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Everything posted by paul-uk

  1. looks like a good line of work to be in ..are you still doing it...look slike you might have to travel away from home if you did it all the time. paul.
  2. Please Welcome Moderator Jim Foley!

    pull your chair up jim :D
  3. Get a load of this!

    what do you rekon on this....... http://mr-31238.mr.valuehost.co.uk/assets/Flash/psychic.swf :confused:
  4. Hose in the House

    i would go with ernie and let the cold water\ chems and some oxalic(if concrete material) do the trick for you
  5. First Post

    welcome to the board...i think you will find that the pressure washers that work year round do commercial work like...hood cleaning...truck washing and flat work(like drive throughs and gas stations) evryone else hustles depending how bad it is where they live by doing house washing...gutter cleaning cleaning...new brickwork....some winterize thier kit and do snow plowing(www.plowsite.com) not sure if your f150 would cut it but you might have a vehicle that you can throw a plough on :) . someone even said that they put xmas decorations up and took them down after....nice to hear someone trying to keep thier crew together all year round...i am sure its appreiciated by them. there are some far more experienced guys on here that will chip in some states at the moment are rocking with work but be sure they wi ll chip in when thier feet touch terra firma :D . cheers paul.
  6. Get a load of this!

    i bet the second part of that was hard to type alan ;)
  7. Please welcome two more moderators...

    tony.....theres one in the pipe line and remember you asked for it:goodgrief
  8. Who does Awnings?

    i think this is a interesting link..........what i have found out is some sites say its ok to p\wash them and others say it is a no no .......which way do you jump on this one http://www.awningwashguys.com/cleaner.shtml
  9. Who does Awnings?

    i think this is a interesting link..........what i have found out is some sites say its ok to p\wash them and others say it is a no no .......which way do you jump on this one
  10. Welcome one heck of a woodsman...

    they have'nt taken the bark off the cabins i've seen over here...but if they see any of your jobs rich they would make them change thier mind........:cool:
  11. Please welcome two more moderators...

    i would like to second what everett has said and look foreward to able to be a part of this bbs........hey grant ...you know that if i ever make it over there you will have to warm the beer up for me.:cheers: :cheers:
  12. Well, wadda ya think? ;)

    hi JOgden........any chance of a trillian type messenger on here....something like what the green board had ??
  13. Showroom floors and garages

    dont forget to take some pics to show around.
  14. Hapy Birthday Gunn Man

    all the best steve...hope you can have a day off soon :)
  15. Please welcome our newest Moderator...

    about time too.......:cheers:
  16. Well, wadda ya think? ;)

    jon..yeh i agree its looks ok......but the other colour was better on your eyes...just my opinion. JOgden...tnks for the q\reply box :) .....the only other prob i have(just noticed it) is i run my screen at 800 b 600 and the posts are just off my screen to the right which cuts off the last word of each line...unless i can shorten the author box myself ?? cheers paul.
  17. Well, wadda ya think? ;)

    its a lot slower which you are addressing i know and i know that the old colors were easier on the eyes.....white i find a little glaring with so much space on the screen. i like the fact that there is no 1 2 3 4 5 last page and you don't have to keep loading page after page after.... i wish you had a quick reply box..having said that it is one of my favorite bbs's. :club:
  18. rob...keep the patios underneath wet and it will help if any goes on it.
  19. Non-Slip Protection

    derek, have you any sites we could have a look at as this sounds a interesting proposition. how are you finding selling it. cheers paul.
  20. joel ??

    anyone know what he is up to now he has moved.....is'nt he by you beth ??
  21. joel ??

    thanks beth..i agree with you...lets hope he looks in now and again as he was a positive influence on these boards..... paul.
  22. soda keg........looked twice and still carnt find ...can someone post the full link please. cheers paul.
  23. hey rick.......any chance of a picture please.....
  24. http://www.langa.com/newsletters/2002/2002-08-01.htm#3
  25. winter time work

    how come no one does awnings on here ?????