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Everything posted by jsavoy

  1. Your Favorite House Wash Brew

    Maybe you missed my point! Lower concentrations do work. He just said by the the time it hits the house it's so diluted anyway. I can wash a house for about $6.00 in chemicals. What time do you save using higher concentrations when the lower one does the same just as fast. Plus having to drag around a bucket, flow injector and everything else. The only thing I carry is a wand with a push pull high pressure low pressure nozzle.
  2. Your Favorite House Wash Brew

    I shock my pool with 2 gals of bleach all the time. It brings it above 3 ppm. I use a floatron to keep alage from growing. Glad yor stating your opionion but your dismissing mine without even trying it. You don't need that much bleach.If it's so diluted by the time it hits the house then maybe it's about the ratio I'm using. rfitz stated he mixed his 25 to 1 that's alot higher then your stated ratio Here is something to read in your spare time http://www.gasdetection.com/TECH/cl2.html
  3. Your Favorite House Wash Brew

    POOL CHLORINE!!!!!!! You got to be kidding. Man I hope you use a respirator. Dude you must want lung cancer if your are not. That's way to strong. That will kill all the plants also. I mix 3 gallons of bleach and a 1/2 cup of liquid laundry detergent in a 65 gallon tank on my rig. Run it through the pump. Been doing this for 6 years now. Works great. That is way to much bleach!! It only takes two gallons of bleach to shock a 12,000 gallon pool! Try my set up you will love it! Dirt and mildew just run off. Just soak one side of the house,walk to your rig switch tanks to fresh water tank and go back and rinse! I can wash an average size house and only have to mix two batches. That's about $ 6.00 for a case of bleach. The gallon and 1/2 bottles from wal-mart, I only have to use two of those to a tank full.