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Roof Monster

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Posts posted by Roof Monster

  1. If you have been washing for 5 years you surely have a decent sized database of customers. That is the first place I would tap. Offer your existing clients your service and give them a discount if they can get you some more leads. Explain to them that you are going full time and that you are trying to fill your book. While you are dong that, max out your credit cards, tax your savings, whatever it takes and start advertising via direct mail. I know spending money at this time of hardship may seem crazy but the only way you are going to get the ball rolling is by advertising. If your budget is real low, get a doorhanger made up and start pounding the pavement.

    Or Instead Offering Discounts which will probably be offered at 10%. Pay your existing clients 10% tax free money, example ( job 10% of $500= Payout $50) or (10% of $500=savings of $50 ).its the exact same thing but reversed, which is also called reversed psychology. Quote: Money Talks BS Walks. That Quote is True
