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mick m

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Posts posted by mick m

  1. Sorry to here about your machine issues NewGuy, the positive side your are hopefuly on the way to more reliable power

    +1 mick m, but could the unloader produce some of the same symptoms?

    Hi Griff. I don't think its the unloader. If the bypass is plumbed into the pump, it's still going to get the same amount of water. If that makes any sense. If the pumps not pushing out water it has to be the pump at fault as the unloader is there to divert the flow either back to the pump or to a tank. And as he's working out of his car, theres no tank in the equation. My moneys still on the seals being shot. Or, cracked pistons. I await with interest on the outcome.

  2. I'd be more inclined to go with a belt drive unit.Less stress on both engine & pump & a bit quieter as well. maybe hire a unit to see how you feel about the different set ups that are out there. I know its dead money, renting, but it will give you a better understanding of what your needs are in relation to what you do or intend to do further down the track.

    As for repairing it, theres no reason you cant do it yourself. Clean down the machine throughly, lay out the various parts in order. Take your time. Pay attention to how things come apart & how they go back together. Check everything, then check it again! There's some stuff on you tube showing how its done. Once you've done it, you'll wonder what you were stressing about. As i'm sure you are. But you can do this. Have faith in yourself & good luck.

  3. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news........ It sounds like the pump seals have gone. It's pumping air instead of water. Not good for the pump at all. It ''shocks'' the piston. Kinda like when you miss that last step on the stairs & you jar your leg. the fluctuation your getting pressure wise, is because of this. One second there's water to be pumped, next there's not. hence the drop/rise in pressure.

    2nd, never over fill the oil. In any engine /pump. It needs to be pushed/circulated about the unit. If theres too much, it gets whipped to a foam & you end up with bubbles of oil instead of a constant stream of fluid. The breather hole is there to stop the pump from pressurizing its self. If it cant breath it will fracture the housing. Like you when you have a head cold & it feels like your is going to burst. Then you blow your nose......ah the relief. Same thing.

    So, it's off with the pump head, new seals & hopefully you have'nt cracked any pistons. Good luck with it.
