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mick m

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Posts posted by mick m

  1. I guess it really depends on how much work you intend do with it. Is it going to a be a regular thing? Large areas more than small. As with most things in life you get what you pay for. If it's in the budget get the one thats going to last, & not give you grief everytime you pull the trigger. Also, consider your machines flow rate. Will it power the surface cleaner to it's optimum performance? Try as many demo models as you can. Good luck.

  2. Man i have tried many times and can tell you it is the hardest thing to do...only way from friends and family that has quit is cold turkey and 2 weeks of with draws...got to stay strong and win for yourself and your family.....I pray one day God gives me the strength and will to quit!!!!!!!!!!! He is giving you the will just pray for strength.

    The only way you will quit is if you want to. Thats the bottom line. You HAVE TO WANT TO STOP! Try the patch's. I'm assuming their available in the US. There is no craving or withdrawl, you simply DO NOT feel like having a smoke. And before you know it, the smell becomes really offensive to you. This is what your non smoking clients will smell from your clothes, before you even open your mouth. Try this. Go home & take a photo off the wall. Look at the difference in the paint/walpaper color. You might just get a little ''surprised''. As in ''where the hell did all this crap come from''?. Anyway mate, keep it up. Remember, you CAN DO IT. IF YOU WANT TO!

  3. Nicabate patch's. Brilliant! Been 17 months smoke free. Only need ed the patch's for about 5 weeks then one day I realized I'd left home with putting one on, & have never needed them since. I still get the odd moment when i could really cave in, but that pass's in seconds. Should have done it decades ago. Hang in there. IT DOES GET EASIER!!!

  4. Not too shabby. I do a lot of shopping centre paving for a major cleaning Co. that keeps me busy enough. Early morning stuff mainly + the occasional night shift. i know what you mean about the price difference between Aus & the usa. Makes ya wonder at times, who's making all the money. I bought some nozzels for the whirl a way while i was in NZ last year, $10 + gst. Over here $17. 40 + gst. Both were Kerricks outlets!

  5. Hello from Perth Western Australia. Best advice i can offer.....NEVER..NEVER give up! It only take's a chance meeting with someone, who KNOW'S someone, looking for someone [you!] to do some cleaning for them. The exact same thing happened when i first started out. Could not get any work...at all, for month's on end. Then a mate of mine got talking to another dog owner, while he was out with his dog, started walking together, talking about their occupations, turned out the other guy worked for a pressure cleaning co & they were looking for sub contractors.....12 yrs later i'm still doing & enjoying it. Keep at it, think outside the square & go just that little bit further. Free demo's anything to get your name out there. best of luck. Mick
