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joe g

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Posts posted by joe g

  1. i know this site is for helping out each other so please dont take this the wrong way but there had to be 40 guys in this biz asking for estimate sheets these r simpleton items that u should alredy have or had made up for you too many guys wanna business that sound like they really arent putting full throttle effort in i know everyone will say its about getting ideas but im positive theyll be more guys just throwing there name on the top of it saying this is how we do business.I would be quite embarresed if i gave the same estimate sheet to a customer as someone else did.

  2. ive found that streaks like this r from weep holes has it rained at all where u r most of the time rain will do the job for you ,it always does for me house will dry evenly rather then drying completly then an hour later dirty water comes down from weep hole and dries ,trace the stain it will take u to a weep hole then hand clean stain with a standard cleaning solutiuon using a rag no powerwash this way weep holes cant bleed again on u looked like u had 5 good streaks there goodluck but thats my process

  3. ive found that selling yourself then your company ,then the job will always puy you one step ahead then a guy with a price on the back of his biz card,i always ask how long they lived there or compliment them on there garden or grass find something in common with customer talk about something other then powerwashing for just 3min and the job will sell itself all day,ive been doing this since the early 90s, im 30 started when i was 18 before people even recoginized powerwashing as an option on there list of things to do no offense to the landscaper on adding this as an option but i usally make remark to customer such as you wouldnt hire me come put down mulch or plant a tree so why hire a landscape biz do a pressure wash service?ive closed deals where the price was high like in the 10 to 12 thousand dollar range just for cleaning and sealing 12 decks and powerwashing front of town home and theres plenty of jobs like that just sell yourself then the company ,then the job.Hope everyone has a profitable season right up till december .thanks for your time joe

  4. full time since 97 and love this business make my own schedule ,put my money in my pocket ,answer to no boss i just satisfy the customer first i sell myself then the company then the procedure hasnt failed me yet with lowballers and rain is no concern ide like to hire people but you just dont know who your hiring and if theyll take as much pride as you do ive worked very hard at a customer base and i think they would be dissapointed if they didnt see me doing the work.

  5. ive always used cabot or ready seal, i sealed a deck last year in may this deck got 100 percent sun during day it was on the ocean,i live in nj but i figured i take alook at it as i was driving by there the other day and i was shocked after the extreme winter this year and the amount of sun this deck gets it was still golden in color .This deck ived done every year for 3 years using cabots and ready seal and it never looked like this the following year.i wish i took pix but just didnt think it would last.
