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Everything posted by Specialized

  1. Equipment for sale

    Its time to hang up my hose. You all have been a great help over the years and I wish you all the best in the future. All my stuff is listed on ebay. Thanks again. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270044390908
  2. Equipment for sale

    Chris, It puts out approximately 3500psi @ 5.6 GPM. Thank You. I'm guessing 2000 hours(?). Very gently used for a 7 year old machine.
  3. Equipment for sale

    Scott don't be sad...lol. Craig, Sorry but my machine doesnt have an hour meter. PW'ing has always been a side business for me so I used it maybe one night a week unless I was doing a big job. Some of the parts on it arent original either. Like the General pump is only abou 1 1/2 years old. It originally came with a CAT pump.
  4. Pressure washing equipment

    I just put my equipment up for sale in Las Vegas on e-bay 270044390908
  5. stupid things

    After a long hard night of washing I backed my trailer into my garage and unhooked it (except one of the safety chains!). Well as I pulled away to park my truck in the street the one safety chain grabbed and yanked the trailer almost sideways (since I pulled off at an angle) ripping out a section of my home, framing and garage door track. But hey, luckily my trailer wasnt damaged.
  6. stone walk disaster

    What kind of stone did he put down? Muratic will work on the light areas but test diffrent strengths before you starts heavy cleaning. He he has extra pieces that you could mess with before you start on the ones already laid that would be great.
  7. Need help mixing raw chem

    If you want reliable chems try http://www.rowlettpressure.com/ he is even located in Ten. I think its someplace called Smyrna(?). I dont know how close that is to you but he wont steer you wrong with his chems.
  8. Gum removal

    ......wash. I'm glad the job went well.
  9. Gum removal

    If you dont have hot water and the concrete is riddled with gum I would pass on this job (my opinion). Yes you can damage the concrete depending on how strong concrete is in your area. If you only have cold water I would avoid the turbo nozzle. Perhaps the owner will let you do a little test area to see if this is a job you could handle without working yourself to death for little money.
  10. Concret solutions

    I move into my new house this weekend and want to epoxy my own garage floor. This product www.concretesolutions.com is available to me locally and was wondering from you epoxy experts if you have every tried it or heard of it and if it seems to be any good. I've done epoxy floors before for friends but they always use Home Depot paints. Any advice on applying this type of epoxy would greatly be appreciated. Thank you.
  11. Concret solutions

    Thank you Craig. I was hoping you would answer. I know all about doing the etch portion. I use to pressure wash for a flooring company and do all their etching. I use to use their etch product though....isnt it pretty much just muratic acid?
  12. sole proprietor/partnerships or corporations

    What is S Corp and C Corp?
  13. Pick for NFL playoff weekend of 14-15

    Its a sad day for me as a Pats fan. I wouldnt mind so much if the Broncos beat them outright but the pats beat themselves (with some help from bad call from the refs). The Broncos didnt have a single drive where the scored. Grrrrrrr.:lgsad: Oh well.....3 outta 5 still isnt bad.
  14. I need a gun

    Jon, My bad.....Sig is also highly recomended. But it also falls under the expensive catagory.
  15. I need a gun

    Ok....I just wanted to answer the "which gun" question but first.... Jon....Police respond to all auto burglaries where a firearm was taken...and no the owner of the firearm isnt responsible for all crimes commited with it until a report is taken. He may be questioned about it...but hes not responsible for its new "owners" actions. Also, I dont eat donuts. This is a new era....you'll find me at Starbucks. For the "which gun" question. I like Ryan's idea of the Glock. I carry a Glock 22C for the exact reasons he stated. But....If I were a homeowner I wouldnt carry it at home because the Glock has very few safety mechanisms. If your not familiar with guns I would go with a semi-auto handgun with a hammer and safety switch....especially if there are kids in the house. If money is an issue then Ruger make a decent low cost gun...if money is no object then I would look at Beretta or HK. As far as the caliber, I recommend a .40 or .45 because they wont penitrate the walls in your home as much as a small 9mm or large .357 or 44 would so kids in other rooms or neighbors are "slightly" safer. I hope this helped w/o causing to much confusion.
  16. Anybody in Vegas?

    Carlos, Yes it is true...but it only applies to watering your grass. The area I live in can only water on Monday until 11am. They havent mentioned anything about PW'in though...keeping my fingers crossed. But with all the snow Utah and Colorado got last year it helped mucho....hoping for a few more winters like that.
  17. Anybody in Vegas?

    Hahahahaha,,,,really sounds like you had fun...I think! No, the business you saw wasnt mine. I really try hard to avoid the strip. The money and quantity of work are great. But I hate working with high pressure water, soap and large crowds of drunk people. The growth has been good for business but just like anywhere else...with more growth comes more 85' Toyota pickups with a Home depot pressure washers in them....I'm sure you can relate. Anyways,,,I'm glad you had fun. You could have left a lil more money here for us tho...haha. :lgmoneyey
  18. Anybody in Vegas?

    Michael, I forgot you were also a P.O......your badge goes along way here. Professional courtesy is guaranteed...hahaha. But sorry...no juice at the hilton. Before Metro I was security at the Mirage,,,,I may still have a couple connects there. Give me some advanced noticed I'll see what I can do.
  19. Anybody in Vegas?

    If ya need a get out of jail free card gimmie a call...hahaha. Where do you stay Michael?
  20. Anybody in Vegas?

    Well...I'm pretty sure I wont be able to meet up with you but if you have any questions before you go feel free to ask. Remember our newest town slogan...."what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas". Have fun.
  21. Stupidity

    Tropical wave, I'm a P.O. here in Vegas and were sending about 20 guys down there. We were told that its at least a one - two month tour without relief. I think i'm going and will probably be leaving the begining of next week. We are stocking up on lots of bean bag rounds and taser cartriges. I guess right now several departments have sent assistance but lodging is a huge issue and they are actually turning help away for now. We will be living out of tents and eating MRE's supplied by the military. I cant wait. Hope my customers dont mind.
  22. Setting up a new rig

    Mark, I'm just curious why you would need a 16' trailer if your taking off the 200 gal tank? One of my trailer is 16' with the tank and I have plenty of room. I should also mention that I hate the trailer because of its size. My 10' ft trailer (without tank) is alot easier to maneuver between building etc and has plenty of room. Good luck...I'd send you a pic of my set-ups but I dont think there what your looking for.
  23. I had to vote "other" because I use ZEP superflash for my concrete and get my Oxylic from a local chemical store. I would love to try other concrete cleaners but shipping and handling always kills me.
  24. 4 years U.S. Army, then security at a major Casino, currently Las Vegas Police Officer. Go Patriots.
  25. Where in the World??

    Las Vegas, NV