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mick m

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Posts posted by mick m

  1. Jorge, if you want to make a dollar from this game, you have to spend the $$. Just a fact. 4 gpm minimum! 3,000 psi. Good enough. 18 hp ideal, not so much strain on a smaller engine. Rick said that he didnt think the extra 2gals would make much of a difference........ you've just doubled your cleaning capacity!! Look at it like this; Your house is on fire. What would you rather comes out of the fire hose? 150 gallons a minute or 300........? Thats the difference between pressure vs volume. Good luck.

  2. Its your unloader. Start your machine, squeeze the trigger & at the same time pull out your return hose to the tank, out. Their musn't be any water coming from it. If you have water coming out of the return hose then you will lose pressure at the tip. Make sense? Your pump is sending water in 2 directions because the unloader is faulty. And you cant have the trigger depressed & in bypass mode at the same time.

  3. I also have the 21" Mosmatic (NO CASTER"S) and mine has done the same thing since it was new. Mine really doesn't shoot out but mainly just kind of runs out the holes. At first I thought something was wrong but after using it I thought it might be something that keeps it from forming like a Vortex or Sunction?

    Really woul like to know the reason?

    So....Where is this ''vortex going to come from''? And what is a Sunction? Thats a doozy for sure. if your swivel leaks, you will lose pressure.

  4. Buy, beg or steal a hot box. Hot water is more effective at cleaning & nothing sez ''WOW'' more than a billowing cloud of steam. people equate steam with heat, heat with sanitization = really clean. I was at a large shopping center all this week, knew the security camera's were on me, turned on the heat which wasn't needed. Did the job, went in to sign out at the office & they said, ''Geez we hardly see you for all that steam, looked really good'' So hot water will be an asset, wether you need it or not. Plus it's essential for gum or oil. Go for it!

  5. You never mentioned that you were using ethanol gas before. That is the cause of all your grief. I cant remember why you should never use ethanol in your feul, but there is a definite reason for it. Briggs & Strattton recommend a minimum of 87 octane [91 RON] withup to 10% Ethanol being acceptable. Throw the fan away, & change where you get your gas from.

    They tried adding it to desiel over here in Australia, & it started destroying the seals in the injectors & /or the pump itself in 4x4's. It's got to do with the tempeture that ethanol burns at. So, new fuel new plugs & fingers crossed you hav'nt burnt out an exhaust valve. Keep us informed & good luck!!

  6. To check your low oil sensor, disconnect the wire at the oil filter.[ There should be a spade type fitting there] If it starts up, which it should'nt, it's the sensor. What about the spark plug leads? Are they getting hot at all? But if it's spluttering as you say, I'd lean towards the engine getting starved of feul or it's vapourizing either in the feul line or the carby. No moisture in the tank? Condensation maybe?????

  7. "Home owner association" they are mostly gated community's up here but they like everything more or less perfect. Grass cut every week, House exterior looking clean. You must ask permission or bring it up to the board before you do anything drastic to your home. Sometimes even your door color. I once got a friend in trouble by changing her door lock. The style did not fit the other door locks in the condo area.

    Thanks for the explanation. Why would anyone want to live like that? They may as well of stayed home with their parents, & live under their rules.
