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Posts posted by paul-uk

  1. well mike i am glad you feel better now.....as you probaly know we have no control over the other bb's and we dont invite those views on here either...

    if you are talking about the post on the pwna...it was a obvious flame and was meant to upset some hard working people....the pwna are in a cleft stick situation as they want to be seen for what they are...a open book.....catch 22

  2. 41.65 kbps....With a 56k dial up. No cable, DLS, ISDN, or any other high speed options where I live. I've thought about going with Direct TV's internet setup.....But it isn't cheap.

    mike...checkout www.onspeed.com read all the reviews from the computer mags....for a few $$ its worth a try.....

    cheers paul.

    oh and by the way my resolution is the same as last year...not start to smoke again

  3. I've also been in a subdivision where the homes ran about $400 k (I wouldn't have given half that for them, but that's another story)...customers wanted their patios cleaned, but completely ignored the black streaked gutters and greenies on the walls. It's crazy man.

    part of ryan's post.....i have come across this attitude here and from what i have gleaned i a freindly way is that....is that when they look out of the window when the patio and drive are clean and the garden is cut...the world they see is all rosy as that is all they see most of the time....if they had to sit in thier car for a hour a day and look at thier house they would see the green walls the black gutters and roof...they are very 2 dimentional.....what we need is people who see the world in 3D...LIKE WE DO

  4. joe.....if i had not read your post and someone asked me what i thought the problem was with these bricks with no history of what went before....i would of said it looks like efforesence....if you wet the bricks does the white go away ? if it does treat for efforesence....if not try a brick acid or some graffti cleaner......remember not to clean head on...stand to the side at a angle to the brick so as to not drive the water into the brick....

  5. reed...when you got through with the Forest Product Supply agent....what did he have to say...what was his take on the deck....you should win this hands down but it sounds like the judge will know about the same as the agent !!.
