benies)and on and on... I'm not complaining(Well..... maybe a little bit.) OK What i"m trying to say is try window cleaning on the ground first. If you really LOVE doing it then by all means go for it!!! If your going to do it because your focused on the "BIG BUCKS "then your in for a major letdown.. I would rather do something that I enjoy doing than doing something I have to do because of the money. Follow your Passion and the MONEY will come. Just my Humble Opinion. Frenchy
  4. High Rise Window Cleaning ?????

    Hello everyone! I've been a High Rise Window Cleaner for 15 Years Now and I would STRONGLY Suggest that for this type of work you should find someone who DOES Bosn Chair work And KNOWS What they are doing.... There are way to many things that you need to know(Safety Codes,Techniques,Application of rigging) to Do this Safely and with Confidence. Find someone to teach You how to do this kind of work or Hire someone Please...... You should 'nt have to worry about sweating at all ! If your not comfortable working(hanging) on ropes in a chair , Like I said : I've been doing High Rise Window Cleaning for 15 years and every once in a while a day comes around where I just won't do it because it doesn't feel Right.. I don't mean to scare you....Just my Humble Opinion. Frenchy