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Posts posted by paul-uk

  1. jon i know you have a full work book and plenty of work....what i was getting at is it is a hard game and even if you(anyone)wants to get out....it is nigh on impossible to get someone to run your biz for you(anyone)unsupervised........goodluck for the future jon and its nice to have you around....paul.

  2. Oh yeah, dropping a paint scraper from three stories onto my buddies head... Nobody ever really ducks when you say "DUCK" these days.

    nick...thanks for the heads up on that....

    tony....where i eat the wife asks for number 143....it will save you all that fruststration and tripping over pipes and equipment and stuff...

    "Are there any other good suggestions folks have learned on things "NOT" to do while cleaning?".....never tell the cust that you are upset that the little bit in the corner is cracking you up because you cannot get it up to your standard..when they are obviousley over the moon with the job....;-)

  3. near the end of another season and there are quite a few packing in..just goes to show how hard this game is to make a go of it...its not as if you could just get someone to step in your shoes take over from you while you ran it from home.

    just a few...ronp,jon,dale, mbryn.alpha craft.....

  4. scott you are right but i think you will find ccpc is agressive pushing bobs products at every chance....he must get a good discount....

    bob does not have the expense of running a board or the time & expense of doing all the work for the pwna....in the end its down to good manners...for someone who gives all of the above and more for this industry....her time and her dedication that she gives freeley are her loss leaders and needs to be supported.

  5. well jon you have three major events in close succession...retiring...surgery...relocating...pick anyone on its own would be pretty stressfull...so you are doing the right thing taking it one step at a time..goodluck with each one and we will all be thinking of you and remy....cheers paul.

  6. brian...beth has been away for a few days(not advertised on the boards) and is probably catching up on on a pretty big work load that she commits to.

    if anyone has a question about products that the grime scene sells email them directly...if this simple thing is done no one will live hope ;-)....cheers paul.

  7. "Thank you very much and I hope someone can help me with what seems like a lot of questions at one time."....it helps to have 1 question to answer as ther are always several possibilities.

    for the first question a picture would help to answer it....other than 12mnths old we dont know if it has any mildew\heavy traffic or whatever...normaly a light wash with efc38 brighten with a brightener and seal would do the job...on the railings 2 prime and 1 topcoat...do a search on twotone and you will get all your answers

  8. troy when treating efforessence never use full power face on always do it from the sideto try and wash it sideways as you will only drive it back into the brick....witout the proper chems for the job looking at your pic i think you have a big job on....there are a couple of websites i would contact and send the picture to them and follow their recomendation.....prossoco...dietricht...domres.com.....have a look at these sites and read up on it.......paul.

  9. efforessence is salts leaching out of the brick...if you try to p\w it away all you do is drive them back in for them to leach back out again....i doubt if you will find anything local to use..i would dry brush(a stiff brush) the area for a few mins and rinse with a little water and brush again...repeat a few times.

    with it being a small area it might help a bit....sometimes you can only tell what you have achieved is with a before and after pic...you can try a little brick cleaner.....otherwise you need go to prosocco or dietrich(spelling ?) and buy the proper chem....as i said with shipping it might not be feasable...

