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Everything posted by jsavoy

  1. rinse aid

    I use liquid laundry detergent. It's designed to be mixed with bleach.
  2. Crawfish season is in!!!

    You use swampfire?
  3. Henry you gross over 150K a year. Wow!!!
  4. This is the type I use http://www.usplastic.com/catalog/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=usplastic&category%5Fname=6109&product%5Fid=5869
  5. I found this place while surfing the net. They sell sodium hypochlorite 10% and Oxalic Acid. For those of us who can't get it locally. http://www.brainerdchemical.com/BrainerdChemical/Catalog.asp
  6. Place to buy chemicals

    Yea, That's the problem I was having too Mike. But I found a place today that sells 10% in a 55 gal drum for $1.05 Gal.
  7. Wow Cujo , You need to go read the (New pw org thread). You might wanna retract that.
  8. New PW Org Poll

    Well Like I said before you have my vote. But I do have one little question, How would the PWNA members feel if they were locked out of this BBS!
  9. New PW Org Poll

    Well Beth Your willingness to help so many people is one thing. Your knowledge is another. And you allready where talking about doing an e- magazine. Maybe this is a door that just got opened for you? Some things happen for a reason.
  10. http://www.generalpump.com/cFAQ.asp here is a good link on unloaders
  11. New PW Org Poll

    John sounds good! Come on Beth you can do it!
  12. Concerning PWNA

    Beth & Rod Start your own org. call it PWOA. Power Washers Of America. Beth you certainly have the talent for it!
  13. How many gallons of stain do think its going to take?
  14. Day light savings?!?!?!?

    Hey turn into a poll! I like to see the results. Because I hate it too.
  15. How do you like your Turkey?

    Seymore, Man I do love that Breaux Bridge Crawfish festival! Can't belive I forgot to mention Crawfish. Thank's for the reminder. Also, Beth thanks for the compliment's on the logo. PWNA COME TO NEW ORLEANS NEXT CONVENTION!
  16. How do you like your Turkey?

    If you don't get the peanut oil over 360 you should be able to fry about 5 turkey's with the same oil. You can either strain and reuse it. Or do like we do in Louisiana and get 5 of your buddies together and a case (or 2) of beer and make a party out of it! If you really like fried Turkey, then you need to take a vacation to Louisiana and try some of our other foods. We do cook some of the best food you have ever tried. Like shrimp po-boy's and alligator sauce piquant! Maybe some of you on the PWNA board could get the next convention here. New Orleans has a nice convention center by the Riverwalk. And there is a Casino close by! And Burbon street is right around the corner.
  17. Trojan Horse.

    Was it, about:blank homepage?
  18. estimating Sheet

    As long as your emailing copies I'll take them also thanks jsavoy@cox.net
  19. Your Favorite House Wash Brew

    $450 for a house wash seems a little high. There is no way to get that much in my area. The first house looks to be like a $150 job to me. That's still $75 an hour! Ohh yea I wasn't saying how long or short I could do it either. I was just stating I could do it in that amount of time using my downstream setup.
  20. Your Favorite House Wash Brew

    Paul B I have washed plenty of houses that size. Using my downstream setup. The first house you showed a pick of I could easliy do in 2 hours. The second picture looks like it would be no problem either. I do have a 10ft wand I use and can get most two stories from the ground. Except if there is a upstairs balcony. Hate those. Have to bring in the ladder for those, but the price goes up also !!
  21. Your Favorite House Wash Brew

    FIREDKM email me if you want I posted my method a few post above. If you have any questions I'll be glad to answer them. jsavoy@cox.net
  22. Your Favorite House Wash Brew

    Cool ,Yes I know where chlorine comes from. They make it all around where I live. It comes from brine or "salt water". Ok well thanks for the info anyway. Take care.
  23. Your Favorite House Wash Brew

    Wow where you get it from so cheap? You buy it 55 gal drums? Let me know.
  24. Your Favorite House Wash Brew

    I can do a 2000 sq ft house in about a hour. And for as the pool, my chlorine gauge I use shows the ideal range in the 1.0 to 1.5 ppm range. Hey I'm just trying to help. I tried both ways and found this alot easier. Just trying to help others. If that's they way you like like to do it fine. All I'm really trying to say is that bleach is alot stronger then you might think. A little goes along way.